- Anno 117
- Union Update
Join the Anno Union for Anno 117: Pax Romana

Hello everyone – and welcome to the Anno Union!
We have just revealed our next project: Anno 117: Pax Romana!
Make sure to read our dedicated blog for Anno 117: Pax Romana and watch the reveal trailer to learn more about the game and get some glimpses at what this new entry to the Anno series will feature.
Until the release, we’re looking forward to telling you more about the game, our vision and how we actually go about creating a new Anno game.
All this – and more – will happen here: on the Anno Union! This is your central hub for anything related to Anno 117: Pax Romana, and you can expect DevBlogs, news, trailers, contests and behind-the-scenes content from us over the coming months.
As it was the case for Anno 1800: Our goal with the Anno Union is to not only give you a better understanding of our new game but also give you a better idea of why certain things are done in a specific way, how we make decisions and how many people and teams are involved in bringing such a project to life. In addition, we would love to hear your opinions and comments on the topics we are presenting here – your feedback will serve us as a guideline on if we’re on the right track.
Talking feedback: A very important point will be playtests that are planned (with some having already happened) throughout the whole development phase to receive feedback from various types and groups of players on our game: Is feature X intuitive? How is the balancing at the moment? Is the game doing a good job at onboarding new players? These and many other questions we hope to get answers on to truly make Anno 117: Pax Romana fantastic experience when it ultimately releases.
We also have a few ideas on how we can immortalise our amazing community in Anno 117: Pax Romana – stay tuned for next week to learn more!
We’re looking forward to sharing more news on Anno 117: Pax Romana with you over the coming weeks and months.
All the best from Mainz,
A very excited Anno Team
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Please please please bring continents (not only islands) this time, and real time strategic and complex ground war.
An anno game with those two would just be so amazing.
Coming from a long time huge anno fan !
Liebes Anno-Team,
ich bin großer Fan der Serie seit dem ersten Teil. Anno 1800 ist heute mein Lieblingsspiel. Mit 117: Pax Romana bekomme ich nun ein Anno im Setting meiner Träume. Ich habe auch die Aufbauspiele vom Impressions Games geliebt, die Atmosphäre der Antike war sowohl bei den Römern, als auch den Ägyptern und Griechen einzigartig.
Ich freue mich wahnsinnig auf den neuen Teil und sehe schon gigantische Städte aus Marmor und Gold vor mir. Die Kommunikation mit der Community im Vorfeld von 1800 war vorbildlich, Feedback wurde aktiv im Spiel umgesetzt, so soll es nun ja auch wieder sein. Das wird ganz groß!
Ich hatte leider beim letzten Test kein Glück dabei zu sein. Vielleicht ja jetzt
Ich freue mich jetzt schon sooo sehr auf das neue Anno. Von allen Geschichtsepochen fand ich immer schon die Antike am spannendsten. Das jetzt mein Lieblingsaufbauspiel genau in dieser Periode stattfinden soll …
Ich kann es kaum erwarten. 🙂
Ich bin total aufgeregt und liebe die Anno Reihe seit dem ersten Teil! Freue mich das ihr wieder mit der Community Zusammenarbeitet und Intresse am gemeinsamen Austausch habt!