- Announcement
Anno 1800 announcement

Choose your strategy for victory! Welcome to the next installment in the beloved PC-exclusive strategy city-building franchise.
This is the dawn of the industrial age and the path you choose will define your world. Are you renovator or exploiter? Suppressor or liberator? It’s up to you how the world will remember your name.
In Anno 1800, players will take charge of their own fortune as they navigate the rapidly evolving technological and malicious political landscape of the 19century in their quest to build an empire that will stand the test of time.
Combining beloved features with innovative gameplay in a memorable new setting, Anno 1800 marks the beginning of a new era for the Anno series.
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Very nice trailer!
Can’t wait to see how final game looks and feels like!
Hi Ubi,
As a big fan of the early Anno games, I would like to leave a comment.
Anno 1503 was the best. It was just you and the merchant ships, in the wild unknown archipel. No NPC missions, no north-south civilizations. One map, one world to civilize or conquer. Military gameplay was just excellent, I don’t understand why it changed in 1404. Iso 2D raw graphisms also were more realistic. I don’t want graphisms for kids or for playstation. I don’t need every tree moving in the wind, nor the waves moving around the ships.
I need to produce goods, to have large production chains with a lot of secondary products, from trees to matches, stools and planks. I need more than one type of plank or clothes.
I want my inhabitants to have a lot of needs. And also, I want them to work in my production units. I want to raise livestock, not only for food or leather, but also for working in the fields and with the lumberjack.
Really 1503 was the greatest of all time. My wish and advice is that you take it as it was, refresh and actualize it a bit and implement a lot more production chains. Also you could adapt the 1404’s missions engine to make action story scenarios, implementing in the same time a scenario editor for the gamers. Please that would be soooo great.
i like this game so much, hope that you return to the anno 1404 more attractive features. i hope the moment of realease of these game to buy it without hesitation.
thanks again for doing anoter great game.
Any chance this game will be available without uplay?
Maybe on Steam, or better on GoG…
This looks so beautiful and good, but I know I don’t need to buy with uplay because it will not work… 🙁
i would love it if there were ships you can control like in anno 1404 oh speaking of anno 1404 how about one (or more) regions like northern europe or the caribbean islands that grow specific goods native to that region like the orient in 1404 or the northern hemisphere in 2250, and maybe some more smart competitive computer players. (just saying)
I like your ANNO series very much. They have spent thousands of days with me in the past few years. If ANNO1800 can join traffic management, add transportation, like train ships, to transport passengers, plus spectacular Bridges and tunnels and other construction elements. The best road planning can be more diverse, such as hexagons, ellipses and so on, so I think the new ANNO will definitely bring us better experiences and good memories. Anyway, I’m already looking forward to anno1800. Good luck! Happy life!
Hello Anno Team,
many thanks for this new Anno Release 🙂
I have some Questions to you:
Technical questions…
Will Anno 1800 support …
– 4K resolution with HDR ?
– 21:9 displays ?
– more than 4 CPU cores to increase performance of the game? (multi core development)
Game questions / improvements / proposals…
0. It is possible taht mountains are minimized or disappear by stonemasons ? (more realistic and new feature)
1. Will you be able to build a wall?
1.1 Can this be occupied by soldiers?
2. There will be more than 5 civilization levels? 7 or 8 🙂
3. It would be great if in the Endlessgame always new opponents come, if one was destroyed. One would have the feeling that the game would be endless. What do you mean?
4. Will there be the possibility in the endless game, which increases the map after a time with new islands ?
You can also reply in German 😛
Thanks for your support in advance
Thank you for your work, your creativity!
We are already more than 40 years old. So many games about destruction and war! Lots of.
I ask you to imagine how my wife and I are happy with this news!
Anno is the only game we play! A game where you can do without military action!
Good luck to you!
Aproveitem e façam pelo menos legendado em Português BR e esqueçam a merda que aconteceu no 2205 pois aquilo não deveria nem se chamar Anno.
Amo a série, tenho TODOS os jogos.
Tratem bem os jogadores brasileiros de Anno igual fazem com as outras franquias da casa.
Having multiple regions like in Anno 2205 opens up the possibility to travel/trade between far regions and have unlimited playing grounds. If this can be combined with the way the “single world” is created in Anno 1404 you can have multiple Anno 1404 worlds as a playing ground. Just imagine that!!
I’ll make this short. I LOVE all Anno’s (up until 2205, that was an experiment that based on sales proves DON’T CHANGE THE ANNO SERIES). We want to see our goods produced and transported, we want to have game play all on the same map, no more switching between sessions. We need challenge and quests but please don’t simplify the Anno experience like 2205. Anno 2070 + 1404 are absolutely the best in the series.
Dear developers,
So a good news. A New Anno! Stop the futur, go back to the past 😀
There are some kind of people. By reading comment, the multiplayer part seems to be important.
Not for me (and for some other). What I search is some more difficulties.
I l have some of Anno series, and Anno 1404 + Venice + IAAM3.4 is a good way.
A lot of production chain, a lot of goods reclaims by people.
If it is possible, It will be nice to have the abilities to select the difficulties by the number of good. This will provide a real challenge for solo game (and for multiplayer too).
Commercial route is important too (the boat in anno 1404, love it). This is a big part of Anno, the part o to optimize, protect our ship.
Waiting for it.
Like the other.
My first ship will be called Titanic.
It seem really interesting 😀 As some other people said, I hope some little things we saw in ANNO 2205 will change in this one : no single maps, battle system on the same map, quest system,… (but I never said this title was bad, there was some good things, as the possibility to move building without destroying, the nods for production buildings who increase their production, or reduce the electric use,…).
I’m really interested by this period, I like the architecture, that remind me steampunk style 🙂 I hope this game will be a pleasure for the eyes, and a model among the other titles !
Cheers from Belgium, I wish you the best !!
A ANNO fan
I had a nice time in the anno1404+venice campaign scenario’s. I didn’t try the multiplayer actually because the campaign was very fun. I’ve build a lot of cities all over again on the hard difficulty levels. I think the gameplay should be as strong as 1404 as well as a very tough ai.
I wish the game had more random players from the outside. In de Anno1404 you could choose a number of players and they start at the same time. This is also the maximum number of players in the game. It would be great if the apperance of the players would be random. So you enter your game with a neutral player allready having a city while you are just starting. Also if you defeated an enemy. It would be great if a new player shows up and start building. These new player should have something to offer that you cant get on your own. Not soly based on scarcesness of resources.
It would be nice that if you have managed to build cities on multiple islands you can enter more difficult missions such as strategic battles with alliances.
Good luck!
put in the MP but also leave the option for playing against the computer. it’s a good way to learn the game.
What will the civilisation levels be like/be called?
Are their multiple factions like in Anno 2070?
What will warfare be like?
-Will we have land troops again?
-Will it be restricted like Anno 2205’s combat missions?
Will we have freedom over developing our ports/harbours(?); In Anno 2205 we didn’t seem to.
[…] Anno 1800 allows players to decide their own playstyle with a goal of building “an empire that will stand the test of time.” “Are you renovator or exploiter? Suppressor or liberator? It’s up to you how the world will remember your name,” said the developers in a blog post. […]
please bring back the settings from the anno 1404 and 2070,trading is the heart of this game,and we love to play with friends in MP so hope u people bring back it too,and we hope the reboot to the series gives us some really good games in future.
and please don’t bring any features from the anno 2205,that game was total disaster to the player who played more 1000 hours in anno 1404 and 2070.
agreed 1404 + expansions and 2070 + expansions were with no doubt the best of the anno series to repeat the mistakes made in 2205 would be suicide for the whole anno series. Perhaps a victorian version of 1404 with a much expanded product catalog the research capabilities of 2070 again hugely expanded and a vast array of transport and war vehicle options also reintroduce a version of the armys system in 1404 plus a building customization tool and you have a winner on the strategy, tradeing and customization fronts also on a more personal note some dirigibles and a steampunk addon would be cool
I expect Multiplayer, and settle your own islands like in 1404 and 2070. Fans want this and so do I. I spend more than 6000+ hours in anno 1404+venice and 2070 + deep ocean.
And most of it are multiplayer sessions with friends. This was the ANNO Experience. so we as a community hope to see Multiplayer and island settling back in business.
In the trailer I see ships already so I hope those ships are meant to transport goods from island to island. and friends to friends.
I’m in the same boat….If there is no multiplayer then I will skip it. MP is a HUGE part of the Anno experience and if they are going to release a half finished game then I’m not buying
I spoke with a Developer today. And I told him that I played 1404 and 2070 most of my game time and honestly told him i really disliked Anno 2205 like its not a real anno game.
He laughed and told me you wont be dissapointed in Anno 1800, we will get back to the roots of Anno…
People who like building they can focus on building,
People who like trading can focus on trading and routes.
People who like diplomatic stuff you can do it
people who like settling can settle.
People who like militarization can do it too
we get AI, Multiplayer, Trading routes (not like 2205), random generated maps, endless play and more 😀
We saw more ingame footage’s of the pre-alpha build and it aroused me lool! No but seriously if this is pre-alpha it looks great already and cant wait for the final graphics!
Oh and the Train & Trading routes is a important mechanic in 1800
I was so hiped at this game than I heared about it ^^. My requierments for a good Anno game are the following:
The game really needs a Multiplayer and some Ki-opponents who settle on the same map. I missed this in the previous Anno tittle. It is important that you have competition and this is what made Anno 2070 in my eyes the best game of the fencise. I hope that you will intoduce some diplomatic actions between the Ki and the player(s). Please reintroduce the old combat system from Anno 2070 and before. This was soooooo much better than the last one. Maybe focus on the two branches sea and land battles. And please make a “ask for surender”/ “request surrender” button to the game, so that you dont have to fight a nation/ a player till the end of the game. Afer that you should sign a peace treaty with the nation or the player.
Best wishes from Germany and ceep going with your great work
They already confirmed multiplayer, randomly generated islands worlds, AI enemies and fighting in the actual island world according to a bunch of PC games websites (Here for example: http://www.gamestar.de/artikel/anno-1800-zurueck-in-die-vergangenheit,3318239.html) They also confirmed trade routes. Looks like you are going to get everything you wanted.
Yup spoke with a Dev today… He made me horny what he was telling about getting back to the most wanted anno games like 1701, 1404 and 2070. they listened to the 2205 backlash, and hope that will bring them to the right path of anno!