- Game Update
Anno 1800: Game Update 10

Release date: February 23, 6 PM CET / 12 PM EST
Download Size: 1.41 GB
Open water buildings and Quay Street
You can now build harbour buildings in open water. To connect them with the land and with each other if needed, we introduced a new quay street. Simply drag a regular street out on the water and it’ll automatically turn into a quay street.
Trading Routes Grouping
Trade routes from now on can be grouped, improving overview and navigation.
Comfortable Hedge placement
The new placement system helps to place ornaments like hedges in a more comfortable way.
Send to Island: Arrival Message
You will now receive a message when the ship(s) you sent to an island are arriving at their final destination.
Fill up all route slot
By using a new shortcut, it is now possible to quickly fill up all slots of a new trade route with the same good.
Event Messages: Jump To button
A “Jump To” button was added to the notification of a finished event like the World Fair or a research project.
Ship Navigation: Display buoy
Each checkpoint of a ship’s route is now marked with a buoy in the water.
Bonus Good Display
In the infotip the precise cycle-times (e.g. every third turn) for bonus goods is now shown.
Advanced Piers – Goods in Statistics
The defined “good” of an advanced pier is now also displayed in the list of the Statistic Menu.
Cosmetic DLCs Attractivity
Added a regular attractivity value to all objects of Cosmetic DLCs.
Increased the input storage of Teff Mills in Enbesa
Budgets for NPC traders were adjusted according to the player’s progress level (up to 100.000 in late game)
Balanced buy and sell prices for the items “Polyglot Scholar Rahim”, “Vicente’s Informant” and “Dockyard Tool System” to be more in line with the prices of other items of the same rarity
Balanced diplomacy relationships with certain 2nd and 3rd party NPCs to remove a potential exploit for buffing relationships.
Fixed zero buy/sell price for “Ketema’s Cousin” item
General Improvements
Adjusted ships’ loading/unloading behaviour: ships will now wait with the loading of goods until all unloading actions are processed
Adjusted clicking area close to the construction bar
Improved UI to highlight newly acquired items
Improved Statistic Menu by displaying goods in the graph that are produced in any way, even if the region doesn’t fit
Improved readability of the item infotips in the Statistic Menu
Various improvements were made for the repair rate and loading speed UI
Campaign newspaper and special edition newspaper will now be shown on top of any menu instead of closing them
Adjusted drop zones for trading menus
Added random rotation and variation when placing multiple Scholar residences
Adjusted the object menus of fences to show the cycling feature
Adjusted texts for infotips while using drag and drop feature for items
Polished top bar user interface
Polished Drag and Drop feedbacks for items in Traders object menu
Polished the texts for Items affecting expeditions
Polished slight misalignment for “Undo / Reset” buttons in expedition preparation screen
Adjusted positioning of “Demolitions expert” units to the harbour basement
Improved expeditions UI: “Jump to” button of “Launch the Expedition” quests now leads to the relevant expedition in the expedition screen
Adjusted positioning of morale infotip in expedition meta menus
Improved the UI to show the amount of farm modules with the tractor already in blueprint mode
Addressed performance issues appearing for some players since Game Update 9.3
Fixed several behaviour issues like wrong sound effects with drop zones in all item menus
Fixed incomplete search list of items for specific buildings
Fixed the issue with the “Discard cargo” option when the slots are not full for all ships
Fixed the issue with misleading celebration when the Expansion bonus is not gained after conquering the island
Fixed the issue when “Captain of Industry” Influence effect was not applied to the Spectacle Factory
Fixed the issue with filtering goods in the Advanced Pier if the items tab is opened in the Trading Post
Fixed the issue with the Advanced Piers accepting ships which don’t trade selected good
Fixed the issue when items on ships could not be swapped by drag and drop
Fixed an issue where the infotips in the Statistic Menu were not showing prices and expedition bonuses
Fixed missing infotips for health, capacity and damage in the Trading Post while the item tab is open
Fixed the issue where some Club Rewards were missing
Fixed the issue with missing Club Rewards in the New World
Fixed the issue with showing buttons for Wait For Goods, Unload and Discard Cargo as deactivated in the Trade Routes Menu
Fixed the issue with the ships gathering in one spot after war is declared before continuing trade again
Fixed the issue with “Game saved” notification showing an unnecessary “Click to jump to location” infotip
Fixed the issue with the highlighted “Jump-to” overlay when a new notification is added to the list
Fixed the issue with greyed out notifications when changing session
Fixed low contrast for “All population Tiers” button in Marketplace Menu
Fixed the incorrect infotip showing unlock condition when copying bridges
Fixed the issue when multiple menus could be opened at the same time
Fixed the issue when charter ship could be commanded to “Patrol” or “Move to another region” after cancelling that ship’s charter route in a specific way
Fixed misleading infotip showing “Construct building and modules” for single module upgrade button
Fixed the issue with the lamps of the “Tribute to the Diving Bell” and “Straight Promenade” ornaments not illuminating their surroundings at night
Fixed missing infotip for “undo / reset” button in expedition preparation screen and in direct trade window
Fixed the issue with a “blind spot” in ship inventory that prevented cursor from interacting with an item in the trade window
Fixed the issue when street could not be constructed in specific places on the Ditchwater campaign island
Fixed the issue where hovering the mouse cursor below the “Items” window border will display infotips for not visible items
Fixed locked default skins for Clipper and Cargo Ship if the ship construction requirements are not met
Fixed the issue where the defeat screen could be skipped by pressing a keyboard shortcut for some meta-menus
Fixed the issue where the item reward name was not adapted to the character notification if there are four reward images
Fixed the issue where it was possible to drag and drop items and goods into 2nd party ships of the session
Fixed missing splash damage area indicator for common mortar item
Fixed the issue with the trade button overlapping the goods list in Sir Archibald’s object menu
Fixed the issue for the New World when woodcutter was shown disabled even if it could be built
Fixed the issue when not applied item effects on buildings were visible in the income tab of statistic menu
Fixed the issue with pier worker feedback units walking in masses into the small newsstand and closed the Black Hole with secret space magic.
Fixed the issue when the visual part of an island deposit’s buttons were not displayed for all deposits if island has 5 or more ores in it
Fixed the issue when not all goods were displayed in the trade route preview if all slots of the Great Eastern were used
Fixed the issue with the second page of the Botanical Garden showing unavailable items
Fixed the issue where the whole Palace was moved when copying a few of its modules
Fixed the issue where Scholars islands had no incidents. Especially with all that partying…
Fixed the issue where Fuel Stations in Enbesa destroyed canals in front of their exits when built
Fixed an audio issue where Sir Achibald’s voice played instead of Emperor Ketema’s in the quest “Taborime Dreams”
Fixed a flickering workforce warning sign during the workforce decrease both in the Research institute’s object and meta menus
Fixed the issue with disappearing water from the Clearwater Pool with increased camera distance
Graphics & User Interface
Fixed the issue with the filter in the Research Institute when opened from the Statistics Menu
Fixed the issue with the “Donate to Science” shortcut button for German language
Added sources for “Poster of the Leader” in the item overview
Fixed formatting and icon for Repair Crane object menu
Fixed the issue with the text of the Taborime Harbormaster’s Register being longer than the asset itself for some languages
Fixed an issue with the translations of the “Scholars” tab in the building menu
Fixed a formatting error in multiplayer lobbies for German language
Fixed an issue where an empty expedition menu appeared after opening an unlocked region for co-op players in multiplayer mode
Fixed an issue where different portraits were being displayed for a co-op savegame as loading profile and in the diplomacy menus when the host’s portrait is not unlocked on the other player’s account
Fixed the issue where the player who is NOT first to settle Enbesa, will receive Ketema’s explanation about shepherds/elders only, when the first player to settle Enbesa meets the conditions
Fixed the issue where players could delete blueprint buildings of a competitor
Fixed an issue where the warning “You cannot affect your diplomatic relationship” was overlapped by diplomatic action buttons in the diplomacy meta menu for a second party of the same team
Fixed the issue where the co-op player profile box was shifted for the “invitation in pending” status if the re-invited player had a long nickname
Fixed multiplayer issue where the AI sent “Silo Built” appreciation messages to all players instead of only the player that built them
Fixed the issue in the multiplayer lobby where “Construction cost refunds” were mentioned three times in the settings overview
Added more items for completing the “Capital of Culture” quest (Sunken Treasures)
Fixed the issue where players could not unlock the Airship Hangar if the “The Passage” storyline was cancelled
Fixed an incorrect objective text for the “A Prince in Progress” quest
Adjusted the questline for unlocking and building the Research Institute so NPC communication and being able to build the Institute are more in line
Fixed inconsistent text for the quest “Angereb: A Traitor’s Choice”
Fixed the story blocker that happened after destroying the Harbour before picking Sir John`s Logbook
Fixed the issue where the Artisan’s quest “Sound of Music” could be triggered when the Church was not constructed yet
Localization & Text
Fixed translation of the “Gods of the Delta” description for Traditional and Simplified Chinese languages
Added localization for the “Diving Spot Discovered” message for the “Sunken Treasures” DLC
Added German translation for the description of the “Accept all visitors” option
Fixed the issue where tips about Angereb and Waha Desher on the loading screen were shown only in English
Fixed missing translation for all languages except English for “Amusement Park Ornament” in the infotip and object menu
Fixed missing translation for all languages except English for “City Lights Ornament” in the infotip and object menu
Fixed missing translation for all languages except English for “Christmas Ornament” in the infotip and object menu
Polished Russian and Polish translations for World’s Fair: Infrastructure construction phase
Added translation for “Affects Trade Unions” line in the infotip of the “Gods of the delta” museum set for all languages now
Added translations for the text of shepherd’s speech in the Accept/Decline notification of the quest “Confessional – Recompense”
Fixed confusing text for the reward notification for the quest “The Great Exhibition”
Fixed various typos and adjusted texts for the “Land of Lions” DLC
Fixed inconsistent names of the “City Lights” Cosmetic DLC shown in both Ubisoft Connect and the game
Fixed names of the “Market Stall” and “Outdoor Table” ornaments
Fixed text issue for Princess Qing in the Diplomacy Screen
Fixed the typo for “Fish” in the Zoo Menu
Fixed missing spaces between sentences in the “Finding Sarmento” event of the “Finding Isabel Sarmento” campaign expedition