- Anno 1800
- Game Update
Anno 1800: Game Update 12

Release date: August 31, 6 PM CEST / 12 PM EDT
Download Size: 2 GB
Support for “The High Life”
- Game Update 12 adds support for our third Season 3 DLC, “The High Life”, for all Season 3 Pass owners. “The High Life” will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from August 31st onwards.
Ship arrival notifications
- Players can activate arrival notifications for ships sent to a destination in the same session.
Multi-downgrade tool
- By keeping the ALT button pressed when upgrading, multiple buildings can be selected and downgraded
Send to NPC island option
- When sending a ship to a different session, players can now also select an NPC island
Items for “Tourist Season” & “The High Life”
- Several new items were added to the game, specifically targeted at the new buildings from “Tourist Season” and “The High Life”
Collapsable Trading Post UI
- The Loading Ramps of a Trading Post can now be collapsed, showing more goods at once
Camera sensitivity
- New options were added to adjust camera sensitivity
Bus Skins
- Bus skins can now be set at the Bus Stations like train skins can be changed at the Oil Harbor
Highscore Screen
- Fixed an upgrade exploit: To upgrade a building it’s now required to fulfill all Needs first. Therefore, increasing and decreasing the maximum population can no longer be used to upgrade buildings before all goods are provided.
- Improved visibility of Max Residents and Bonus Residents calculation.
Game Design Comment: Previously there were several items with an effect like “+10% additional population”. What the effect actually did here was that we made a list of needs that provide all +1 and then added as many needs for each residence tier that would in the end lead to the +10% population that was specified. With the Skyscraper, however, that is no longer possible because their population is too high. We now still give for example 5 more residents for investor residences for an item that claimed +10% but the skyscraper also only gets 5 which is not 10%. So we dropped the % line in the effect info tip. - The explosion rate for “Tourist Season” buildings has been reduced
- The Move-in speed for Hotels has been increased
- Corn has been added as possible import good for the Docklands
- The islands list when sending a ship to a different region is now sorted alphabetically
- The production chains of Multifactories are now displayed like the ones for all other goods: The good’s icon is displayed in the construction menu, selecting and building it creates a Multifactory with the respective recipe active. The recipe can still be changed in the building afterwards
- Option added to disable disaster music
- The Luminaries , Bronze Age, and Icebound sets now affect Season 3 buildings
- The Oil Store is now affected by the optimization influence bonus in the Old World and Cape Trelawney
- Bus Stops are now listed under infrastructure in the Statistics Screen
- Docklands modules are now listed in the harbor category in the Statistics Screen
- Added Tourist population to ‘population over time’ chart in the Statistics Screen
- Added a new button to remove AI opponents during the game setup.
- Fixed the performance issues that appeared with “Tourist Season”
- Warnings are displayed again in info tips when trying to add invalid islands to Trade Routes
- Fixed several issues when connecting Docklands to a Bus Stop
- Fixed an issue where Achievements from”Tourist Season” could be unlocked without having the required Tourist needs unlocked
- Clicking on an “Exhibition has ended” notification now correctly leads to the region with the World’s Fair in question
- Fixed an issue in the statistics screen for restaurant effects that could appear multiple times
- Fixed some warnings that were displayed incorrectly in restaurant info tips
- Fixed an issue where manually planted trees could disappear after save and reload if they were built near buildings or roads
- Fixed calculation of residences fulfillment in the New World and Enbesa in the statistic screen
- Deactivated the Old World session shortcut during the Campaign’s prologue
- Restaurants are now in a different category in the statistics screen
- Greyed out items can now be added to the research queue
- Fixed an issue where the camera could get stuck when pressing the space button after a photo quest
- The “Work yourself to death” propaganda article is now canceled correctly after the time-out
- Buying military ships from a trader now correctly adds military strength
- Fixed an issue where Palace effects could stay active on upgraded buildings
- Fixed an issue where the Iron Tower could be set back to default skin after changing a recipe
- Added missing attractiveness info to the info tip in the construction bar for Multifactories
- Blueprint mode will no longer switch to building mode if a constructed building is moved
- “Tourist Season” goods now have proper pricing
- The inauguration newspaper now shows the correct name during the Tourist quests
- Added info tip to the population amount in the residence object menu
- Fixed an issue where the Tourist Ship did occasionally not arrive at the Public Mooring in Crown Falls.
- Fixed an issue where the same bonus was shown multiple times for residences in the statistics menu.
- Fixed an issue where buses occasionally got stuck into each other.
- Fixed an issue where Oil Tankers sailed to the Trading Post instead of the Oil Harbor when being manually sent to another region.
- Fixed display issues for the achievements “The Actual Art of the Deal” and “No Business like Ship Business” in various languages
- Fixed an issue in the campaign where the old fishing boat object menu remains selected after the second cinematic played.
- Fixed an issue where the ‘increased visits’ item search suggestion does not show any items.
- Fixed an issue where empty resident tiers appeared in the statistics screen after upgrading every single residence of the respective tier.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to apply notification filters by clicking on the checkboxes.
- Fixed an issue where the extra rations expedition bonus was inconsistent for new DLC goods.
- The recipes book toggle for “show recipe goods” now saves the state the user toggled it to.
- Fixed an issue related to the appearance of canceled item developments in the Research Institute.
- The unlock notification of the Venison Ragout recipe is now restricted to the Old World and Cape Trelawney.
- Fixed an issue where the “no warehouse in range” warning does not get displayed anymore if at least one input good is in range.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to demolish placed farm fields near mineral deposits.
- “Factory Inspections Act” now also affects Gas Power Plants
- Fixed a drag and drop issue for goods from the trading post to the ship
- Fixed an issue related to the airship selection. It is now possible to select it by pressing on its model without selecting something in the background.
- The building name now gets displayed when selecting a ruin, helping to find out which building this ruin represents.
User Interface
- Fixed an issue for a missing info tip for queued items in the Research Institute
- Needs of Tourists and Scholars that require parallel progress with other residences are now shown as locked until they are fully suppliable
- Fixed an UI issue where the reputation value could be hidden underneath the Share window
- Fixed a UI issue with an offset silo background
- The active recipe name is now displayed for the Iron Tower in the statistics screen
- Fixed an issue during the “Tourist Season” onboarding where the street overlay was not visible for some cases
- Fixed an issue with missing street overlay for Multifactories without an active recipe
- Fixed several icon misalignments in the recipe books
- Fixed an issue in the Iron Tower’s object menu where the Tourist workforce slider icon can overlap with the Tourist number.
- Fixed an issue where nameplates in the object menu of Restaurants scaled incorrectly in windowed mode.
- Fixed an issue where the recipe book was layered behind the construction menu.
- Fixed an issue in the “Tourist Season” tutorial questline where one quest objective was overlapping borders of the questbook.
- Fixed some inconsistencies with the change region button in the ship object menu between the campaign and sandbox mode.
- Fixed an issue where the monument’s name is not centered in the construction menu.
- Fixed an issue where the equipped fish and fries recipe in the Restaurant’s object menu was overlapped by the tutorial panel button.
- The currently displayed region in the trade route menu gets now indicated.
- Fixed a shading effect in the docklands module selection that adjusted incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue in the statistics screen where entries in the finance category were shifted when the respective building was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where the Restaurant’s object menu did not correctly reach the bottom of the screen when the building was on fire.
- Fixed an issue where the top right article of the newspapers was shifted in the archive.
- Adjusted the look of the flowerbed ornament icon to match its actual appearance ingame.
- Fixed an issue where the “Recipe unlocks have changed” notification incorrectly had a “jump to” button.
- Fixed an issue where the text was overlapping with the UI in the Hotel section of the Tourist’s tutorial panel.
- Fixed an issue where an info tip during the Orchard’s planting process was misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where the “set time of day” window was open on the first game start.
- Fixed an issue in the Achievements screen that allowed other UI elements to open in the background while clicking through the screen.
- Fixed an issue in the quest “Deep Blue – The Last Leviathan” where the escort ship info tip appeared when hovering over the shark.
- The tutorial screen is also now accessible through the Dockland’s object menu.
- Fixed a multiplayer issue where Palace policies could be affected by the attractiveness on other player’s islands
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where messages in the lobby chat twitched for a moment before being sent
- Fixed a multiplayer issue where the sound effect and visual highlight for selecting the same team number in the lobby was no longer present.
- Fixed a coop issue where a grey square occasionally appears before the coop eye icon.
- Fixed an issue where the quest “Waha Desher: Emergency Ahku” could be failed while finishing another quest
- The upgraded Public Mooring from “Tourist Season” can now also complete the quest “Capital of Culture” from “Sunken Treasures”
- The questbook entry for the Tourist quest “Nouvelle Cuisine” now appears in the questbook for both moderate sessions
- Fixed an issue where player were not able to unlock the “Age of exploration” recipe when interupting the Arctic storyline
- Fixed an issue where the Queen questline sometimes did not continue after placing the foundations and quitting the game.
- Fixed an issue where the tutorial quest “Settling New Lands” was listed twice in the questbook.
- Fixed an issue where the “Goodbye Old Friend” quest contained a wrong text in the questbook.
- Fixed an issue in the “Tourist Season” quest “Royal Toilet” where a Queen audio line was doubled in German.
- Fixed an issue where the Resident’s quest “Man Up – Dressing Down” contained a misleading hint in the questbook.
- Fixed an issue where the order of character messages was switched in quest “A Triffling Matter: A demanding guest”.
- Fixed an issue where players could miss out on their rewards when accepting Anarchist Defectors
- Fixed an issue with shadows occasionally flickering on low camera angles
- Fixed an unfitting background for the Arctic Ranger Station
- Fixed an issue where “Tourist Season” feedback units can occasionally lose their textures.
- Fixed an issue where the pollution effect did not scale correctly to the full resolution.
- Fixed an issue where the Monitor and Schooner ships were floating above the water when a certain skin from the Vehicle Liveries Pack was equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the Research Institute’s demolishing and relocation effect emitted too much dust.
- Fixed an issue where the texture of the saltpeter works was flickering on high distances on camera movement.
- Fixed an issue where oil tanker barrels were shining through the ship’s hull when crossing waves on high graphic settings.
- Fixed an issue where the background was occasionally not shaded when opening the save/load menu ingame.
- Added a sound effect when picking up the dancers during the recipe questline
- Fixed an issue where the sound of the Merry-Go-Round ornament was too loud on close zoom levels.
- Fixed an issue where the final upgrade sound did not appear for the Iron Tower monument.
- Improved the audio effect of the Chronicles in the History questline.
- Fixed an issue with silo sounds playing after pausing and closing production buildings
Localization & Text
- Fixed an issue with incorrect information in recipe effect info tips for the German localization
- Fixed a misleading hint in a speech bubble for Bus Stop connections
- Fixed some localization issues for the Orchard for German
- Fixed some localization issues for Restaurants for German
- Fixed a text issue that showed misleading information about goods consumption for certain items
- Improved the text in notifications for recipe unlocks
- Fixed a text issue for German localization where the word “Trade Union” appeared twice for the “Rainforest Park”
- Leveled Docklands goods now have an additional line in the info tip mentioning the quality of the currently equipped slot.
- Fixed an issue where quotation marks in the restaurant names were missing in several languages.
- Fixed an issue where the default name of the new trade route group was only shown in English.
- Fixed an issue where the Enbesa zoo and museum sets were not written in capital letters.
- Fixed an issue where the item “Dr. Maurice Slim” was missing a part of its description.
- Fixed a multiplayer display issue for Russian and Polish where spacing was missing between “Team” and the team’s number.
- The info tip for the options in the “Nouvelle Cuisine: Entree” recipe decision quest is now more understandable.
- Fixed an issue where wrong text was present in “The Epic of the Land of Lions” book for some languages.
- Fixed an issue where the description of Arctic ingredients in the Tourist recipe books was incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the translation of the Ore Extractor and the Mechanical Panner effects was not present.
- Fixed an issue where a loading screen tip contained incorrect information in German.
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Здравствуйте, У меня проблема с новыми специалистами и вообще с новыми предметами для ратуш и союзов для Season Pass 3. я до DLC туристов и небоскребов. Учеными изучил все предметы. Как мне теперь получать новые предметы для дополнений с туристами и небоскребами? Снова начинать новую игру? или это баг и его можно как то исправить.
Ответьте пожалуйста)
Извиняюсь, проблема решена, точней ее не было, толи я забыл как меняю института пользоваться, толи оно просто стало более расширенное.
Glad to hear you managed to solve the issue yourself.
We are aware of a problem with the new items not appearing at traders, this should get fixed next week.
As a fan from all Anno (1503-1800) is any chance to see in new updates a map editor like in previous Annos?
Hey Bsam1976, great to hear you’re already enjoying Anno since one of its earliest instalments!
However, we are currently not planning to add a map editor to Anno 1800. The reason for this being that we are using several 3rd party tools for the creation of the islands and the map. While we purchased a license for these tools, we can’t make them available to the community since we don’t own them. For previous games with an editor, all editing tools were developed by us, which made releasing an editor a lot easier.
Bring back the specializations of the characters !!! “A dressmaker, a Pirate, A Zoologist” And others…
“Fixed an issue where manually planted trees could disappear after save and reload if they were built near buildings or roads”
Still not fixed…
True, not fixed!
Seit dem Update liegt der Cursor immer 5cm daneben. Was soll der Mist? Die Grafik ist ach nicht mehr das, was es vorher war.
“Factory Inspections Act” now also affects Gas Power Plants
…this makes me very, very happy 😀
“With the Skyscraper, however, that is no longer possible because their population is too high. We now still give for example 5 more residents for investor residences for an item that claimed +10% but the skyscraper also only gets 5 which is not 10%.” yeah gimme less resident but when we need a land to provide their indrustrial needs we get what? WE NEED MORE LAND, orchards also takes enourmous space and cannot be imported, cannot be improved with specialists, its ridiculous
“Several new items were added to the game, specifically targeted at the new buildings from “Tourist Season” and “The High Life”
“several of the Palace’s buffs are now affecting buildings from “The High Life” and “Tourist Season”, as long as they fulfill the conditions.”
Thank you, FHackner 🙂
I mean this game, you guys… the effort..
Its all love and mind blowing what ya’ll do!!
Thanks Ubi for making Anno 1800 even more
FANTASTIC then it already is 🙂
Nice update!
I wish they would implement in a future update the possibility to hide certain UI elements, like the time of day control UI.
A checkbox in the option to have the day and night cycle be ON as default and not OFF, when starting a new game, would be nice as well!
Thx in advance! 😉 Keep up the great work!
When will the DirectX12 crashing issues be addressed(sometimes direct X 11 as well, but far less)? DirectX 11 reduces my framerate to around 19-22 at certain camera angles, where as DirectX 12 gives me around 30 at the same camera angles. I don’t have $3,500 to upgrade to a RTX 3090 to get the framerates that my RTX 3070, combined with DirectX11, won’t allow.
Vielleicht wären hier mal mehr Infos zu deiner Konfig hilfreich. Auf welchem Monitor und welcher Auflösung du zockst etc. Man braucht keine 3090 um Anno mit knapp 60 FPS in 4K zu zocken. Und DirectX12 läuft (zumindest bei mir) seit Monaten stabil. Vielleicht liegt der Fehler ja nicht immer beim Programmierer sondern beim User 🙂
All of this is amaaaazing!!! I love the possibility to switch off the disaster music!!
From where comes the extra residents when using the +X% macimum population items? Do they move in based on a percentage of the total needs fullfilled?