Anno 1800: Game Update 5

Added support for the new “Botanica” DLC (available as part of the Anno 1800 Season Pass or as a standalone purchase), which allows you to turn your city green with a new modular botanical garden.
Let there be night! We have added a new dynamic day & night cycle to make sure your city looks stunning at any time of day! In addition to the cycle, you can at any time select one of four lighting presets (dawn, day, dusk or night).
Added new plaza tiles and reworked four existing ornaments to serve as connectors for your cultural buildings, allowing you to create much more lifelike and varied museums and zoos.
“I got your back”. Giving an order to escort a ship that has been ordered to switch sessions will now have the escort ships follow their charges to the new session, making your trade ships much less vulnerable.
The AI ceasefire has ended, and third-party characters can now attack pirates. Look out Anne Harlow, Archibald’s cannon towers are no longer just for decoration!
We have added some botanical themed expedition events to the pool of available events you might encounter on your adventures.
The text size of chat messages can now be increased up to a font size of 28.

Purchasing ships
Up to now, players were able to buy ships from different AI characters at prices that were far lower than the combined price of the construction materials needed to build those ships. With that in mind, we have rebalanced the buying price for all these ships to bring their purchase price in line with the cost of the materials.
Battlecruiser: Raised the price from 90k to 800k
Monitor: Raised the price from 40k to 350k
Cargo Ship: Raised the price from 30k to 300k.
Oil Tanker: Raised the price from 60k to 300k
In additional, we have also raised the purchase prices of all special variations of ships to reflect their unique nature. For example, the Pyrphorian Battlecruiser will now cost 1.2M credits, as compared to the 800k for the regular Battlecruiser.
Ship Balancing
Pyrphorian Monitor: Increased the hit points from 3,000 to 5,000
Pyrphorian Battlecrusier: Raised the hit points from 5,000 to 8,000 and lowered the attack cooldown from 3.4 seconds to 2.9 seconds.
Pyrphorian Command Ship: Increased the hit points from 3,500 to 6,000.
Royal Ship-of-the-Line: Increased hitpoints from 4,500 to 5,000.
Pirate ship of the line: Lowered attack cooldown from 8 seconds to 7.5 seconds.

Fixed an issue that allowed two pirates to show up in the South American session. This fix is not retroactive, and only prevents this issue from appearing in new saves.
Improved the behavior of double-click ship selection.
Adjusted the coloring of some ornamental floor tiles, which were darker than others.
The “Space” bar can now be rebound to other actions from the options menu.
Improved the behavior of repair cranes to ensure that they fully repair one ship before staring work on another.
Fixed an issue with the consumption tax from a newspaper boost not properly increasing the balance.
Fixed an issue where AI ships could be stuck on certain coastlines.
Fixed a potential performance issue that could appear when the productivity of caoutchouc plantations was boosted with items.
Ensured that the diplomatic victory condition is greyed out/ unavailable in the multiplayer lobby.
Fixed an issue with expedition screens sometimes not showing the success percentage.
Fixed an issue where two items would appear as flotsam besides the La Isla Harbor after the discovery expedition ended in campaign mode.
You can no longer drag the chat box out of the screen in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue with the storage limit not working properly while in campaign mode.
Fixed an issue with building bridges by connecting two existing roads on a riverbank.
Improved the visibility of the button to switch pages in the cultural buildings menu.
Fixed an issue that could prevent the deletion of save files from the save file management menu.
Fixed an issue with destroyed ships being wrongly displayed in the route menu if they were sunk during the creation of a new trade route.
Removed a visual glitch that could occur when hovering over a selected residential building with the demolition tool.
Changing appearance via Shift+V should no work properly in move mode.
Fixed an issue with an empty icon sometimes appearing in the exchange ship menu during expedition setup.
Fixed an issue that allowed you to receive scrap-elated quests without owning a diving bell ship.
Fixed an issue with audio being played twice when using the replay audio button in the ques book.
The quest objective for the “Open Book 2” quest from George Smith now displays properly.
Improved the behavior of photo quests to make sure that the quest objective is actually in the frame of the picture. No more cheating!
Localization and Texts
Fixed a typo in the German text for the “Die Amazonen” expedition event.
Fixed an issue with some debug text showing up in the Japanese localization.