- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: It’s Annoversary Update release day!

Hey Anno Community,
It’s release day: the Annoversary Update is now available on PC! If you missed the Release Notes for Game Update 17 or simply would like to brush up the (very long) list of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements that come with today’s update, then feel free to check our dedicated blog.
At the end of last year we shared our plans for 2023. Today, we would like to take the opportunity to remind you all that the Annoversary Update will be the last update for Anno 1800. Of course, we still have three Cosmetic DLC releases this year (more news on those later this month)- but no major update is planned besides necessary bug fixes if needed.
We can tell you that it’s a strange feeling for us, too, speaking of “the last update” after having worked on Anno 1800 for such a long time.
Even more important for us therefore was this Annoversary Update, to leave our “baby” in state we can be happy with. So, no reason to be sad, since the update includes a bunch of great improvements. And in today’s blog, we would like to give you an overview on the Stamp Feature and the Creative Mode – the two brand new additions to Anno 1800 on PC.
The Stamp Feature
The Stamp Feature enables you to save layouts and use them again later or even in a different savegame. You can even share the Stamp files with other players!
How to create a Stamp
Like with the copy tool, you select a number of buildings, streets, ornaments etc. that are then saved as a “stamp” in a separate menu.
You can rename each stamp and select an icon (from any of the buildings included in the stamp, or one of the default ones). To do this, right click on the Stamp to open the edit window.
You can also rename each folder, just click on it and edit the name. Please be aware that the icon for each folder is chosen automatically based on the first Stamp in the folder. The Stamps in a folder are organized alphabetically.
If no folder is open, newly created Stamps are added to the “New Stamps” folder. If such a folder doesn’t exist, it gets automatically created. You can rename the “New Stamps” folder at any.
You can add a new Stamp into an existing folder by opening said folder before creating a new Stamp.
What you can’t do in-game, however, is moving Stamps between folders.
Folder Management
To organize your Stamps you can also use your Windows file explorer.
You can create new folders, rename both the folders and Stamps and move Stamps between folders there. Just keep in mind that any changes are not applied to a running game. So, either restart the game after doing your edits or simply organize the Stamps while the game is not running.
Other Notes
Stamps are organized by region and scenario by default and can only be used in their respective environment. You can find all your Stamps here, in the order described above: \Documents\Anno 1800\stamps
It’s possible to share and use Stamps from other players. Just drop the file in the respective folder.
If a Stamp includes content that is either limited to the Creative Mode or part of a DLC you don’t own, you can still place it, but the unavailable objects are placed as blueprints and cannot be upgraded (or, in the case of DLC content: not until you own it).
The Creative Mode
This one goes out to all the beauty-builders out there. The Creative Mode is a brand-new and separate mode that allows you to focus on your city building creative skills without feeling the pressure of AI requests or the constant worry of running out of money. Yes, you heard that right! There are no restrictions when it comes to the Creative Mode: money is unlimited, you can forget about incidents, construction costs, input goods, workforce and road connections. Just unleash your creativity and share your masterpieces in beauty-building with us! We cannot wait to see you your awesome creations.
Keep in mind that this is not the intended way to play Anno 1800, since it does not simulate a regular game you would normally play in sandbox or campaign. Plus, keep in mind that it can only be played in single player.
Well, Annoholics – this is all for today’s blog. We hope you enjoy the new features and are satisfied with the quality-of-life-improvements and balancing changes added with the Annoversary Update. Share some screenshots of your Creative Mode builds with us and don’t forget you can share your Stamps with other players! We are looking forward to seeing your creations!
Looking into the future, we have a few more things planned to celebrate this quarter-century journey with you all. Speaking of, have you noticed our 25th Anniversary logo in today’s clip?
Stay tuned for more. 😉
Happy city-building!
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Thank you to everyone who worked on this game. This is the best Anno, the best strategy game ever made thanks to your hard work.
Everything you have done has been the right decision from the start, and I would like to itemize some of the many appreciations I have for you.
No micro transactions.
Only DLC and cosmetic packs at extremely fair, reasonable prices for an extremely amazing a mount of content.
Wonderful communication and update schdueles that did not miss the mark.
Substantial, meaningful DLCs.
Coop gameplay
Multisession gameplay
Save & save history
Cloning and stamps
Optimzations of inventory and item management
The list goes on.
This iteration proved that not only do you, the developers, actually play your game, but I think you genuinely care about your community.
While other studios are selling oht and cashing in on fun ruining monetization patterns, you held strong and said “let’s keep this beautiful and fun”.
I don’t know how many hours I have, but I remember it’s well over 1000. I’ve played a handful of saves with a handful of friends.
The experience I got playing this game, especially because of the coop and the frequent DLCs kept it fresh, fun and new.
The prices for the DLCS were so fair and so high quality, I routinely bought cosmetic packs simply because I wanted to support you, the developer.
Anno 1800 will be missed, but I am sternly confident that the next iteration will also hit the bullseye when that time comes.
You guys are the best developer, with true creativity, integrity and above all, genuine care for the community and your own product, which is extremely rare today. I can’t even name a single other developer that does things like you anymore.
I believe you can only give one game an 11/10 score, and my choice is handedly Anno 1800.
Thank you for your work, service, care and passion. It was noticed by many and appreciated by many.
I cannot wait to hear about the future.
Thank you.
Many thanks to all of you who have worked on this impressive and wonderful project that is Anno 1800. I can’t wait to see what era the next Anno will be about.
Love, Thala.
Thanks for the new update! Love it! However when starting a new game, the difficulty settings are not applied! For example the island difficulty and city difficulty is not applied when set to normal/easy.
Game version 17.0.1222998
Danke für dieses hervorragende Spiel ❤️❤️ Ich als alter anno Veteran kann auch sagen das ihr es für die Konsole geschafft habt ebenfalls ein tolles Spielerlebniss zu schaffen..
Und ein Feature gibt es da sogar das ich mir sehr für die PC Version wünschen würde und zwar das automatische Straßen um die Häuser legen das ist sehr angenehm ? danke und weiter so ✌️
I noticed that there is patch version number on bottom right screen, any idea how to hide or remove that?
I meant it’s show during game, normal it’s was not show that ever since game came out, but patch 17 now show that during game.
Vielen Dank.
Was noch fehlt sind Landhäuser / Anwesen / Schlösser / Villen fürs kosmetische schön bauen.
Though there have been a few disagreements or frustrations along the way, thank YOU for creating and keeping alive these amazing series. Now, let’s get on again for a new quarter-century of bringing to life these wonderful cities!
Happy anniversary to Mainz’ masterpiece, looking forward to what you’re preparing next for us! 😉
Does the UI stuck after worker residence have been rectified….?
because I could not find this in update list category
Is it just me, or does the game (modded) run a lot heavier after the update. He even stutters sometimes. It didn’t do this at all before the update.
Hallo, Danke sehr für die tollen Jahre und der harten und gelungenen Arbeit an Anno 1800, das spiel ist das beste was jemals in der reihe gab und ich hoffe das der nächste teil auch wieder was tolles und großes wird, ich freu mich sehr drauf wie auf jeden teil der Anno reihe, bin ja auch seid dem ersten teil dabei für mich die besten Aufbau spiele die es gibt, aber ich hätte noch eine bitte! bitte macht auch die Season Pässe 1 bis 4 auch für die Konsolen, klar ist das viel Arbeit aber ich finde ihr habt es geschafft das Anno 1800 auf Konsolen kommen, was das erste mal für ein Haubtteil der reihe ist, deswegen denke ich das es wichtig wäre das auch komplett zu machen und nicht nur das kern spiel, weil so fehlt einfach auch sehr viel im Anno 1800 console Edition
zu denn neuen Funktionen in anno 1800 (PC) ich finde das der Stempel und kreativ Modus super rein passen Vorallem weil man sich da austoben kann, und sich noch mehr auf schön bau Konzentrien kann und ohne bedenken vor planen kann danke dafür das hat Anno 1800 gebraucht
ich bedanke mich herzlich bei auch und macht bitte weiter so xXOSTBERLINXx
Thank you, Anno Team!
Hi devs,
Do you think it would be possible to make the Scenarios playable in co-op?
I mainly play in co-op and that would make the game so much more complete for me 🙂
im Kreativmodus werden die Arbeitskräfte nicht simuliert, wäre schön wenn die nötigen Arbeitskräfte angezeigt wird damit man sich passende Produktionsketten zu seien Wohnlayouts basteln kann…
Anno 1800 has been an excellent game that has seen me through the dark times of Covid 19 and helped keep me sane during the long lockdown nights.
So thank you team Anno for all your hard work
Thanks a lot for for this fantastic 25 years of building cities and lives.
Really like the update!! one thing is the creative mode should have the museum and botanica garden items owned in warehouse.
Wenn ihr jetzt im Kreativmodus auch noch die ständigen Expeditionesankündigungen rausnehmt, die einen aus der Konzentration reißen, wäre es perfekt. Manchmal muss man halt grübeln und da stört der sehr laute Kapitän mit seinen ausbaldowerten Expeditionen (die man nicht braucht, man kann eh überall hin).