- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: News, patch plans and a community spotlight

Hey Anno Community,
It’s mid-April, the Anno 1800 Console Edition has been already out for one month, Game Update 17 is released… let’s give you a short news recap and a fantastic Community Spotlight in today’s Union Update.
Firstly: What about those Cosmetic DLC we mentioned earlier in the year? – Excellent question. As communicated previously, we still have 3 Cosmetic DLC releasing this year (both on PC and console), each focusing on aspects that may have been a bit neglected so far, when it comes to beautification.
We’ll have news and first pictures about the upcoming one (to be released in May) in the coming weeks – stay tuned!
Console & PC: Patches
We’ve also seen some questions about a patch for both the Console Edition as well as the PC version.
Right now, we’re working on a patch for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S to tackle some of the reports you sent us over the last weeks, like issues with the diplomacy menu, some crashes and graphical glitches.
On PC, while Game Update 17 was the last major update, we are investigating reports you sent us after the recent release to iron out problems like the always-visible version number or that some stamps are getting created with special characters which subsequently corrupts their file. We are planning to still address these, as well as any high-priority issues, with a patch.
We’ve also received some reports on desyncs on PC. As a workaround for the time being, please make sure that each players of your multiplayer match has started the game once after Game Update 17 and either changed some settings (graphics, audio, …) or loaded and saved the game. If you afterwards regularly close the game, the chance for desyncs should be significantly lower. Please also make sure that all participants either use exactly the same mods or have all mods deactivated before playing.
Keep an eye on the Anno Union and our social channels for news on the upcoming patches!
Annoverse Quiz Event
Finally, the team of the “Annoverse” Discord is soon holding an Annoversary event on their server, with quizes to all Anno titles – and you can win prizes if you can prove your knowledge! Head over the their Discord server and read more in the news and dedicated giveaway channels. It all starts on Monday, April 17th!
Modloader (PC)
Let’s also not forget about our “happy little accident” last week, when we released the integrated modloader for Anno 1800 on PC. This means, the game will now automatically recognise mods in your mod folder and load them for you. This means you won’t need the other one anymore – please delete the files and then verify your game files to prevent any conflicts.
We want both credit and thank meow/xforce (GitHub link), who created the original modloader you have been using for the last years – and whose code formed part of the basis of what we now added to the game. Your work has been an immense factor in enabling the modding community for our game as it is right now, thank you!
We take this opportunity to remind you that mods might cause issues with the game (bugs, glitches, potential blockers), especially when they haven’t been updated in a while. Therefore, please check for potential incompatibilities or ask around on the Modding Discord Server.
Community Spotlight
As you might already know, with the Annoversary Update we added the Stamp Feature to Anno 1800 (PC). In case you missed it, you can check out this blog to better understand how it works. If you created your own stamps already, don’t forget to share them with the rest of the Community! For example, the Annoverse Discord server has created a dedicated channel where anyone can share their Stamps.
The Anno Community is very dedicated, as we already know for a long time, and reallymilo has created a portal where you can share your Anno Stamps with the rest of the community: https://annostamps.com/
Speaking of Annoversary Update, we’ve seen some of you have been celebrating with fireworks and and lovely decorations in your cities. We hope you keep the celebrations going for a while and keep sharing those screenshots with us!
Let’s start with Qurphi, who shared on Reddit this lovely composition for the celebration. Why a 4 in the middle, you might ask? Well, Anno 1800 turns 4 this Sunday!
Mithaldriel has shared quite a few screenshots on the Annoverse Discord to show off the ongoing celebrations. We chose the one portraying the lovely skyline by night, with the Annoversary fireworks brightening the night sky. What a view!
Would you like to see more Annoversary fireworks? MaxiMALER effekt shared this screenshot on Steam, with a stunning view of the Research Institute and the Iron Tower, while fireworks burst with colours in the starry night. Bravo!
That’s it for this week, dear Annholics. We wish you a great weekend!
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Hi, can somebody give me a tip how discord works. I’ve got the app, and when I click a link in the text above, the app opens up, but I can’t find anything related to Anno?! How can I find out what the address of the anno-server is? Sorry, this shouldn’t be too hard but I’ve been trying for days.
Hey Algaro, which server are you trying to join? And what do you see upon joining? If you joined the “Annoverse”, the whole server is about Anno. You may have to accept the rules first, before you can post on the server.
The server itself is separate into different channels, e.g. a “flagship” for general talk, the “user-creations” for posting screenshots/videos and “1800_en” for English conversations about Anno 1800.
Tried again, and now it seems to work. Thank you very much for your reply.
Anyone else having a problem with AI not expanding to other islands and getting stuck at workers and around 1350 share revenue/island? Using hard AI, also noticed they do not use clay mines, but develop without them.
This is ridiculous. In game menu RAM consumption is 7GB already. In DX11 mode I constantly get ‘Presentation failed’ error. In DX12 mode – Oh-Noes-Out-Of-Memory every 20 minutes (16GB RAM + 8GB swap). I used to play normally on this exact config until built first Empire of The Skies building. Fix your game!
I hope you guys add a moving ornamental train for one of the ornamental DLC.
It’s a shame that they say that GU17 is the last major update on PC. While it certainly fixed a number of bugs, and Stamps are something to be welcomed, it is also a huge missed opportunity. It seemed to concentrate on issues introduced by GU16 and to a lesser extent GU15. There are still a number of significant issues, some of which have a significant impact of the game, going back to GU’s 11 through 14 that are still present in the game. For example, they fixed the “No Schnapps” bug with the Newspaper. But they left the “No Market” and “No Electricity” unfixed. There is still no way to set a minimum mail stock. There is still no way to set a maximum for any goods, including mail. The distribution system is still flawed, with some production buildings having very long paths and walking past perfectly good warehouses, breaking production in the consuming buildings. Items for Orchards that are supposed to reduce forest density still don’t work. Effectively, you cannot have orchards on the island where their goods are used. We still get the “banging” sound when exiting the Expedition screen in New World, Arctic, & Enbesa. Ship holds still get the wrong goods on a bi-directional trade route with different goods. I still can’t see only items that are, for example, In Storage.
It’s a great shame the the developers are apparently not going to do anything about these problems, some of which have been around for well over a year. The fact that all the history in the forum is about to be lost won’t help any.
Hey Asterix, I understand your point about there always being more things that could be fixed, adjusted or improved. That’s especially the case for Anno 1800 due to the complexity and scale it has reached after multiple years of updates and DLC. Additionally, some topics are either very high effort or rather risky to address, which simply makes them not feasible anymore for 1800. While we might still address a few bugs and issues here and there that we think are of a higher priority, there unfortunately has to come the point where we’re done with the game and want to use our development resources elsewhere.
Hi Thorlof
Thanks for the response. I appreciate that you have to stop somewhere. I also appreciate that you originally intended Season 2 to be the last, then Season 3 would be the last. I just found it frustrating that some of these big issues remain in the game forever. As I said, some of these are very old. I know definitely that some of them go back to September 2021 (18 months ago) and probably earlier. I can understand that they needed too much effort while you were still developing the game (Seasons 3 & 4). I was just hoping that when you gave yourselves more time for GU17 without the pressure of meeting DLC release dates, that they could have been resolved. Don’t get me wrong; I love the game (nearly 5,000 hours). I just think it could have been better.
If there is another Anno game, and I really hope there is, maybe some of these can be taken into consideration at an early stage.
Very cool. Thank you for this info. It’s nice to see the desyncs and version numbering adressed. Also thank you for adding achievements to steam. Which has seemed to be the biggest gripe people had when Anno 1800 came back to steam.
Dear Anno Dev Team, on behalf of all of the Anno 1800 console players, please can you release the DLCs to consoles. In the interim, even releasing season passes 1 and 2 would be great for now. I’m in late game now and I’m still amazed at how smooth the gameplay is, even in large battles. Thanks.
I agree ?, I like Ubisoft games very much, no matter on pc switch xbox, I always pre-order the deluxe version, and many games are repurchased. I like Anno 1800 very much, but I can’t play it on pc for a long time, so I can only play xbox , hope to add dlc
Yes please. Dear Anno Team, big fan here. Got the PC version + all season passes. Now I purchased the Deluxe Console Edition for my PS5… please release the season passes gradually pleaaaaaase.
it’s true that we saw the version number of the game on PC at the bottom right I hope it will be removed because it bothers me a lot and why not put a button in the options to be able to activate it or disabling it would be a good idea