- Anno 1800
- Console Edition
- Union Update
Union Update: Tips for getting started in Anno

Hey Anno Community,
Hard to believe, but the Anno 1800 Console Edition is already one week old! And we were blown away by the reception – thank you very much for all the kind comments and the positive feedback you have written. We’re very happy that Anno 1800 is getting such a great reception on consoles, too!
You have also approached us with some issues you’ve encountered, from some graphical glitches to problems with the diplomacy menu. We’re currently taking a look at those and will keep you updated on any future patch plans for the Console Edition.
Getting Started in Anno
Starting off into a new game you haven’t played before is rarely easy, and we have seen an increasing number of questions of new players – on PC and console alike – with questions about maintaining a positive balance, upgrade strategies and general tips & tricks.
To help your onboarding in Anno 1800, we have listed several good resources and places to get answers to those questions below:
Tutorial Videos
You prefer advice in video form? No worries, we got you covered:
Check out the tutorial video with 7 Essential Tips we created in cooperation with our colleagues from Gameplan!
Additionally, if you like your tips with a touch of entertainment, check out this guide in a proper Anno 1800 ambience: .
Community Resources
Of course, with a fantastic community as we have the pleasure of working with on Anno, there are more channels for you to go to for advice, tips and generally ask any questions that pop up during your time with the game.
Firstly, in addition to the in-game “Annopedia” (accessible at any time when playing by opening the main menu) with information to almost all aspects of the game, there’s the awesome fan-created and maintained Wiki for Anno 1800! While its focus is the PC version of the game, you’ll still find plenty of useful information on mechanics, trade and the individual NPCs when playing on console.
For asking questions or discussing game elements, why not join the “Annoverse” Discord server and connect with the community there.
And lastly, there’s a dedicated subreddit for Anno 1800 as well as the (on average more active) general Anno subreddit – the latter also has a neat new thread with useful links.
We’ve seen that several of you have already found your way there, so, don’t hesitate to join our fantastic community and profit from their expertise to also lead your empire to glory and prosperity!
Spring Sale & Annoversary Update
Lastly, while the weather might not always give you Spring feelings quite yet, there is a Spring Sale for Anno on PC on both the Ubisoft Store and the Steam Store with discounts on the History Editions, Anno 2070 and 2205 as well as of course Anno 1800 and its DLC!
Plus, as we know that our community on PC is very much waiting for news on the Annoversary Update (releasing on April 4th!) after all the excitement about the Console Edition: We’ll have the full Release Notes for said update for you next week. So, stay tuned!
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This game is running really well on PS5. I’m quite shocked at how detailed and smooth the gameplay is, especially during combat. I’m really loving this game.
After progressing through the game and reaching the Engineers Residents I thought it would plain sailing regarding Bank balance, 600,000+ and Income, 2,800+. I soon got to the part where I could now start building the Electricity Items.
I built 1 Oil Refinary, next Oil Harbour, 1 Power Station for the Engineers and another to start the production line for watches and electric bulbs.
After roughfly 15 minutes an explosion in 1 Power Station followed not long after by another explosion in a Oil Refinary and not long after that the other Power Station exploded, to top it all I finished up with not enough funds to rebuild, it was just a hopeless task after that.
Sureley something is wrong there.
I have played the pc version from day 1 and never experienced anything like that.
I am sorry, it is a worse place to write about this in the english section in german…
Das ist möglicherweise der schlechteste Ot, bzw. die schlechteste Zeit, so etwas zu schreiben. aber ist auch jemanden aufgefallen, dass sowohl Gelehrte, als auch Artistas keine regulären Aufträge vergeben?
Ich dachte mit, gut, die Stufen haben eben keine… weshalb auch immer…, aber dann habe ich bei einigen schicken Items gesehen, dass in der Herkunft Gelehrtenauftrag, bzw. Artistaauftrag in der Liste steht. Seltsam. Habe ich enormes Pech, handelt es sich um story-aufträge, gibt es tatsächlich keine regulären aufträge und der eintrag ist falsch oder… ist es etwa… ein bug…? Mysteriös ist es in jedem Falle.