- Anno 1800
- Cosmetic DLC
- Game Update
- Season 3
- Union Update
Union Update: Pedestrian Zone Pack & Game Update 12.1

Annoholics, today we released the “Pedestrian Zone Pack” Cosmetic DLC!
In addition to canals for both your cities as well as your industrial areas, the DLC is also adding several pedestrian-focused ornaments like an underpass, public toilets, a pavilion and new groundplanes.
We went into detail on all ornaments and the development of the canal system in last week’s DevBlog, click here to check it out or quickly recap the content while waiting for the download to finish.
We can’t wait to see your transformed cities!
Game Update 12.1
Together with the “Pedestrian Zone Pack” we’re releasing Game Update 12.1 and address several issues you have been reporting to us. If you haven’t done so already, check out the full Release Notes.
Since we noticed some questions regarding some points of the Release Notes and some issues which did not make it into this Game Update, we also want to use this opportunity to address your questions:
Starting with some bad news, but it’s something we have seen multiple comments about recently: We have investigated the issue with Anno 1800’s achievements having been unlocked for some players at the beginning of September during the technical issues with Ubisoft Connect. Unfortunately, this issue cannot be fixed retroactively, and we are not able to reset your achievement progress.
A point from the Release Notes that has been discussed and asked about since yesterday is the tree planting feature: As stated in the Release Notes, trees can now not be placed next to roads and buildings anymore (i.e., the places where they would disappear from after loading).
The reason for this is, that the game automatically removes trees etc. close to buildings to make sure they’re not “growing” into the building model itself. You can already see that when you place a building or a road somewhere: Vegetation nearby is automatically removed. Upon loading, the game does this check again and removes vegetation that is too close to a building. So, to avoid that you can place trees in these spots which would lead to them disappearing after loading, these spots are now blocked automatically.
We are investigating options to add more ornamental trees in a future update.
Further Issues
Furthermore, we’re still investigating more issues you have reported to us, for example, the one regarding rewards from Anarchist defector quests, which does not seem to be solved for all affected savegames, and that for some players the Orchards are not unlocked even when reaching the requirements.
We have also received reports about more quest issues which some players are facing, some related to resident quests and others like for example the Skyline Tower construction being stuck during the “barbecue event” (as a workaround, demolishing the tower and rebuilding it will allow you to finish it, albeit without the related questline).
As usual, we will keep you updated on future Game Updates.
Until then, we hope you continue to enjoy Anno 1800 and have a lot of fun with the newest Cosmetic DLC!
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Add more ships to the game.
What good fellows you are, the Anno development team, I’m not happy with your additions. ))) Channels, the idea is great, although it is difficult to fit them into the changing landscape, but this is already our creative task. I don’t know whether to write this here or not. But I’m interested in the idea, I think, probably, not just me. Why can’t we sell or donate our rebuilt cities (islands) to other players (computer players), this would allow us to rebuild cities to our liking and then transfer them, for example, to allies. It seems to me that this is an interesting idea and not particularly costly in its execution, the main thing is that during the transfer, half of the island does not go into slums or is rebuilt by a computer, it is fixed. These are the thoughts/idea of my dream in ANNO 1800. Previously, in ANNO 1404, opponents could buy out shares in the council and thereby seize the island and you could control it. Thank you for your attention to my proposal.)))
Greetings, I have always wanted to know why my rivals do not build docks, skyscrapers, or bring gas. They are much more powerful than me in the economy and they have many islands, but for tens of hours they have simply frozen in their development. They do not want to raise the class of residents. Then how can I.
The decision to not have the AI use e.g. Skyscrapers is related to the challenges of teaching the AI these mechanics, which can be quite issue-prone. Ultimately, in game development, we have to balance where we put our resources into to create the greatest value for our players. In this case, having a well-rounded and deep gameplay expansion for our players was considered more important than also teaching the AI and taking away development resources from the overall gameplay depth.
Thanks for the answer. I will console myself with the thought, for example, in real life, not all countries have skyscrapers.
Hello anno team ive been trying out this cannel system and i am really enjoying it the look of my city is now totally different and feels very real add those nice new trees next to it with a road and it will just look wonderfull
i dont see why people are complaining about the removal of the tree bug when we have such great new ornaments
only thing that i am having an issue with is that the boats in the cannel cant go under the road bridges and will get stuck sometimes its more then 1 boat and they just spin around against the side of the road bridge (it works fine with the ornament bridge)
little side note.
the train rail has grass under it and that kinda looks weird when ur having a big city with bricks everywhere the new groundplanes would look so great to have the train rail on and make it look more city like
i have never seen a random line of grass with train tracks in big citys so that just kinda looks weird to me when the larges my city becomes
Heyho 🙂
Bridges: Yes, the boats cannot go under the road bridges cause those aren’t high enough. That’s working as designed.
However, I agree that several boats forming groups in front of those bridges doesn’t look that great. We might look into decreasing the number of boats to reduce the chance of this happening.
And railways: From a visual point of you that’s understandable, unfortunately the system behind the road and rail system is rather tricky. We’ll have another look if this is something we can make some changes to.
Hello. Please also bring back the twitch drops! 🙂
ESP: Hola grupo, compruebo todos los días en nexus si hay una actualización de City Ornaments. Algunos Annoholics han buscado soluciones modificando la programación del mod pero eso es complicado para mi, así que espero que el creador escuche nuestras súplicas y podamos adornar nuestras ciudades con los canales del DLC y con los adornos del mod. ¿No os parece que hemos tenido muy mala suerte? Si tenía que estropearse algo, podrían haber sido las alcantarillas.
ENG: Hello group, I check every day on nexus for a City Ornaments update. Some Annoholics have looked for solutions by modifying the programming of the mod but that is complicated for me, so I hope the creator hears our pleas and we can adorn our cities with the DLC channels and with the mod decorations. Don’t you think we’ve been very unlucky? If anything had to break, it could have been the sewers.
The change for the tree laying sucks! I like many others loved being able to plant trees near roads and buildings. I NEVER saw any tree’s inside of buildings. God only knows why you’ve decided to remove that feature.
Please bring it back.
No. And the explanation is in the post above.
There is no “bringing back”, since the game has always worked this way, when it comes to trees standing next to buildings or roads.
Good move. Going against what the gamers ask for!
Take a look at this and tell me what you think would make it look better..
As explained in the blog above, this is not a “we don’t want this” decision, this behaviour of the natural trees is inherently worked into how the game works at the moment.
Making changes deep in the system in a live game does only require more work than we consider sensible to spend on such a matter, it also brings the risk of creating new issues.
Another one..
And before you say there’s tree’s in the game…
Will you add the correct descriptions for the items added with the High Life DLC in the next patch? Surely not everything is a versatile, natural product of the camphor tree.
Are you talking about items or goods?
The correct “fluff text” for all goods from The High Life will be added with a future game update, yes 🙂
Would be great if canals and sewers could be placed at 45 degree angle like quays in harbor.
The rotation and appearance of tree and grass decor elements with a wall in the new dlc are buggy. You can only give the look by default it is the only such element in this dlc.
The sewage canals are working well. The city canals can not be placed in the game.
You are probably using City Ornaments 2.0 mod, its own canals are conflicting with new ones. Disable this mod and wait for an update.
Hey Storytime85! Thank your for your response! Apparently you are right! Actually I tried disabling the mod and the I regretted it and then I enabled it again. The problem is the City Ornaments mod has so many ornaments that I used in the game that playing the saved game without it completely messed up the saved game. I already put more than 3 thousand hours on it and I don’t want to waste it. Hopefully either the Pedestrian DLC developer or the mod developer will make an update available because I really don’t want to give up the City Ornaments mod that is so embedded in my saved game now. Thank you anyway! : )
Hey, someone in the modding community had his/her own workaround:
Subject: City_Ornaments_MU/CDLC05 Pedestrian
I have created a small workaround for myself, with which muggi’s City-Ornaments and the pedestrian DLC work perfectly.
All of muggi’s channels are retained.
The following changes have to be made in the assets of the mod:
GUID 1337500056 68 change to 78
GUID 1337500062 70 change to 80
GUID 1337500063 71 change to 81
The changes work fine for me, so you can bridge the time until the update of City_Ornaments well.
Hey Zendepen! How is it going?
Buddy, thank you so much for the tip! It does work well for the city channel! : )
There is a glitch with the pedestrian bridge. The trains and trucks are jumping when they go under it.
Yes, this is a known issue we’re currently investigating. Thank you for reporting it.
Thank you for your response!
Perhaps “city ornaments”. Apparently due to the fact that there are channels there too.
Trains going under footbridge are bumping somehow “touching” an ornament’s texture. Maybe it’s because of different height an ornaments is being placed but I think there is something that should be fixed.
Good afternoon! Thank you for another lovely addition with decorative items, beautiful work!
And please hear at last already about the problem with restaurants etc. I’ve written more than once, even on the forum no one even notices the post…
The problem is very stressful when the restaurant etc just won’t go to the warehouse for resources…
Sorry to hear you’re having issues with resources deliveries to restaurants. That’s not something that sounds familiar to me personally right now.
Feel free to reply to your forum post to push it, if it got overlooked before. Our colleagues from Customer Support should have a look at it later on.
You can also create a ticket for Customer Support and report it that way: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/contact
Is the lack of a railway bridge for the canals intended? If so, why? Seems logical that if we create bridges for our roads, that we would like to do the same for railways. Can this be added? Seems like a missed opportunity!
Hello everyone! Thank you for the new DLC!
I noticed that some ANNO players has already reported compatibility issues between the new pedestrian DLC and some mod. I just want to report the same issue is happening with my game-play. By reporting it I am hopping someone would find out what mod is causing the issue so we can modify it if an update of the mod is made available. In case the mod update does not happen, it would be useful to know what specific mod is causing the problem so it can be removed. : (
Thank you guys!
Perhaps “city ornaments”. Apparently due to the fact that there are channels there too.
Hey Alister-MIV! It seems that you are right! Thank you for your response! : )
I like!
now I will wait for season 4.
Are there any ideas on maybe having a modular waterwheel and dam system to benefit production buildings being on the canal? This would be appropriate at the worker or artisan level to add 25-50% production to any building.
Сanals and enclosed greenary do not work. (((
I guess you are using mods, that’s why. They work properly without them. I don’t know which mod causes the problem but I’ve noticed this issue as well.
It’s the City Ornaments 2.0 mod that’s causing it… 🙁
Thanks. I figured it would be that mod that was interfering. I hope that the creator of that great mod can do something so that we can enjoy all the ornamental elements of the new DLC and his own.
ESP: Ubisoft, aunque utilice otros mods ornamentales (y no ornamentales) soy una cliente fiel a vosotros: he comprado los tres pases de temporada y los 5 DLC cosméticos que habéis diseñado hasta el momento (bueno, uno me lo regaló Amazon Prime). Y continuaré comprando el siguiente pase de temporada y todos vuestros nuevos DLC cosméticos para embellecer mis ciudades. En español: “Lo cortés no quita lo valiente”. ¡Un trabajo excelente y mis felicitaciones a todo vuestro equipo!
ENG: Ubisoft, even if I use other ornamental (and non-ornamental) mods, I am a loyal customer of you: I have bought the three season passes and the 5 cosmetic DLCs that you have designed so far (well, one was given to me by Amazon Prime). And I’ll continue to buy the next season pass and all your new cosmetic DLC to beautify my cities. In Spanish: “Lo cortés no quita lo valiente”. An excellent job and my congratulations to your entire team!
Hey Davidos! I just want to show some solidarity to what you said because I am having the same issue and I also do not want to give up the City Ornaments mod because it enriches the game experience so much!! Hopefully either Ubisoft or the mod developer will do something about it!
Thought you could exit the iron tower elevator to walk around observation decks, sadly it’s impossible.
With Pedestrian Zone DLC for me canals and enclosed greenary don’t work so I hope there is a fix for that because these are the main ornaments of this dlc :/
Going by comments from other players, this issue seems to be connected to the “City Ornaments 2.0” mod. Please remove this mod for the ornaments to work.
Generally, we can’t guarantee that the game functions correctly when any kind of mods are used.
“Unfortunately, this issue cannot be fixed retroactively, and we are not able to reset your achievement progress.”
Ubisoft Connect is really , really … really bad piece of s…oftware – how bugs like this can pass Quality Assurance in the company of this size – unbelievable.
Otherwise – “fix” for trees might make lot of players sad, but from programmer POV it sounds like most efficient way to do it without rewriting game engine (expensive). If – in exchange – more tree ornaments will be available it might be even win-win situation 🙂