- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: Parking spots and Easter eggs

Stream announcement – Annoversary
Friday this week is, in fact, a very special day: Anno 1800 celebrates its second Annoversary!
While we do have a little something prepared for Friday, we, unfortunately, have to postpone the also planned livestream to next week. More details to follow early next week, but we can already say that’s it going to be a multiplayer stream – and we’re looking for you! Cause what’s more fun than a chaotic session of coop multiplayer with a dozen players?
Union Talk – Cosmetic DLC
And in case you missed it: On Monday we released a Union Talk video with Marcel and Oliver talking about Anno 1800’s Cosmetic DLC in general and the current voting in particular. Have a look!
Community Spotlight
Today’s Community Spotlight is very heavy on the video side – there are just so many entertaining and helpful videos out there you keep sharing with us. Don’t stop!
Let’s start with the entertaining ones:
Pablo1713 put together a great Anno 1800 Easteregg compilation in their video. In total 18 are listed for this Easter holiday special. Have you discovered any others?
Let’s continue with something for the ears: Musician Der ANNOtist has already uploaded a few soundtrack covers in the past. The twist: He’s playing all of them on church organs! His newest one is the folk song “Scarborough Fair” which was also featured in Anno 1503. Absolutely worth checking out for that nostalgia-dose:
The style and perspective of this screenshot by Augustus_Johnson is also mesmerizing, looking like a painting, with an approach for a more organic-looking city.
Broad highways, vast parking lots and a golf course? Doesn’t sound like Anno 1800, but “Cat4Cat” tried a completely different approach by recreating an Americanized Anno city. A quote from the creator themself: “i hate my creation”. Make sure to check out the other screenshots!
Ending it with some great tutorial videos which our community is still producing plenty of:
First, for newer players a one-minute explanation to “What are royal taxes?” by TrepTheSnake:
Another great one for beginners is Takarazuka’s “8 super easy tips” video with advice on city planning, making money and production timers:
Finally, a video for more advanced players by Itroo that answers the world’s most important question: How to produce the most chocolate?
If you yourself are producing cool video content or came across helpful guides or tutorials, be it as a video or otherwise, feel free to let us know!
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AS I already said on reddit… The parking lots can go and burn in hell
Happy Annoversary 😀
I already have 2214 hours. Testing hours not included.
Maybe one day I reach 10k hours. You never know. 😀
Woah, crazy! 😀 Well, guess no need to ask if you’re enjoying the game 😛
Happy Annoversary !
Love how engaged the community is with this game. And love that the devos support it so much. Thanks guys, and good luck with Tourist Season!