- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update – Game Update 12 Issues & Community Spotlight

Hey Anno Community,
Our latest DLC, “The High Life” was released over a week ago, time to take a look at the recent events and the cities you have built since!
Issues following Game Update 12
First of all, though, let’s talk about the issues several of you encountered following Game Update 12.
While we deployed a quick fix for the problems with Ubisoft+ and the Free Weekend last week, the issue with the Game Update some of you are facing (an “update loop” which downgrades the version to 11 again) unfortunately was a trickier situation, not only affecting Anno 1800 but also other Ubisoft titles. The Ubisoft Connect team deployed a fix this morning and the problem should now be solved.
Let us know if you’re still facing these issues.
Please be aware that this coincided with some general Ubisoft Connect issues starting yesterday which might have impacted you, resulting in an “incompatible savegame” warning mid-game (can usually be resolved by restarting Ubisoft Connect), issues in multiplayer and with the cloud sync feature.
These should now also be solved.
You have also reported several new bugs to us, be it regarding campaign quests, the anarchist defectors or trade routes and we’re also looking into those.
As usual, as soon as we have news regarding the next Game Update, we will share it here on the Anno Union as well as our other channels.
We apologize for the inconveniences caused.
Community Spotlight
Over the last week, many of you also shared plenty of awesome screenshots from your transformed cities and discussed the new features and mechanics. We had a hard time deciding which ones to include in this week’s Community Spotlight.
The first one is this wide panorama shot by imnekosama, showing the new skyline of their city including several of the new hot-air balloons.
In contrast to that, Eremon485‘s screenshot shows a market place in the city, surrounded by Shopping Arcades as well as plenty of Skyscrapers.
Lucasmello777 clearly got inspired by the Central Park in New York when creating this new district on Crown Falls.
Of course, “The High Life” came with several new ornaments – including the Spotlights which create especially majestic scenes at night, as Mithaldriel demonstrates.
We conclude with this Screenshot by AnnoEffect, a city divided into districts and the wealthy Investors in the back clearly enjoying a great panorama over the island as well as the nearby mountains.
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Weil ich keine Möglichkeit sehe ein Supportticket zu erstellen:
Gameplay Bug beim Abholen von Waren. Wenn auf einer Insel Baumschulen und Multifabriken gebaut werden, wobei die Baumschulen eine Ressource herstellen, welche von der Multifabrik verwendet wird, dann passiert es oft, dass die Ressourcen direkt von der Baumschule zur Fabrik transportiert werden – allerdings auch über sehr große Distanzen (halbe mittlere Insel), was zu ständigen Produktionsausfällen führt. MMn ist das ein Bug, die viel näher liegenden Märkte müssten bevorzugt werden. Einziger Workaround ist derzeit die Baumschulen auf einer anderen Insel zu bauen und die Waren liefern zu lassen.
Reproduzierbar mit: Baumschule Harz / Chemiefabrik Farben und Lacke, Baumschule Kirschbäume / Manufaktur Cognac. Bei normalen Produktionsgebäude noch nicht aufgefallen.
Beauty builds like those pictured in this blog post are the reason why the devs should include an active pause mode for the game. I find it confusing that the devs love to publicize pictures of beauty builds, but then say an active pause would ruin the game play.
We didn’t say that.
Right now, with the technical framework we’re using, we can’t add an “active pause”, where you can still act even though the gameplay is completely paused.
Thanks for your response! I do like the High Life!
Ich kann leider das Spiel nicht starten
Bekommen erst das Anno fester dann steht keine Rückmeldung oben links und dann schließt es automatisch und bekomme von Ubisoft connect eine Fehlermeldung
ESP: Hola, estoy jugando con el DLC “Alta sociedad” y los productos de los grandes almacenes (el maletín), la tienda de muebles (el sofá) y de la droguería (la pomada) que se fabrican con bienes de Enbesa parece que no afectan a las residencias de eruditos (no aparece el logotipo correspondiente a estos productos cuando pinchas en las residencias de eruditos que están en su radio de influencia). ¿Es un problema estético y se está reduciendo el consumo de productos a los que afectan estos items? Gracias.
ENG: Hi, I’m playing with the “High Life” DLC and the products from the department stores (the briefcase), the furniture store (the sofa) and the drugstore (the pomade) that are made with Enbesa goods do not seem to affect to the residences of scholars (the logo corresponding to these products does not appear when you click on the residences of scholars that are in their radius of influence). Is it a cosmetic problem and is the consumption of products affected by these items being reduced? Thanks.
Yesterday I was not able to pick up the people escaping from the Pyrphorian prison camps and in some situations the resident quests can not be activated. Nothing happens when I click on them.