- Anno 1800
- Announcement
- Cosmetic DLC
Our Cosmetic DLC plans for 2021

Hey Anno Community,
with Season 3 well underway, we today want to give you on update on our plans for Cosmetic DLCs in 2021.
Vehicle Liveries Pack – available starting April 6 from Prime Gaming
First off is something many of you have been asking for- more vehicle skins! The “Vehicle Liveries Pack” adds more than 30 new looks to your airships, ships, and trains, including both skins and new model variations.
As part of Ubisoft’s partnership with Prime Gaming, this pack will be exclusively available to Prime members for a limited time, at no additional cost. From April 6 onwards, any Amazon Prime members can redeem the Pack here to start outfitting their fleets. If you are not an Amazon Prime member yet, you can sign up for a free trial, which also allows you to redeem the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”.
Later this year, the Cosmetic DLC will become available for purchase on Ubisoft Connect, the Epic Games Store and Steam (for owners of Anno 1800).
Here’s a complete overview of everything included in the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”:
- 2 Battlecruiser skins
- 2 Clipper skins
- 2 Cargo Ship skins
- 2 Command Ship skins
- 2 skins for the Imperial Command Ship (available to all players since the game’s first anniversary)
- 1 Command Ship model variation
- 2 skins for the Command Ship model variation
- 2 Frigate skins
- 2 Gunboat skins
- 2 Ship-of-the-Line skins
- 2 Monitor skins
- 2 Schooner skins
- 3 skins for the train
- 3 skins for the Imperial Train (available to all players since the game’s first anniversary)
- 1 train model variation
Airships (only available to owners of “The Passage” DLC):
- 3 airship skins
- 1 airship model variation
Now comes the best part – to give you maximal flexibility in how you want to customize your fleet’s look, you can change the skin on every single vehicle at any time. Want to have your Battlecruisers operating in the new world to sport a unified “Conqueror” paint job? Go for it! Want to make sure that all your sail ships look their best for the next time a monument finishes construction on your main island? Dress them up for the occasion in the “Parade” livery!
Get ready to cast your ballot
Last Spring, we asked you, the community, to cast a vote to decide what Cosmetic DLC you would like to see next, giving you the choice between amusement park, circus, and city themes. And while we could not anticipate that you would essentially vote for both the “Amusements Pack” and the “City Lights Pack” (with a difference of less than 1% between them), we happily obliged by releasing them both in August and November of last year, respectively.
Starting next week on April 8 and running for two weeks, you will once again be called upon to vote for our next Cosmetic DLCs. Yes, that is DLCs as in plural – we will offer the choice between 5 new topics, and the two most voted for candidates will be realized as new Cosmetic DLCs for Anno 1800 later this year.
Many of us on the team have already picked their personal favorites that they will be crossing their fingers for, and we can’t wait to see how they will fare in your voting. We’ll see you next week to find out!
Stay safe,
The Anno Team
How to claim your “Vehicle Liveries Pack” with Prime Gaming:
- Subscribe to Prime Gaming (https://gaming.amazon.com/)
- Visit the Prime Gaming rewards page (https://gaming.amazon.com/anno1800)
- Log in to your Amazon account
- Link your Ubisoft account with your Amazon account
- If you accidentally linked the wrong Ubisoft account to your Amazon account and you haven’t yet claimed the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”, go to https://primegaming.ubisoft.com to unlink your accounts
- Visit https://support.ubi.com/ to troubleshoot any issues with your Ubisoft account
You will receive your “Vehicle Liveries Pack” automatically in-game! Content to be delivered in-game within 48 hours of redemption.
Frequently asked questions
Q: Do I have to have Prime Gaming?
A: Yes, a Prime Gaming membership is required to receive Prime Gaming rewards – Prime Gaming is included free with Amazon Prime, and free trials are available for new users.
Q: Is this for all platforms?
A: It can be redeemed on PC only.
Q: I don’t see my rewards.
A: If you’re having trouble redeeming your Vehicle Liveries Pack, please contact support (support.ubi.com).
For more information about Prime Gaming, visit the Prime Gaming FAQ.
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I connected Ubi account to Amazon account, but I cannot approach links you mentioned above.
I keep getting redirected to the Prime Gaming main page.
How can I get the key?
I can’t access the linked address because my account is Amazon in Canada?
In my county Prime gaming is not supported, pls make this cosmetics available to buy with DLC in future, PLS!!
UBI S2! Nunca te pedimos nada! Já comprei separadamente todos os Season Pass, todos os cosméticos e tudo que surge sobre ANNO 1800. O jogo é incrível. Mas muitas vezes não consigo entender alguma missão por ter 30 segundos ou menos para decidir e o jogo ser inteiramente em Inglês. Dê uma chance para nós brasileiros, traga-nos uma DLC com pacote em PT-BR para o idioma ao menos para os textos, mesmo que tenhamos que pagar por essa DLC. AJUDE-NOS! <3
Estou contigo nessa irmão!
Vehicle Liveries Pack – disponible à partir du 6 avril chez Prime Gaming BONJOUR
Mr OU Mme je voudrait bien Vehicle Liveries Pack – disponible à partir du 6 avril chez Prime Gaming sur votre site comme les autre pack sue j’ai déjà acheté un UBISOFTI JAIS PAS jais pas confiances sur Amazon Prime
sur ma carte bleu je vues acheté sur UBISOFT le dlc comme pour tous les pack D”ATTRACTION ET PACK DE NOEL ET PACK VILLE LUMIERE QUES SUR VOTRE SITE UBISOFT
Bonjour Jack18000,
The exclusivity of the Prime Gaming offer is temporary only, which means the “Vehicle Liveries Pack” will later also become available in the Ubisoft Store as a regular purchase for the price of 4,99€.
I hope this cleared things up
I removed your e-mail address for data protection reasons 🙂
Muito obrigado pela rápida resposta, Ubi_MarcelH.
Ist es möglich, den DLC auch über Amazon Prime Gaming zu erhalten, wenn man das Spiel nicht auf Uplay gekauft hat, sondern auf Steam oder im Epic Games Store besitzt?
So wie ich das verstehe wird nur der Ubisoft Account verknüpft, ich müsste aber den DLC auf Steam oder Epic besitzen, um ihn aktivieren zu können. Das würde wiederum bedeuten das für Spielbesitzer auf anderen Platformen nur der spätere Kauf zur Verfügung stünde.
Ja, denn auch wenn du auf Epic oder über Steam spielst benutzt du dabei immer einen Ubisoft-Account. Der ist es, den du mit deinem Prime-Account verlinken musst bevor du das Paket einlöst.
Hey, das schaut ja gut aus.
Amazon Prime geht bei mir leider nicht. Nur der Serienmist. Die anderen Angebote sind hier leider nicht verfügbar.
Ich hoffe das wird jetzt nicht immer über Amazon sein. Das es da gratis zu bekommen wäre interessiert mich nicht. Lieber würde ich 10 Euro Zahlen um nicht warten zu müssen.
Ab wann ist das Cosmetic DLC denn zu kaufen?
Liebe Grüsse aus den Bergen
Peço desculpa por fazer a mesma pergunta que outros já fizeram. A que horas é que a Amazon através do Prime Gaming, disponibiliza o Pack dos veículos. Subscrevi, linkei as contas e até ao momento não vi alteração alguma.
Em minha opinião e embora compreenda as parcerias das Empresas, é mais fácil adquirir os productos à Ubisoft, no entanto como este Pack ainda não está disponível, aderi ao Prime Gaming, por achar interessante a cosmética dos veículos.
Albísio Magalhães (Almag).
That would be 7pm Lisboa time, tonight.
Ab wann soll denn heute das DLC verfügbar sein ?
Das sollte ab 18 Uhr der Fall sein.
So spät mal wieder !?
So wie alle unsere DLCs eben 🙂 Wobei in diesem Fall das nicht an uns liegt, sondern daran wann Prime Gaming die Seite aktiviert.
The pathology is that I have to create an amazon account on purpose. How could you not sell dlc in your store. Setting up an account on amazon is tragic. Inaccessible to people from the rest of the world. This practice is unacceptable. I have season 3, and people like me in your store should be able to buy this content from you immediately first. Waiting for any supplement because Amazon has a sick corporation and forcing fans to set up an account there is a disrespect for your own regular buyers.
Hey rurarkat,
as mentioned in the article, the exclusivity is temporary, the “Vehicle Liveries Pack” will also become available for purchase like all previous DLC later this year.
We’ll let you know, as soon as we have more details to share regarding the release date.
I warmly welcome Ubi-Thorlof.
For me, this is not an argument that a regular customer should wait by investing capital in you earlier. Getting the product later through your collaboration with Amazon is detrimental to the fans. Anno 1800 does not need the support of pathological corporations. Loving fans would buy it anyway. From love to hate is close, you need to think about what is your priority. I greet you and wish you back on the right track.
You guys are being too critical. It should be this simple, you love the game and you support the developers creating the game. I would gladly pay for this content anyways because I believe in the people making this game. If you have prime, great if not, then buy it to continue your support.
I, myself have bought all the season passes and cosmetic DLC because I support the devs and want to see the continued development of this game. I totally believe in adding to a game rather than spitting out new games. It’s great, let’s make it better.
Проблема тут в том, что перед тем, как дразнить таким контентом огромное количество людей, надо убедиться в том, что Amazon корректно работает во всех странах.
На данный момент я до сих пор не в состоянии получить внятный ответ от них, и соответственно войти в аккаунт. И причин с их стороны полно.
С уверенностью могу сказать что Amazon это одна из худших систем созданных в мире. Абсолютно недружелюбная, недоступная для половины стран, впечатления максимально негативные, и это только на этапе регистрации.
И при всей моей искренней любви к Ubisoft, было весьма некорректно связываться с такими отбросами как Amazon…
И теперь, скорее всего, я не успею из-за внутренних проблем, выкупить пакет в этом мерзком месте, и придется ждать выхода в Steam.
Деньги не вопрос, пусть он даже стоит дороже, просто не ущемляйте огромное количество пользователей.
Проблема исключительно в Amazon…
Теперь о хорошем: новые скины были долгожданными, но то, что вы презентовали, это абсолютно невероятно! Работа шедевральная!=)
There might be of course restrictions to the offer for some countries, you should be able to find more information on Amazon’s website.
The Cosmetic DLC will release on the Ubisoft Store like all other DLC later on, so if you can’t or don’t want to use this temporary offer, you’re not missing out on the content.
You guys must be the only “union” those slave drivers at amazon tolerate! For real I get that you have to make money but its starting to get ridiculous make skins unlockable earned rewards, the people who made them and your fans dont deserve to be forced to sign up to stupid website accounts all the time.
You must be the only person (not really) that didn’t read the entire article and understand it before commenting…
“Later this year, the Cosmetic DLC will become available for purchase on Ubisoft Connect, the Epic Games Store and Steam (for owners of Anno 1800).”
Wait 1-2 months, pay 5 euro on the Ubi store, profit.
Bit embarrassed you’ve thrown away a hard won reputation for twitch drops and Prime Loot.
Read entire article, later on, after the promo is done, you can buy the DLC with 5 euro from the Ubi store, just like any cosmetic DLC… wow, much reputation destroyed :)) calm your drama.
How about tell us how to link those accounts??!! Honestly ppl
How about using Google. It’s all exactly the same anyway.
Any chance of getting a cosmetic dlc where I can choose to have player colour red. I mean imagine the pirates with black and white flags resembling the Jolly Roger. I sadly watch Anne and Jean with their beautiful scarlet ships and sigh if only my ships can have the same. Any chance a cosmetic dlc can also include the avatars from the new world tiers they are the only ones left out. To be honest this is my only wish to play in my favourite colour and select an avatar closest to my appearance
Hey there, thanks for your feedback. You raise a very good point regarding the availability of the New World tiers as avatars in the game, and we will discuss that in the team. Hopefully we can have some good news for you on that in the future 🙂
Wow just wow, just keep hammering in them nails…
I completely agree with Olblf:
You have created a stunning game, for which we gladly pay. As an Anno addict, I’m following the series since Anno 1602. I bought some versions up to 4 times. I don’t mind if you’re being tied to Ubisoft, with it’s (let’s be honest) poor customer service. Even though it’s a nuisance: I put with the Twitch events, because your artwork is superior, and I want to have every single item of the game.
However: I’m not okay with exclusive content through third parties. It feels like I’m being forced to tie myself to third parties against my will. As a paying customer, we should be the central point, not a product to some third company.
I sincerely hope this was a one off test case. Please refrain from these actions in the future.
Yes, I will be the cosmetic DLC’s 😉
And as a paying consumer, you can wait 2 months then get it from the Uplay store, since it will be there later on. This isn’t a limited promo of: If you don’t get it now, you won’t EVER be able to get your hands on, this is just a promo to get more people onto twitch prime… if it will work or not, who knows? But we know that the DLC will be made available from the store later on, most probably with 5 euros.
Can I get the DLC just by using the free trial? And more importantly: Can I keep the DLC after my one week trial has run out and after I’ve deleted my Amazon account?
There doesn’t seem to be a way to remove or edit a comment currently…
Anyway, I found the answers in the Prime Gaming FAQ. It seems like you can claim the DLC with a free trial (thank god) and keep it on Ubisoft after you’ve deleted you’re Amazon account.
However, I still wonder whether there would be a problem claiming any future DLC:s that Anno might (hopefully not) make exclusively for Prime Gaming, if you’ve deleted the previous Amazon account linked to your Ubisoft account.
That is to be honest not something I am sure on, as the account linking stuff is outside the Anno team’s wheelhouse. But you will definitely be able to keep the DLC once you have redeemed it. Beyond the “Vehicle Liveries Pack”, we do not currently have any plans for other partnerships with Prime Gaming for Anno 1800.
You also understand that this DLC will become available later on, maybe couple months down the road, on the Uplay store, right? It’s in the article, you can later buy it from the store with (more than obvious) 5 euros. So you not getting it now due to having anxiety of have another account doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get it later on.
Please! I beg you!! Don’t sell out more after this!
First, Anno 1800 wasn’t made accessible through Steam because some deal with Epic Games Store. Fine! Big old corporate Ubisoft wants to take advantage of one of its more loyal fan bases, “cause everybody knows that corporations like doubloons”. Sure, I get it!
Then, some cosmetic items were only made available through limited time twitch drops – if you don’t get them while you can, you’ll never have the complete game. Really? This is torture for a completist like myself! But fine… I still haven’t missed a single twitch drop, so I guess I can keep it up…
But now… A limited time (!) Amazon Prime Gaming exclusive? Please don’t use us like this!! Sure, some might like it (mostly people who already have Prime Gaming, I presume), but I can’t be the only one in this community that feel like this is a bit too much to keep track of. I just want to have everything in the game: every item and gameplay feature. I don’t want to have to sign up for some third party subscription service, just to get the most out of the game I love.
Please! You’re doing a terrific job as game developer and I really respect you, but why can’t Anno just be its own thing?
I know pain, it’s kind of spread out here and there, link this, link that, watch this or watch that, had to do this then calm here and there, in other website, so go on yet in this case it’s better whole egg in basket, there is time it’s not wise to put whole egg in basket, but this case with game, dlc, item, ect that is better whole in basket to make easier to track and not lost it. Depend on a situation.
Dude, calm yo tits… they gave away ALL the twitch promo’s from the first and second-ish year already, for those that missed them, for free.
And I get it that you didn’t read the article, or sorry to be so harsh, but you don’t have reading comprehension skills… they said that this promo is limited NOW, but later (most probably next month or so, or 2-3 months from now on) they will make it available to buy on the Uplay store.
Stop with the over-dramatization of things… you can either get it now for 6 euros or even FREE (with the 7 days trial), or wait a couple of months and you can buy it from the store for 5 euros. Ain’t hard.
As I said in a comment further up, I can’t find a way to edit or delete what I’ve posted. It’s been two days and I’ve since learned through other forums that the Vehicle Liveries Pack will be available for purchase later in the year (thank goodness). It wasn’t super clear in the article though, since they use the name “Vehicle Liveries Pack” for the Prime content and later talk about “The Cosmetic DLC(s)” that will be voted on next week. Sure, it’s always obvious in hindsight or for those who didn’t misunderstand. I do however not think it’s hard to see how I and a few others misread the text.
Also, I just feel like it’s worth pointing out that English not being my first language and me occasionally misinterpreting things, is really not the same as me (or those like me) not having reading comprehension skills.
I didn’t know that the Twitch drops has been handed out for free, which I suspect wasn’t too long ago. Since I already got the items through Twitch, there wasn’t really a way of me knowing that, now was there?
And sure, with all this later being clarified, yeah, maybe I was a bit over-dramatic. My apologies to the Anno devs, whom I, as previously stated, respect very much! Still a bit cross over Anno not being on Steam though, but I can live with that since I know that’s the doing of the Anno team’s corporate overlord.
I know this may be a long shot, but I’m hoping for a “Martial District” cosmetic dlc. Guard posts, soldiers marching in the streets, some old time castles and maybe a modern fort. No effect on gameplay, of course, all cosmetic. Failing that, would really like a cosmetic passenger train station.
New voices? Especially for the Scavenger? Please?
We do not have any plans for voice packs or something like that, sorry!
My biggest wish for a cosmetic DLC would be passenger trains and a central station. Think that’s really missing for an 1800’s metropole.
To be honest, that would be beyond the scope of a Cosmetic DLC, which are meant to be visual. If we just had trains and train stations that did nothing, I think players would be a bit disappointed probably 🙂
Well now you have an idea for a DLC 😉
To be fair, I would LOVE a DLC that adds some kind of tram. I totally agree that it’s way outside of a Cosmetic Pack DLC’s scope but I think it would fit perfectly for a Season 4 DLC, now that our Old World cities will house tourists and “pickier-investors-in-their-skyscrapers”, malls etc…
Having to manage coverage for engineers and above, with a little tram station to manage (but nothing too crazy though), that would fit so well IMO.
I’m definitely warming up to skins and model variations as a way to spice up ship variety. The ships present in the game pretty much cover all bases already. And there’s always slottable modifications to adjust speed, health or firepower. if the solution to a more fancy-looking clipper was a ship with identical stats but nicer-looking (which I confess was something I used to go for with the Venetian ships to create a Royal Trade/War Fleet in 1404) then skins are perfect as the post covers.
Particularly the airship. Honestly unless you’re after an airship with guns on it I cant think of any mechanical way to add variety to the unit already in-game. So if it’s a passenger airship you’re after, the normal airship with a fancy-looking skin or model variant covers just fine.
30 varieties covering pretty much every vehicle so far (including special edition stuff, trains and airships) is a fantastic selection. So very much looking forward to seeing what the art teams came up with when it launches!
In the text it says today ‘Any Amazon Prime members can redeem the Pack here and start outfitting their fleets today’ but it’s April 6th on the amazon gaming page.
The blog initially went live with some outdated text due to a backend hiccup, sorry about that. April 6 is the correct date that should have been on there from the start.
Thanks for the clarification (: I was just too eager to try them out immediately