- Anno 1800
- Union Update
Union Update: Something big is coming

We are knee-deep in the de… the final development phase of Anno 1800, and while the big event season with the likes of gamescom and EGX lies behind us, there is still plenty happening in the Anno Union world. Another Union focus test round just concluded and we are working to finalize our content roadmap for those all-important last few months prior to the release of the game. Due to that workload, it can happen that some content might suffer a slight delay, as some of you might have already noticed, but we are working hard to ensure you are well entertained leading up to the big launch date.
To give you a glimpse at our upcoming content: We plan to host Livestreams more frequently, will provide fan material such as wallpapers, highlight your community projects and will tackle important outstanding topics such as naval combat or multiplayer in detail. And not to forget, we will also open the floodgates of our focus playtesting to allow more Union members than ever before to test the game.
While we are on the playtest subject: we need to talk!
The players of the latest focus test provided us once again with a large amount of incredibly helpful feedback and we are still going through the extensive test reports. But we are confident to say that the latest results show that Anno 1800 is on the right track to deliver a game Anno fans can get excited about, even though there is still a lot of work to do prior to the release in February.
In order to make sure that we get as much feedback and data as possible, we want to invite a significantly higher amount of Union members for the next phase of the focus test. This huge test will happen as early as this year and will be exclusive to members of the Anno Union. So if you are just a reader on our page, make sure that you register on the Anno Union page with your Uplay account as soon as possible to secure your chance at being invited.
And to give you some visual impressions from the latest test, here are a few screenshots from our testers (we won’t publish the names as the test is still covered by an NDA).
Keyword feedback: We have not missed your comments regarding the Ship Design Contest in last weeks Union Update. Because of that feedback, we will make sure that for future votes, we give you a chance to vote on a final selection on entries to determine the winner. When talking about the skill regarding the execution of these submissions, the idea behind an entry is as important for us as the actual craftsmanship of the community member, be it a drawing, writing or any other submission (even though we are often amazed by the true display of skills in some of your work).
When we are talking about content that is supposed to be added to the game, keep in mind that we also have to check if an idea is feasible within our production pipeline.
Notwithstanding the above, we want to honor exceptional creative takes and creations with a proper showcase on our Anno Union channels.
And with that, we are already at the end of today’s Union Update. Don’t forget to share your thoughts, suggestions and feedback in the comments below. Moreover, we are always eager to get your ideas for the Anno Union and the Union Updates.
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Please make a day and night cycle, it’s not that important but it makes the game more realistic.
It is a nice feature, and something that many of us on the team like as well, but we won’t be able to add it in time for release. Whether that is something that could be added later, we would have to look into- no promises.
Maybe I will finally win an Anno 1800 Insignia after all :P.
Firstly, the game is looking fantastic, I placed my order as soon as it was available, like I’m sure many on here have. The level of detail is very exciting, and will add to the endless replay-ability factor rather well.
Secondly, reading that naval combat is still an “outstanding topic” at this late stage in game development is rather concerning. It would suggest that military/combat is not a significant priority for the new game. I for one would be very disappointed, as I love the combat mechanics in 2070 the best, and I think 2205 combat was awful due to it being so disconnected from the main game. I understand that adding land-based combat would complicate things, but surly a 2070-style naval/aerial combat mechanics would make a good starting point for the 1800 combat development?
Will be information about produsing of goods in factories in menu of building? This useful information was in ANNO 2205, and we could know how many resources need every farm and how many create. Will be it realised?
You will get a few hints so you can figure out on your own what the ideal production chain looks like.
I played some 2205 and remember now I hated collecting special resources through (ugh) combat will there be a system like that in new anno?
Wont mind combat would hate being forced into it because it has resources you need to progress
Any informations about train transport? And trains at all in Anno 1800?
Sure, you can find a dedicated blog regarding trains here: http://anno-union.com/en/power-overwhelming/
Here you go 🙂
Don’t wanna be left out here, so have a blog about trains: http://anno-union.com/en/power-overwhelming/
I’m playing Anno 1404 to get into the right mindset! Last month it was 2070.
That’s the spirit!
I think i read somewhere that the decorations for the city don’t cost nothing, in my opinion the effort i make in gathering the necessary resources for building decorations in the other anno games is more rewarding, a decorated city means a rich city, having free decorations removes the fun, in my opinion.
I agree! I think that should be adjustable in the difficulty settings.
agree free decorations would remove some from the sense of accomplishment
The decorations are free as in they don’t cost maintenance… they will ofc have a cost attached to them, $$$, as in all games… but they won’t cost maintenance… or at least that’s how I understood it.
Не могу дождаться!
wow can’t wait
any plan for Dynamic weather ?
There won’t be dynamic weather in Anno 1800.
Can’t wait!
We all know something big is coming. It’s called Anno 1800! ;D
Here’s a suggestion concerning the expedition-contest.
Maybe there can be more than one winner. The more different stories, the better.
It can help to bring more variety (don’t know the exact number of stories there are).
Right on with the Anno 1800 comment!
For the contest, we’ll think about that. 🙂