- Anno 1800
- Contest
- Cosmetic DLC
- Season 4
Vote for 2022’s third Cosmetic DLC!

Hey Anno Community,
As we announced earlier this year when we talked about Cosmetic DLC plans for 2022, we still want to leave the third of this year’s CDLCs up to your vote!
While the first released on February 15th (the “Seasonal Decorations” Pack) and the second one (the “Industrial Zone” Pack) will release in June, the third one is planned for Autumn.
And for this, we are planning to once more put the decision on the topic into the hands of you, our Anno Union community!
In total, we’re presenting you with three possible Cosmetic DLC topics. As you will see, we also considered your feedback on topics that you would like to see more ornaments about.
And now enough of the introduction, here are the 3 themes you can vote on! Keep in mind that those are only our current plans for the Cosmetic DLC topics. The exact content and scope depend on the theme of the pack which we will further explore as soon as the result is clear.
And now enough of the introduction, here are the 3 themes you can vote on! Keep in mind that those are only our current plans for the Cosmetic DLC topics. The exact content and scope depend on the theme of the pack which we will further explore as soon as the result is clear.
“Nature Pack”: Ornaments that can be used in larger inner-city parks or maybe as part of a bigger recreational nature park outside the city. It would focus on nature objects like special trees, natural monuments, rock formations and maybe places for hikers to rest.
“Eldritch Pack”: Century-appropriate gothic elements for your cities with darker and potentially slightly spooky ornaments. These could be gargoyles, twisted trees, graveyard pieces and other gothic architecture.
“Old Town Pack”: The age of industrialization is upon us, but that doesn’t mean forgetting about the more medieval roots of your cities from previous Annos. This pack would focus on leftovers from older times for your city centres.
Of course, all of us on the Anno 1800 team have our own favourites that we are crossing fingers for (did someone say “Eldritch Pack”?) and we sat down to discuss our Cosmetic DLC plans and this year’s candidates:
That’s not all, though: Three Anno characters will do their best to convince you for their personal favourite – keep an eye on our social channels Twitter and Facebook for their takes!
As before, the Cosmetic DLC will be a standalone purchase for the price of 4,99€ and will not be part of the Season 4 Pass to give our players maximum flexibility over their Anno 1800 experience.
The voting will run for two weeks and end on Monday, May 16th at 11:59pm CEST / 5:59 PM EDT. You can click on any of the images to view them in full size. Happy voting, and stay safe!
[totalpoll id=”16703″]
*Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay. The names of the packs are “working titles” and might change later on.
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Why not create all 3 cosmetic pacs?
Vote for Old Town :
Anno 1800 has become too “industrialized”, too modern, for me.
Anno 1404 and 1701 had this still medieval and feudal side which I liked more than the 19th century, especially since in 1800, it was the very beginning of industrialization, a lot of content brought by the DLCs or even the basic game is rather located around the 2nd half of the 19th century, or even more, not in 1800 !
Despite everything, it’s a very good game, congratulations to the developers ! 🙂
I also like Nature pack, my 2nd favorite.
Irgendwie finde ich alle 3 charmant, na ihr macht das schon. Suchtfaktor hat 1800 alle mal 🙂
Old town!!!
I’ll be completely honest about the eldritch pack: it doesn’t really fit the theme of Anno 1800. But do you know what would be cool? A gothic horror / lovecraftian themed Anno. Here’s something maybe to write down somewhere: if the devs ever get tired of purely historical games, just go for a fictional setting and do what you want. Eldritch or fantasy included.
But, barring that, it’s gotta be Old Town first and Nature second.
The Nature Pack as well as the Old Town Pack sounds very well to me. I’d like to see both of them but decided for Old Town due I played every single game, each for at least a couple of 100 hours, – apart from the Anno focused on future setting.
But if you see any possibility to offer the Nature Pack retrospectively I guess you made not just me but many fans happy. Additional to that, the Nature Pack would even more complete the Old Town Pack, wouldn’t it? Old Buildings mixed with a wide range of ‘unique’ ornaments whereby unique in this constellation means that you make your own design for specific areas/buildings by mixing historic buildings and the direct vicinity in your towns.
The Eldritch Pack haven’t even touch me, it sounds more like a Halloween CDLC to me.
An Old Town Pack would definitivaly improve the view of the style of the game
We need more trees with othor colors
Always love to see new cdlc.love all three packs, can’t we get them all?
And Could the dev teams do somethings to rebalance attractives?Build hundreds of ornaments and only get very few attractives are pretty annoyed.
Especially after seeds of change i have to build a chapel & town hall layout every island to active the Hacienda Polices,or to build a large amounts of zoo / museum modules.If you can buff those ornaments, make them provide a lot more atrractives, things will be very different!
I find the “Eldritch” decoration idea amazing, and I voted for it without hesitation. My second option would be the “Old Tow”, I would love to add additional decorations of that type to my cities. I insist, this is the best Anno of all.
I will vote for the nature pack because I think I will use these ornaments much more often than the other ones but I really would love to get the eldritch pack as well. You could do a cool creepy cemetery! I would pay for both! Can’t you make both? ?
Love Nature pack! Honestly pretty disappointed that Old Town is gonna win :/ seems.. boring. Tradition needs to be tossed out!
I like both the Nature and Old Town CDLC’s equally. Both would make a great addition to the game. However since only one can be voted for, I went with the Old Town CDLC. I would love to see some things from ANNO 1404 added to the game. Seeing as how ANNO 1404 is a fan favorite for many, (me included) who’ve been around the series for a long time. I think the community would love that idea. Seeing some rustic ANNO 1404 Old Town cosmetics. Would definitely add some rustic old town charm to our cities.
On top of that we already have the ANNO 1404 “When Cultures Meet” in ANNO 1800 with the music pavilion. With the violins. So the Old Town CDLC would really compliment that. So the two would go well together, giving players who’ve been around ANNO for a long time some nostalgia. All in a newer title of ANNO. This is something the Developers to consider. Perhaps to brainstorm some ideas for the CDLC pack.
Nature sounds really nice!… but I voted for Old Town.
I think both are totaly worth a CDLC!
But work more on the trees like at the charity CDLC..this one was not really nice,
I voted for Old Town. I believe one of the marks of XIX’s century was the development and transitions from Old to New. The clash of class and development of city. In somehow, we will be able to show the Old is something very nice. Besides that. I rather prefer to development team think in designing more ornaments. It is incredible how much mods can develop new ornaments etc. But these package could bring more value, more content. I think Anno’s Official Developers could bring more (Designers, etc) content. It is not something complicated that would affect the whole game to add new ornaments.
Eldritch Pack would be my second choice. This type of architecture has influenced the world as well as others. It’s very interesting to see this design and concept possibility on the development team’s radar.
Remember your past.
Ich finde Tatsächlich das Old Town Pack und das Eldritch Pack ganz geil.
Schade dass ich mich für eins Entscheiden muss.
Old Town!! 🙂
Echt Jetz
Ich würde wieder Gerne in die zeit von Anno 1602-1503 gehen weil ich die spiel mit denen Anno anfing immer noch feiere
¡Hola a todos desde España!, nunca me había interesado tanto por un juego de PC hasta que descubrí Anno 1800, mi enhorabuena para los desarrolladores, creadores, equipo y demás personal de Ubisoft que nos han permitido disfrutar de este magnífico juego.
Mi voto ha sido para Old Town Pack, es muy difícil elegir porque las tres opciones son ¡fantásticas!.
Me gusta la idea del usuario “nalvarez17” , que hubiese una evolución en nuestras flotas de guerra estaría muy bien, tal vez para poder justificar los nuevos barcos militares, podría crearse una nueva región con islas llenas de piratas en donde poder comerciar y obtener algún producto o materia prima que no hubiese en otra región y que fuese indispensable para la felicidad de nuestra población, de esa forma tendríamos que escoltar nuestros barcos mercantes y proteger nuestras rutas de piratas que solo quieren robar nuestras mercancías.
Tal vez esa zona podría ser similar a la que nos ofrece el mod … “New Horizons – Entering Asia”, en donde podríamos comercializar, producir u obtener mercancías como: especias, joyas, té, …. y que fuesen complementarias o sustitutivas de otras obtenidas en el resto de regiones, como: café, oro, especias o hierbas de Endesa.
También se podrían adquirir los servicios de los piratas del Viejo Mundo y del Nuevo Mundo para proteger nuestras rutas y convertirlos en “corsarios” a nuestro servicio y entablar batallas navales contra flotas de alianzas de piratas con ayuda de nuestros aliados corsarios.
De esta forma tendríamos que gastar más puntos de experiencia y necesitaríamos más recursos y dinero teniendo que evolucionar para poder prosperar y seguir avanzando.
Gracias al equipo de Anno 1800 por ofrecernos la posibilidad de disfrutar de esta “obra de arte”. ¡Un afectuoso saludo desde España!
Hola Regino,
¿El mod “New Horizons – Entering Asia” está operativo o es una idea en desarrollo?
Hola Dravidos, creo que está aún en desarrollo, yo lo vi en youtube en Enero de este año, emitido por Takarazuka y aluciné con la calidad que tenía, si no lo has visto te lo recomiendo:
Tal vez se podrían adoptar algunos mods de forma oficial para el juego, de igual manera que este tipo de DLC cosmético, mediante votaciones, hay algunos que son una maravilla y sobre todo este mod de Asia que realmente parece oficial, hay mucho trabajo y amor a esta saga de juegos y en particular a Anno 1800. ¡Un saludo Dravidos!
Muchas gracias, Regino. Ya que Ubisoft no quiere ofrecernos una región en Asia, tendremos que recurrir a los mods.
Eldritch Pack
Old Town Pack
Hi Guys, can you please give a kind of “Give life” DLC or an optional update for all cosmetic packs. If I can use the ornaments for real roads or real traffic , That would give much meaning full connections to them in the game. And we can beautify with functional roads. Now I have to put normal road for actual traffic and for additional layer for ambience.
+1! Like in Anno 1602! more diversity fore streets please!
I think a Graveyard ‘set’ is a definite NEED regardless of which pack gets the most votes – And it could conceivibly work with any of these three – A very ‘park like’ cemetary with trees and nice marble statues and stuff (The one on ‘Bright Sands’ would be pretty close to this)- Or a dark and moody ‘Gothic’ cemetary with lots of dark stone and creepy stuff – Or even an ‘Old Medieval Church’ based set that while old and overgrown is still open and peaceful.
So many options!
fande mehr park schon schön aber old town klingt auch gut aber ghotic passt nicht so zu anno finde ich
Why not just have them all, I can wait if you want to do them one at a time. 🙂
My heart breaks for the eldritch theme. I want it. But what I /need/ is some stuff for my worker and artisan parts of town.
I want all it.
I feel like you guys should have a voting option for:
Regardless of which pack wins, regardless if you publish one, two or all three, I’ll still buy them all anyway!
Das Rennen scheint für “Altstadtpaket” zu laufen… Schade, fand Eldritich spontan am coolsten.
Yup Old town with Eldritch will be a nice gesture. I won’t mind paying 2 DLC if you decide to put them out together. I always say enough with the voting just let us have everything haha.
If you have plans for all of them, why don’t you just make them all and let the one with the most votes be the first release? I simply hate to choose between nature pack and old town because they both look great.
Old town will win. but I wish nature pack and eldrich will be released too. Your point is really amazing and should just be voting for chronological order.
stupid old town pack be leading my old city just get more boring, c’est la Tristesseé
pls give us all of them and more thanks, i still can’t get my flagship out of the water and make it a museum attraction…. (may won battles even give it more renown?)
I see that we are not going to walk in the country and enjoy an afternoon of picnic. Ubisoft team, I imagine that you have done a market study and there is not enough demand for one more CDLC per year, right? Or do you not have enough human resources to develop that extra CDLC for annoholics? Perhaps some annoholics would be willing to buy a CDLC season pass and that would guarantee you a known level of demand early in the year and early funding (sorry I’m an economist!).
I love this idea. scrap the voting just give us CDLC season pass.
In the end, it also comes down to available development resources, yes. We did our estimations for this year with 3 main DLC of the Season Pass, 3 Cosmetic DLC and of course time for the free Game Updates and patches. There’s no room to squeeze in more, like an additional CDLC.
Warum nicht, Eldritch? Wäre mal ne abwechslung.
Old Town Pack <3
I think the Eldritch pack would fit in well with the Steampunk vibe of Anno 1800. If you do end up doing two packs (hint, hint), I think the Old Town would complement the Eldritch pack. This time I am spoilt for choice as I would like the Nature pack too. (Greedy of me I know lol)
Nature pack seems the most nices to me, although i would have wanted to see extra skins for hotels and skyscrapers, nature is also a thing i want to see redone
Old Town and Eldritch pack would complement each other so well. I could imagine an old forgotten town which is in the countryside away from the city. I would love to love the Eldritch pack but it seems that it does not belong just like a pack. it must have a lot of content to be able to make sense because if a few ornaments would just be thrown in the game then I wouldn’t have much to do with it. It would not go with my other builds. It would just feel weird like it does not belong there.
If the eldritch pack would be with another pack like crimes and slums or any other pack that would make the cosmetic of the game more realistic and fun and not just like everything is “good”. But I hope that this would not lead to tasks or scenarios. I just want to see the bad side of 1800 without actually having to deal with them. It is just for cosmetics and feels.
Zurück in die gute alte Zeit…
Na den mal gucken was da so kommt 😛
I would love to build a lot of kind of Old Towns!!
Simply make all of them, plus Circus and all the other DLCs not able to win 🙂 I would buy them all 😉
more nature elements !!!!! 🙂
Ps: Why cant you just take my money and make all of them 🙁
I just want more Mittelalter!
<3 me2!
Would be awesome if the Eldritch had some Cthulhu vipes
I voted for the Nature Pack. When done perfectly as a cosmetic DLC it would satisfy me the most among the three of those. If there could be gameplay elements involved I would like it be the Old Town.
Assuming Old Town Pack would win I would like it to be a mix of skins and ornaments:
– a skin for artisan residences like some of the houses in Dilsberg
– a skin for engineer residences resembling patrician houses from 1404
– a skin for investor residences resembling noblemen houses from 1404
– a town hall skin
– perhaps a marketplace skin, for inspiration: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krak%C3%B3w_Cloth_Hall
– a bank skin, a big building in an old style fitting the patricians and noblemen skins
– a skin for variety theatre, maybe closer to the cultural buildings from 1701
– a skin for a church, closer to the church from 1404
– city walls including opened gates which allow for a road to go through the gates, and some watch towers
– some old statues
– big and old 2×2 ornamental trees, big oaks and such
If there was gameplay involved, I would love the Old Town to have differently looking residences and some gameplay to it. Let’s say some islands could start with an old city somewhere on it. We could of course demolish it or take care of it instead. People could normally live in those houses, but the houses could also provide attractiveness, if they were properly maintained. Maintenance would involve a building working similarly to shopping arcades or food and drink venues, it would require construction materials and some workforce, and it would apply a strong positive attractiveness effect to old town buildings within its range, and an effect that lowers fire risks and prevents the buildings from becoming ruined. The maintenance building could require timber, bricks and something else. Without that maintenance the old town buildings would gradually deteriorate eventually going into ruined state beyond repair and would have to be demolished like buildings in the Seasons of Silver scenario.
Stare miasto na pewno
Old town for sure
The Old Town makes more sense, but a few Gothic accents like a church or gargoyles would be nice too.
Old Town Pack 100%!
ahoy !
=> we have a pletora of easter eggs and even cosmetics pointing to other anno…
=> gothic/occultism WAS A REALISTIC PART of the 19th century, the POINT of these type of DLC is to make things that not everyone wants in his game, eldricht is the PERFECT example
we already have 100% of “happy world” in ANNO 1800, a bit more realism by showing a NEW part of 19th century would be welcome !
even the devs are wanting it becaus ethey put it in a second vote ! so JUST DO IT damnit !
make it come at halloween as optional or any way you can imagine, there are always people who want to pay for it, stop ignoring the one who voted for the gothic character in the first vote… this vote system is making a nice part of the game unexplored…
and to be frank i lost faith in it, following blindly always the same majority will just make the game stay in only one way with no other option for who wants variety…
so much potential of variety, but it seems eldricht is just buried because of “majority call”…
=> even just having like some ornaments + some ship skins in the theme of eldricht would be enough fun !
please devs, i hope you will at least make something for eldricht pack fans for halloween, dont miss it !
hope the best ! still believing a little !
Plus: only a few are voting, not representing “the old” who grew up with Gothic and other games related to this topic 😉 Supporting this idea, look at the cultural influence of realism and impressionists… Or the upcoming occultism with Absinth… (uh, a new product chain 🙂 ). Also the beginning of nature interest from city people, as they seek the romance and beauty of nature (thus would support the DLC nature). In the end they need each other…
I do hope both Nature Pack & Old Town Pack get near the same votes! so if the old town wins Ubisoft will have to build the Nature pack as well
Eldritch Pack!!!!!!
As a professional urban planner, I love Anno1800 and its expansions. About the 3 Cosmetic DLCs I had the following thoughts:
– Nature Pack: I love the idea of having a large metropolis and hinterland with small villages and nature parks on one map, but I believe that the current maps are too small for this. While city parks already have decent customization options, more nature trails or even hills and mountains for hikers would be insane. If the maps were bigger, I would totally vote for this.
– Eldritch Pack: for me, Anno1800 is a rather “realistic”, historical game and I would honestly feel that such a DLC could come at the cost of immersion. While gargoyles were maybe part of some buildings like churches, I believe a whole DLC would put the fantasy part in focus. I usually didn’t like breaks of the immersions through DLCs in other games ( like Hot Wheels in Forza Horizon, flying vehicles in GTA,…) – so I didn’t vote for this one.
– Old Town Pack: this one I love too. Especially in European Cities, the development often happened around its old city centers, trading roads, and later train tracks – still shaping the culture of a town nowadays. More customization options for buildings and streets give even more room for diversity, which makes our cities feel even more realistic and alive. – voted for this one
The nature and old town pack are both packs I would love to have in my game. Voted for nature, but if Old town wins im just as happy!
Can I vote them all at once?
that has teh same value as voting for no one.
I wish we’ll have a special skin one day, maybe as a farewell for boats. I was thinking about the transatlantic shippers, as the Titanic or the Olympic, of the White Star Line. It was one of the dream of our humanity, and write the end of a time.
A difficult choice to make. They all look very interesting.
But of course all depends how the final version of the cosmetic DLC will be.
I am confident that it will be great like always.
I vote for the Eldritch Pack hoping for a cemetery and beautiful graveyard pieces.
My vote is the Old Town Pack. Several reasons:
1. Blatant nostalgia for Anno 1404 and other games. Establishing some continuity.
2. It would look really good if done right. Fortresses, town squares, Cathedral, thin streets, apothecaries and so on.
3. It is better than other packs.
Nature pack is nice, but does not add much. If you leave a part of a large part of an island untouched and green, you get the similar thing by default. It would be nice to add some specific ornaments there, but it is not really needed.
Speaking for myself, I am not at all interested in the Eldritch pack. Sure, it may not be fantasy-like or garish Halloween-styled, but still it is just not a good idea. There is a solid argument for a more intimidating gothic look in the city, but a designated pack is not going to achieve much. It would just add several ornaments not fitting with the rest of the city, so you would have to make a special spooky area and that’s not appealing. Anno 1800’s world and cities, graphic design and music, the celebrations, are bright, light and optimistic. If the base game had brutal poverty, social problems and visible pollution as in real 19th century, you could sneak such a pack in, but as of now, no, just a bad idea. If you want to add some spookiness, just make the Old Town medieval pack a bit more intimidating and/or add reskins.
Eldritch pack sounds awesome based on your the video, would love to add some 19th century Gothic Architecture or the period’s obsession with the occult to the game! I think the chosen image and the name are a bit misleading, I too thought it was more halloween-esque until I watched your video…
Denke das Altstadtpaket passt am besten und lässt sich gut in das Spiel einfügen und ergänzt bereits bestehendes
why dont you just make eldricht for halloween instead of putting it in votes 2 times ?
people who want it are blocked by votes…
Altestadt Ornamente find ich gut hoffe das man das ein oder andere Ornament Aus den Vorgängern sieht.
Eldritch-Rudel ist bei mir Nummer 2 einen Friedhof in der Stadt zu bauen finde ich auch interessant
I can already see my citizens going on a nice walk with a basket full of food to enjoy in the wild while building small dams in a mountain river…
I would love to have this pack, hope it wins!
Good idea Misiek 1991 for a steampunk cosmetic pack. I hope the developers will add it!
Is it possible to say if packs could include building skins? For example, would it be possible to include an old town church skin, or a gothic one? I ask because I assume it is either building skins like Vibrant Cities, or ornaments, like the other packs…
Well, just like this picture…
I prefer Nature Pack. We have built cities full of people and we need a space to breathe. I try to have green spaces (even if it is a small garden) in each neighborhood of my cities.
Eldritch Pack is awful. I would not like to have such ugly elements in my cities.
Definitely Nature Pack!
Eldritch Pack is the choice for me but I guess nature Pack is a good choice too.
Old Town is leading? WOW that’s suprising.
Nature plz~the nature is restless~~i will vote nature pack in order to add the beauty of the game~
Old Town for me. Would love to be able to have an Old center as a feature in my cities that aren’t reliant on mods.
Such a shame that the circus wasn’t an option but the bloody eldritch pack is! 😛
Game not old enough for ya?
Für mich ganz klar Nr. 3
I like the idea of giving the city a sense of history with the Old Town Pack. The Eldritch Pack I’d like to see but it’s always against competitors I’d like to see more. The Nature Pack gets my vote because I always try to make city parks. Hiking ornaments sound good, too.
1. Old Town 2. Nature then 3. Horror pack ? keep Anno realistic.
Why not all three? 🙂
Fun fact ist ja eigentlich schon, dass ich derzeit auch Versuche Fachwerkhäuser aus den Handwerker Häusern zu modden ?
Mal wieder zwei dumme und ein Gedanke.
Trotzdem – oder gerade deshalb: Old Town bitte
GO GO NATURES!! the other 2 are just too off-theme with the rest of the game. it’s like when people use mods of old style buildings – they always seem quite off with the general aesthetics of the rest of the city. i think most will end up having a small weird part of the city since the developers can’t release so many different ornaments that you could make an entire city look a certain way? but with the nature pack, you can spread it out throughout the city more easily and would look like a upgrade instead of a sliver look back to the past.
PLUS, what would these pack look like with the next few incoming DLCs? kinda weird to have a goth or old town look with a lot more high tech airships and all~~ really looks off :3
Yes, I kind of agree with you.
If that means the “Old Town” will be a better match with the game than the mod recycling Anno 1404 buildings… Count me in!
I’d love the nature pack too. But there’s absolutely no interest whatsoever for the Eldritch theme. That’s only useable around Halloween… I prefer ornaments you can use all year round 🙂
Anno 1404 vibes LETS GO OLD TOWN! My Peasant and Worker houses want some medieval-ish tones <3
come on eldritch pack!
Ahh these are 3 very enticing and exciting ideas! I have to say, I would be happier with any of these being released in June as opposed to the industrial one 🙁 I’ll make my decision when it’s out but this might be the very first cdlc that I will skip. I have no use for these kinds of ornaments. As for the vote, I loved all 3 candidates, but I’m voting for Eldritch of course, like I did all the times before when it was up for the vote. Hopefully third time’s the charm. Fingers crossed!
Take my Money, ich nehm sie alle 😀
Nature pack come on!!! I desperately need proper parks!
Please, Old Town!
There is no need to go into fiction or mysticism. Cities should be organic, not caricatured.
Ich finde die Idee mit einem Erholungspark ausserhalb der Stadt hervorragend
I really want a building like the Notre Dame. Gothic arcitecture just looks amazing. I hope Eldritch will win this one 🙂 As always i love this game so much
I would love to see some kind of Steampunk cosmetic DLC
Related to Old Nate inventrions 😉
You need to have to look at Tourists_Alternativ_Buildings_MU on nexusmods. They are exceptionally beautiful and have unique buildings for restaurant, cafe and bar. They are stunning and even if I usually is not a mod person. These will stay.
Hi! First thank you for alllll you do!! You guys are awesome and this is my favorite game of all time AND I’ve bought every DLC so keep them coming! I know you have plans for this year and I’m sure you’re always thinking about how to expand this game further, so since someone from the team will probably read this I am wondering if you would consider in the future adding new battleships to build since we’ve basically entered the roaring ’20s based on the high-life pack. For example, maybe an additional larger battleship, frigates, destroyers, etc? Further, what about initiating large-scale sea battles with opponents? The combat is excellent and beautiful in this game; however, I do wish there could be some more of it:/ It would be awesome if you could somehow initiate an attack on your island from an opponent. Just some food for thought! THank you agian!!
Nice! Habe für Eldritch gevotet.
Eldritch Pack. Ich fand die Idee schon vorher richtig gut aber Fußgängerzone und mehr Hausoptionen bevorzugte ich dann doch noch ein klein wenig mehr. Jetzt aber ist Anno 1800 schon riesig, Grün ist es bereits und alt genug sieht es teils eigentlich auch aus. Daher fällt meine Wahl auf das, was unheimlich eng mit der dem 19. Jahrhundert und der Jahrhundertwende verknüpft ist. Lovecraft! Die Aussicht auf Wasserspeier, Gothik und Okkultes entfacht den Wunsch eine Kutte überzuziehen und ein dunkles Ritual zu vollziehen!
“Der tote Cthulhu. In seinem Haus in R’lyeh schläft er und wartet träumend auf den Tag, an dem er aus seinem tiefen Schlaf erwachen wird!”
Ich finde, daß das Altstadtpaket am besten zum Game passen würde, da man dann seine Städte noch etwas mehr anziehender für seine Bewohner und Besucher ausbauen kann.