• Anno 1800
  • Announcement
  • Season 4

We cordially invite you once again

So, here I am, writing this invitation to you to join us once again to the unveiling of a new season of content for Anno 1800.


We gave you a glimpse at Season 4’s content in December, now it’s time to talk in detail about our plans for this year’s three DLC and their focus on the New World.

So, mark March 29th in your calendars and set an alarm for 5PM CEST/UTC+2. And then join us on twitch.tv/ubisoftbluebyte for one hour of news and gameplay for the first of the three DLC.


Until then, keep an eye on our social channels for some first teasers and information on Season 4 and especially the first DLC.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all next week!




  1. A AWOLNATION_HERO March 23, 2022

    I can’t buy new Year Pass ‘cause my region no longer supported by UbiStore, but still I can’t wait to see what’s new inside this DLC,

  2. S S4t4n0y March 23, 2022

    I really love the game and look forward to the new content.
    The only thing I would change or add would be the ability to skip the world (region) quests in sandbox mode and add something related to Asia. and in embesa maybe add an NPC island that is like the middle east (like in Anno 1404).

    • D Dravidos March 23, 2022

      I have also asked many times for a region in Asia. It seems that this is impossible. So I would appreciate it if there were more islands or a big island in the New World.

      • S S4t4n0y March 25, 2022

        Too bad, it would be great thinking it is an NPC from Asia. Yes, bigger islands in the new world would be great, maybe also improve or redesign the arctic that seems almost empty and inconsequential if it wasn’t for the gas. Perhaps another interesting aspect would be to be able to take those small islands on the map, since Anno 1404 I think they would be good military posts.

  3. J Jerry_Key_Smith March 23, 2022

    Interesting news, I’ll see when it appears on Youtube. Well, I will not be able to support you and buy a 4 Season Pass, too, the ubisoft store is no longer available to me…

    • D Dravidos March 23, 2022

      Why Ubisoft Store is no longer available for you? Do you live in Russia?

  4. B BuryTheMoney March 22, 2022

    You guys have really raised the bar in what a DLC should be, let alone what the is game series can be.

    Yet- I’m imploring you. After this run of DLC, please PLEASE take what you have learned, and move on to the next title.

    Anno 1800 has been a masterpiece, but I think many have squeezed so much juice out of it they’re having trouble fathoming more DLC for it.

    The juice has been worth the squeeze, but I think people are ready to see what your next Anno will be, and I for one am getting scared that it’s release date is just skipping further away with dev time spent on another years worth of DLC.

    I mean this all as kindly as possible. Thanks for all you’ve done. But it’s time.

    • B BuryTheMoney March 22, 2022

      Sorry for the duplicate comment! Internet was being weird on my phone!

    • k killaer111111 March 24, 2022

      Hey, I think you’re wrong. It’s not done.

      This game has a wonderful foundation and I think they can keep expanding it. There is a lot of content, and for people who love complex games, it’s really a blessing to have this type of sandbox.

      I will continue to support this developer for Season 4, 5, and beyond.

      It’s a very complex game and I loved the additions with Tourist & High Life. There’s no need for them to stop at all.

      There’s lots of juice remaining.

      Also keep in mind that many studios will have part of the team working on continuing support, and part working on the new title anyway.

      Lets support the developer 🙂

  5. B BuryTheMoney March 22, 2022

    You guys have really raised the bar in what a DLC should be, let alone what the is game series can be.

    Yet- I’m imploring you. After this run of DLC, please PLEASE take what you have learned, and move on to the next title.

    Anno 1800 has been a masterpiece, but I think many have squeezed so much juice out of it they’re having trouble fathoming more DLC for it.

    The juice has been worth the squeeze, but I think people are ready to see what your next Anno will be, and I for one am getting scared that it’s release date is just skipping further away with dev time spent on another years worth of DLC.

    I mean this all as kindly as possible. Thanks for all you’ve done.

    • k killaer111111 March 24, 2022

      I support more DLC work, Season 4, 5, 6, let’s go 😀

  6. B Bogoethe March 22, 2022

    The game is already oversaturated with content. It is very difficult to master everything that is in the game.

    It would be better if you focused on the new game.

    • B Bogoethe March 22, 2022

      Although I have no doubt that season 4 is a whim of the authorities.

    • k killaer111111 March 24, 2022

      It’s a complex game, yes, and it’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to “master” it, just have fun 🙂

      I will enjoy more content, actually, and I support continuing development on this game. Can’t wait for Season 4.

    • S S4t4n0y March 28, 2022

      I do not totally agree, yeah it is a difficult game, but you can choose to play in a difficulty that allows you to have fun, even more, it is a game that you can play the same rom for hours and learn along the way and complete different aspects that it gives you. I think that if it is well formulated the difficulty will not really increase but it will require better management skills.

  7. D Dravidos March 22, 2022

    Finally! I’ve been checking this website every day for three weeks to see if you announce the release of the fourth season. One more week of waiting…

    • J Jerry_Key_Smith March 23, 2022

      I totally agree, I did the same thing )))


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