• Anno 1800
  • Cosmetic DLC
  • Voting

Vote for this year’s Cosmetic DLC!

Hey Anno Community,

One lesson we learned over the last years is that there’s no such thing as “too many ornaments” for our beauty-builder community. We can see this being reflected in both the reception of, for example, the new harbour ornaments added with “Docklands” as well as the success of the three Cosmetic DLC we havereleased up until now.

For 2021, we’d love to expand on this and work on two more Cosmetic Packs for you. And as announced last week, we are planning to once more put the decision on the topics into the hands of you, our Anno Union community!

In total, we’re presenting you five possible Cosmetic DLC topics, of which we’re planning to develop and release the top two. More precisely, we plan to release both packs later this year in the same way we have done in 2020. As you will see, several of the topics are inspired by your feedback and suggestions while others are the result of internal brainstorming.

The exact content and scope depend on the theme of the pack, especially since we also have another Skin Pack for you to vote on. As before, the packs will be standalone purchases for a price of 4,99€ and will not be part of the Season 3 Pass to give our players maximum flexibility over their Anno 1800 experience.

And now enough of the introduction, here are the 5 themes you can vote on!


“Vibrant Cities Pack”: Change the look of your city with new skins for various buildings.

“New World Pack”: Enhance your New World session with dedicated ornaments and decorations.

“Pedestrian Zone Pack”: Make your pedestrian’s life more comfortable with over- and underpasses, statues, wells, and more.

“Eldritch Pack”: Introduce fantastical and gothic horror elements to your city with some spooky ornaments.

“Big Top Pack”: Have the circus come to town whenever you feel like it!


Of course, all of us on the Anno 1800 team have our own favourites that we are crossing fingers for, and we can’t wait to see which theme will emerge as the community’s favourite!

The voting will run for two weeks and end on Thursday, April 22nd at 11:59pm CEST / 5:59 EDT. You can click on any of the images to view them in full size. Happy voting, and stay safe!

[totalpoll id=”12713″]

*Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay. The names of the packs are “working titles” and might change later on.




  1. Y Yatto_redwings May 3, 2021

    Srsly if the dlc is 50€. It will be a waste of money and I won’t buy. Who would give 50€ for a cosmetic pack the game is worth 59€ . But if you want to give 50€ for a cosmetic pack it’s your choice. I hope you like your 5€ ornaments or maybe colored housing. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like your game

    •   Ubi-Thorlof May 3, 2021

      Not sure where you got the info that any of our Cosmetic DLC will be sold for 50€. Both in scope as well as in price we’ll stick to what we’ve done with the previous Cosmetic DLC.

  2. Y Yatto_redwings May 3, 2021

    Also Can you give players the ability to make deals with ai. I know I said it before.

  3. Y Yatto_redwings May 3, 2021

    I vote for the new world pack . We need more content in the new world . Maybe set more productions and put more teirs. I am more concerned with the gameplay. because you wanna not make it boring while ornaments are great but they should come as an addition to the dlc not be the main idea of the dlc . I would like to make combat more intersting in anno 1800 . When your at war with ai or someone it very boring to watch you just see ships shooting at each other it should be more than that . Can we also make independence a real thing like in any city in the new world if you populations at the new world is angry and there are alot of rebels and it get’s out of hand the can declare independence if they want and maybe your enemy ai can support them by providing weapons and money so it get’s intresting and improve the diplomacy in the game. An can we have more ai that you can put in your server maybe 5 or 6 or 7 can be the limit. What I mean is put more obstacles that players has to encounter when they are building their empires . Because these what make stories and fun moments. You haven’t focused in the combat or diplomacy and maybe you can also make deals with ai or provide an ai with weapons or money anything . Ornaments are cool but they don’t improve the game they are a good thing to look at but you want to improve the experience

  4. D DeVeteran April 23, 2021

    To reiterate a few things made in my previous post, right below this very comment (my reply to my own comment doesn’t seem to have registered, sadly, or it takes maybe more time? sorry for repost if it did register):

    1. I voted for the New World Pack due to 2 reasons: 1. NW (New World) is lacking in specific ornaments, yes yes, they did made it that some ornaments can be built in NW from the OW (Old World), but only some of those can be used in the actual cities… I mean, I don’t think it’s quite pleasant to build and then see, say, containers, or other worker specific-ish factory-ish ornaments being built amongst obreros. Thus, I would love some specific NW ornaments, but also, if we can build OW into NW, the pack should be able to be used in the OW as well (thinking about using some ornaments in specific South America themed Zoos), just like another user suggested, a great idea: Make the Christmas ornaments be build in the Antarctic region (iirc they still can’t be built there). /// And reason no.2 is: Due to us now having Docklands, thus being able to shift some products through trading, people can build some nice looking NW cities, without the fear that, by doing so, they are wasting valuable coffee land. And what is a beautiful plaza without some lovely vistas?

    2. Even though I voted for New World ornaments, I love/like all the proposed stuff to varying degrees. From top to bottom, for me: New World Pack > Pedestrian Zone > Vibrant Cities > Big Top > Eldritch. Now, the reasons for NW I already gave, Pedestrian, even though no gameplay stuff (making the titles act as roads probably), more due to wanting some overpasses and underpasses and other stuff that is more catered towards Investors finece of things (I mean, yes, we do have an overpass, but my investors aren’t gonna use a dirty one from the workers sector) / Vibrant Cities – even though no new models it seems (would have loved some manors for investors, or small chateux like in southern France) – will be great to have another coat of paint on buildings, especially the ingineer and investor ones. / Big Top – even though we have Zoo’s and parks, it seems that this one is, as someone else here put it, a labour of love from some of the devs, and yes, would also love to see this put into the game as well, a big, biiig round tent, 2 smaller-ish ones, many cages, clowns, etc. / And finally the Eldritch… I don’t hate the Eldritch, nor do I love it… I’m neutral about it, mostly because, due to the current light and sunny vista of the game, throwing in 15-20 dark ornaments is just… like… really? What I would LOVE to see actually, would be, yes, this pack as well, but maybe make it a bit bigger, to encompas graveyards, mortuaries, but also, 1 new building skin for each residential tiers in the OW (or at the very least peasant, worker, artisant, maybe ingineer) – this due to the fact that, just be putting a few dark ornaments into my sunny little village of peasant and workers, with their bright colored buildings won’t change the tone of the village. Lastly: I would GLADLY buy ALL of these ornaments (yes, even Eldritch, if it only comes with 15-20 ornaments and that’s just it), as I have already bought every single Season Pass when announced, Cosmetic DLC, as well as pre-purchased the physical CE of the game (that physical artbook was just <3 for a merely 20 more euros)… I'm not saying this to gloat or brag, I'm only stating that I'll put my money where my mouth is: I WANT the devs to continue to develop this game and bring new awesome stuff to it, and from these 5, some are better, some are less, BUT, I will get them all if they manage to produce them, due to a single thing: I love what the devs done so far, what they are continuing to do, the fact that they are engaging with the community as much as possible, that they are listening to the community, thus managing to overcome the 2205 debacle. I will always reward the devs that actually care about their product, and are passionate about it (and also show it).

    3. Lastly, I don't know if Marcel or any other dev can get info on the posters here (since we are logged in with our Ubi accounts), but regardless, if you can't see it though, I'll just say it: I haven't put many hours into the game (only 176 hours) so far, even though I've reached investors (iirc some 30-40k pop), built in the NW, unlocked every region, even though I've stuck with the OW mostly. This is mostly due to also having family, other priorities, work, as well as a big catalogue of other games to go through first (completed games that is, their development ended). What I'm trying to say is that, this doesn't mean that I'm not waiting for more news about Anno 1800, not interested in the direction is going, or not showing support to the devs by not buying the product. Yes, I'm not playing now, but sometime, maybe next year, or maybe 2 years from now on (if Season Pass 4 comes, hopefully, if I might add), I would like to sit down and just indulge into a completed and finished game (maybe with mods too) – but, until then, I will get the new DLCs due to the fact that, as mentioned, I really really reaaally want more content for this great and awesome game… been playing Anno since 1404, it was my, uf, I'd say 7th game ever bought, when I was a "wee lad" (think I was like 16ish back then, in 2011). I encountered the game due to playing Tortuga – Pirates of the New World, my first ever bought game, and this led my to Patrician and Port Royale 2, which in turn led me to Anno 1404… and I've never played another genre of city building since, only 1404, just a tad bit of 1701, 2070 and some 2205… and can't wait to see what is coming next not only for 1800, but also for the next entry in the series.

    So, from me, if the first 2 picks actually sell well, please, devs, do indulge yourselves, if given time, into the other ornament packs as well… me want more for and from this gorgeous game 🙂

  5. D DeVeteran April 23, 2021

    Don’t know if you’re still reading the comments, devs, but you should REALLY try next time (when you’ll have a poll) to only give the vote to peoples who’s accounts actually have Anno 1800. To vote here you only needed to have an Uplay account which is VERY easy to make and thus, if one wants, to bot some fake votes.

    Checking when a vote is cast if the person also has the game bought should be of a no brainer. I mean, say you have option A, B, C – peeps that have the game and want C vote for it, some hundreds / thoudsands votes, but here come a couple tens of peeps that maybe/have the game, but they want B to win, so they just mass vote for B, thus making the results hold no value afterwards.

    Might as well, if you’re at it, also hide the results, before and after voting (only disclosing the results after the voting is actually done). Thus, people don’t go and vote / bot other options they think they’re lagging behind.

    This should be a no brainer, due to the fact that I don’t see any possible argument for someone that doesn’t own the game (not even standard, vanilla edition) to decide something that people that actually own the product get to get.

    • D DeVeteran April 23, 2021

      To reiterate a few things:

      1. I voted for the New World Pack due to 2 reasons: 1. NW (New World) is lacking in specific ornaments, yes yes, they did made it that some ornaments can be built in NW from the OW (Old World), but only some of those can be used in the actual cities… I mean, I don’t think it’s quite pleasant to build and then see, say, containers, or other worker specific-ish factory-ish ornaments being built amongst obreros. Thus, I would love some specific NW ornaments, but also, if we can build OW into NW, the pack should be able to be used in the OW as well (thinking about using some ornaments in specific South America themed Zoos), just like another user suggested, a great idea: Make the Christmas ornaments be build in the Antarctic region (iirc they still can’t be built there). /// And reason no.2 is: Due to us now having Docklands, thus being able to shift some products through trading, people can build some nice looking NW cities, without the fear that, by doing so, they are wasting valuable coffee land. And what is a beautiful plaza without some lovely vistas?

      2. Even though I voted for New World ornaments, I love/like all the proposed stuff to varying degrees. From top to bottom, for me: New World Pack > Pedestrian Zone > Vibrant Cities > Big Top > Eldritch. Now, the reasons for NW I already gave, Pedestrian, even though no gameplay stuff (making the titles act as roads probably), more due to wanting some overpasses and underpasses and other stuff that is more catered towards Investors finece of things (I mean, yes, we do have an overpass, but my investors aren’t gonna use a dirty one from the workers sector) / Vibrant Cities – even though no new models it seems (would have loved some manors for investors, or small chateux like in southern France) – will be great to have another coat of paint on buildings, especially the ingineer and investor ones. / Big Top – even though we have Zoo’s and parks, it seems that this one is, as someone else here put it, a labour of love from some of the devs, and yes, would also love to see this put into the game as well, a big, biiig round tent, 2 smaller-ish ones, many cages, clowns, etc. / And finally the Eldritch… I don’t hate the Eldritch, nor do I love it… I’m neutral about it, mostly because, due to the current light and sunny vista of the game, throwing in 15-20 dark ornaments is just… like… really? What I would LOVE to see actually, would be, yes, this pack as well, but maybe make it a bit bigger, to encompas graveyards, mortuaries, but also, 1 new building skin for each residential tiers in the OW (or at the very least peasant, worker, artisant, maybe ingineer) – this due to the fact that, just be putting a few dark ornaments into my sunny little village of peasant and workers, with their bright colored buildings won’t change the tone of the village. Lastly: I would GLADLY buy ALL of these ornaments (yes, even Eldritch, if it only comes with 15-20 ornaments and that’s just it), as I have already bought every single Season Pass when announced, Cosmetic DLC, as well as pre-purchased the physical CE of the game (that physical artbook was just <3 for a merely 20 more euros)… I'm not saying this to gloat or brag, I'm only stating that I'll put my money where my mouth is: I WANT the devs to continue to develop this game and bring new awesome stuff to it, and from these 5, some are better, some are less, BUT, I will get them all if they manage to produce them, due to a single thing: I love what the devs done so far, what they are continuing to do, the fact that they are engaging with the community as much as possible, that they are listening to the community, thus managing to overcome the 2205 debacle. I will always reward the devs that actually care about their product, and are passionate about it (and also show it).

      3. Lastly, I don't know if Marcel or any other dev can get info on the posters here (since we are logged in with our Ubi accounts), but regardless, if you can't see it though, I'll just say it: I haven't put many hours into the game (only 176 hours) so far, even though I've reached investors (iirc some 30-40k pop), built in the NW, unlocked every region, even though I've stuck with the OW mostly. This is mostly due to also having family, other priorities, work, as well as a big catalogue of other games to go through first (completed games that is, their development ended). What I'm trying to say is that, this doesn't mean that I'm not waiting for more news about Anno 1800, not interested in the direction is going, or not showing support to the devs by not buying the product. Yes, I'm not playing now, but sometime, maybe next year, or maybe 2 years from now on (if Season Pass 4 comes, hopefully, if I might add), I would like to sit down and just indulge into a completed and finished game (maybe with mods too) – but, until then, I will get the new DLCs due to the fact that, as mentioned, I really really reaaally want more content for this great and awesome game… been playing Anno since 1404, it was my, uf, I'd say 7th game ever bought, when I was a "wee lad" (think I was like 16ish back then, in 2011). I encountered the game due to playing Tortuga – Pirates of the New World, my first ever bought game, and this led my to Patrician and Port Royale 2, which in turn led me to Anno 1404… and I've never played another genre of city building since, only 1404, just a tad bit of 1701, 2070 and some 2205… and can't wait to see what is coming next not only for 1800, but also for the next entry in the series.

      So, from me, if the first 2 picks actually sell well, please, devs, do indulge yourselves, if given time, into the other ornament packs as well… me want more for and from this gorgeous game 🙂

  6. H HenryPaveLow April 22, 2021

    Ich würde am liebsten auch für alle Stimmen aber wenn es um eine Auswahl geht, fällt für mich ganz klar das Vibrant Cities Pack auf

  7. G Gomjabbar1107 April 21, 2021

    Fußgängerüberwege wären doch ne prima Sache 🙂

  8. C ChrisMarek April 21, 2021

    That was a hard choice to make. All of the packs would add some nice features to this already fantastic game. <3

  9. a albash3 April 21, 2021

    Vibrant Cities Pack

    we win ??❤

  10. P Pebbleboy April 20, 2021

    I have voted for the New World Pack. Yes, space is very limited in the New World. But for me that doesn’t mean that the cities in the New World should be all about function. The current choice of ornaments in the New World is too limited. Beauty building would greatly improve with the New World Pack. And if you ask me, the New World deserves more love.

    • F Freddy23W April 21, 2021

      I also voted for the New World Package and agree 100%. Especially because the islands in the New World are so beautifully designed, more beautiful then in the Old World in my opinion. There is so much potential for beauty building.

  11. S Smurfyduckie April 20, 2021

    I am mostly a beauty builder and I am always excited to see what new ideas the dev team comes up with for cosmetic packs. Personally I voted for the new world pack, although I knew it would be a long shot since most people tend to spend most of their time in the old world content. I am least excited for the vibrant cities pack as reskins don’t seem that interesting to me since I prefer the ordainments to spruce up my cities, but again I can see the appeal for wanting a more diverse looking city at a glance. I am really interested in seeing what the dev are going to do to incorporate the reskins with the upcoming The High Life dlc. All and all I will probably buy whatever packs they release since I just want to support them since I love the game so much. I look forward to seeing what they come up with.

  12. N Natoosa April 20, 2021

    I voted for “the new world” pack, I would love to have decorative palm trees and terracotta colored decorations to beautify the new world as it would fit better than old world ornaments , and if we can place them at the old world too like add them to the botanical garden it would be even better.
    If I had a second vote I would’ve voted for “big top” the circus theme would be amazing

  13. A Annoholic_2070 April 19, 2021

    I feel that the New World Pack can really bring something to the game, I have spent hundreds of hour in Cap Trelawney, it would be awesome to have more buildings and ornaments in the New world to make beautiful cities !

  14. F Francy28 April 19, 2021

    This is awesome. I’ll go with Pedestrian Zone Pack, but it would be cool if such enchancement was not only cosmetic but also practical. I’d like to see new ways to connect buildings between ornamental elements. Something more deep than simply roads in surface. You made already a pack like this in Anno 2070, show us something more brilliant!

    Thank you anyway for your great efforts in developing the game. Keep it up!

  15. x xthePharaohx April 17, 2021

    New world pack … Lets start a new story

  16. l lord_motku April 16, 2021

    Vibrant Cities and New World should merge into one. I feel the New World could use more unique love, and just putting some of those in with Vibrant Cities ought to do the trick. Pedestrian Zone seems good too.

    And since you keep pushing that Big Top pack, it seems to be a labor of love, just make it. 😛

  17. W WindsorEdward April 16, 2021

    Vibrant Cities Pack!!! Let’s put an end to the boring green roofs!

  18. n nalvarez17 April 16, 2021

    Can you guys please make the Christmas ornaments available in the Arctic? It only makes sense 🙂

  19. o offi078 April 15, 2021

    ich denke Circus klingt ganz gut 🙂

  20. k kozzy420 April 15, 2021

    Without a question the Circus one!

  21. C Chanyoi April 14, 2021

    Ein “Echter” Fußgängerüberweg (oder Unterführung) wäre schön, also mit dem endsprechenden Funktionen für die Reichweite von Gebäuden.

  22. S ShadowCrawler96 April 14, 2021

    Dear Anno 1800 development team,
    The Pedestrian Zone Pack seems interesting!. It is cool to make dedicated Zones for People to walk freely and safely in the city. I’m not big on making beautiful cities or anything but safe roads are important to me, so having more things for it in the game just like we have in real life, now that is a cool idea to me.
    thank you for considering our opinions on the mater
    yours sincerely

  23. J Jadushnew April 14, 2021

    I can’t vote! The screen just jumps down to the comment section…

    • P PuddingShark April 16, 2021

      Was having the same issue, i re-loged and it worked 🙂

  24. m mrmajkl April 14, 2021

    @Kaizen_1985: Well… I’d give 50€ too 🙂 seriously!

    • A Anno1800_Fan April 14, 2021

      Because of people like YOU, dev’s getting lazy and greedy. 50 EUR for what – COSMETICS?
      The base game price is 59.99, season passes 25 EUR each.
      But with your logic paying 10 EUR for building skins is OK? BUILDING SKINS?
      Because of people like YOU games became uninteresting and primitive. Why game dev’s should make good product if they can get 10 EUR for skins, cosmetics. But what about gameplay, good story, quests?

      I love Anno series, and Anno 1800 now is my favorit. And I hope that ANNO dev’s will continue making great city builders.

      • r robhold April 16, 2021

        just check how much I’ve spent on Steam, Guild Wars, Swtor, Wow, and lets not even begin with PSNetwork. I love Anno and I have my wallet ready. I don’t see them as greedy, I see them as keeping the game alive, paying the payroll of a team to develop things for us in a game we love. You can choose not to purchase, but to reply to another player just to throw hate because them (as me) like to spend an extra coin on games its just pointless. Hey devs, keep them coming please!

        • A Anno1800_Fan April 17, 2021

          1. I didn’t said that Anno dev’s are greedy (maybe they are, maybe not, but for now the look more or less adequate).
          2. I’m not against dlc, and packs. But for adequate price. At this moment I have all Anno 1800 released packs and DLC (seasons). And will buy other stuff, probably except skin pack. Although, maybe when it will be relised my opinion will change, it depends on what exactly there will be.
          3. What I tried to say, that when people anounce that they are prepared to pay the same price as game cost, just for a few packs with some skins or cosmetics – this is the modern gaming problem. Because of that game dev’s won’t try to make a good game, why should they if money can be earned other way. Nowdays how many good AAA games/game series/strategies/city builders exists? Can You count more than at least 10 in each segment? What will be in five, ten years. And I talking about good gameplay, scenario, not only graphics.
          As for Anno 1800 will say it again – I LOVE this game. And hope that in future Anno dev’s will continue to create citybuilders like that.

  25. K Kaizen_1985 April 13, 2021

    New world all the way. Make all five here’s $50.

  26. A Anno1800_Fan April 13, 2021

    I would buy each pack exept Vibrant Cities Pack! Unless it was a part of some other pack. But as it is – thanks NOOO!

  27. P Pixel---- April 13, 2021

    I think the only thing I dont like is the gothic pack, but I feel like everything else should come to the game, The New World desperately needs decorations. The buildings in general need variation to break up the same look on every island and the Pedestrian Zone pack would work really well. Of course the Big Top pack would be a great contrast for the Amassment Park or a great addition to the tourism pack later this year.

  28. k kurisumaki April 13, 2021

    Oh so cruel…ALL PLEASE!!! Glad to see Vibrant Cities pack doing well. Very happy about that. I voted Eldritch Pack. It seems very interesting and different! I’d love to see occult stuff.
    Personally I’d prefer New World pack to be a full DLC (Season 4 anyone?), with a residential 3rd tier etc.

  29. F Fussel51 April 13, 2021

    Die Cosmetic DLCs entsprechen genau meinen Wünschen. Sicherlich gibt es genügend Vorschläge um die DLCs so schön zu gestalten wie bisher. Ich freuer mich auf jeden Fall schon jetzt auf die Veröffentlichung, egal welche beiden gewinnen werden.

  30. M MetaForge April 13, 2021

    I’m liking the sound of the Pedestrian Zone. If underpasses could go beneath any building to connect production chains & utilities AND be built with the same length & shape flexibility as normal roads, then it could add some extremely interesting new layout possibilities for min/maxing ? Especially for those who might not care too much for the pure cosmetic side of things.

    I do like the idea of Vibrant Cities too, just to give the game a fresh or varied look without sacrificing any valuable land space. The New World Pack would have been my third pick since it hasn’t received much love in quite a while, though sadly it looks like its lagging well behind the other two. I do wish that Vibrant Cities could at the very least find some way to include additional skins for the New World residences so that its not entirely neglected ?

    I’m just hoping any future DLC packs dont end up as Amazon exclusives! My trial is now up and the idea of being artificially locked out of a direct purchase grinds my gears. I’d rather directly support the Anno devs and not Amazon…

    Also, I’ve always wondered why the Christmas Cosmetic DLC cannot be used in the Arctic DLC? The snow themed ornaments look rather out of place in the Old World… seems like such a missed opportunity to link the two together if someone owns both DLCs ? or maybe even make Christmas ornaments built in the Old World have no snow if its not currently snowing…? Here in New Zealand we like our warm summer Christmas festivities, so a tree with snow on it in the middle of summer is too funny ?

    • M MetaForge April 13, 2021

      All my emojis turned into question marks and I can’t even edit the post to take them out! Haha guess I’ll just have to live with appearing like an insanely inquisitive person…

  31. R Raeder928 April 13, 2021

    Honestly, we need all 5 packs! At least we need TOP THREE!!!

  32. s sheogroth100 April 12, 2021

    don’t forget to watch the newest union talk. hurray for eldritch love!

    • V VaIhaIla_Rising April 12, 2021

      I’m not sure Eldritch Pack will win, but most of fans will vote for Vibrant Cities Pack, and as was mentioned in Dev’s Talk, it will take massive efforts to add skins for all residential tiers and public buildings, and considering that the price shouldn’t be higher than 5 euros, it will be a great challange for Developers, but anyway we hope that our expectations about building skins will be met

      • s sheogroth100 April 12, 2021

        im just hoping it gets third. dont expect it to win. just dont want it to get fourth.

  33. n nalvarez17 April 12, 2021

    Honestly, I think I can speak for everybody here, and I wish there was a thumbs up button so you can see everyone’s agreement, but can you please just create all 5 packs!!!!!! Why only do just one??? I understand it’s time intensive and a monetary investment, but the people that are here and voting would gladly purchase all 5 of these. It truly kills me inside and the community to have to choose only 1 of the 5 when we really want all of them.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof April 12, 2021

      You can only vote for ONE, but we will develop and release the top TWO! 😛

  34. r revsammy April 12, 2021

    lordy i’d love to decorate more in the new world!

  35. S Sylvia152 April 12, 2021

    Besides the Eldritch Pack I voted for – I would chose the Vibrant Cities Pack or the New World Pack – so to say my No 2 and No 3

  36. c catlantis April 12, 2021

    Pedestrian Zone Pac. a good ornament

  37. d darkutb April 12, 2021

    J’ai beaucoup hésité entre Vibrant City Pack et Piedestran Zone pack, même si les autres ont aussi l’air ouf.

    J’espère qu’on verra quand même les autres tôt ou tard ! 😀

    Merci à l’équipe de Anno, vous êtes les best !

  38. C CaptainBrasidas April 12, 2021

    Vibrant Cities beschte sache

  39. E Emveka April 12, 2021

    Vibrant cities won over Pedestrians… Both are cool, but I have the nagging feeling those Annoobs will still cross the streets wherever they want, so having the different buildings would make the cities much more diverse, and have better cosmetic value.

  40. C Cosmotion April 12, 2021

    Anything but Eldritch. That darkness has no place in my Anno!

  41. R Rude_Rocker April 11, 2021

    More house style choices please!

  42. v volko51 April 11, 2021

    Habe mich für das Städte Pack entschieden weil ich denke das esa was bringt

  43. p poppadum April 11, 2021

    Was very tempted by all but the circus theme (we already have plenty to choose from on he fairground theme). It was a hard choice between gothic styling and new decor for the New World. I decided to go for the New World as I’d like to make some more gardens with the New World feel to them.

  44. d devoidwolf April 11, 2021

    Voted for Eldritch as well for something new. Would also love more Asian-influenced (east/south/southeast) portraits/ornaments.

    • R RahTheSunGoddes April 14, 2021

      My hope is they do a season 4 and they add another area with the Asian influenced theme. There’s so much potential for that

  45. M Misiek_1991 April 11, 2021

    It would be really cool if you could add in each DLC one munumental unique building, 5 stages, with lots of goods needed. Ex. Vibrant cities – Big Town Hall (6 expert slots), New World – a big monument, big Central Park for Pedestrian Zone Pack, Gothic Cathedral for the Eldritch Pack and big Arena for the last one. Please consider it 😉

  46. e ec8c1303d46b4460a297b7353d55386e April 11, 2021

    Pedestrian zone pack

  47. z zogo25 April 11, 2021

    Voted for the Eldritch Pack for it is something new and refreshing. It will create a dark twist matching perfectly in the Anno 1800 world.
    However, I believe all 5 themes should be developed & released. They alone will be reason enough for making new wonderful cities.
    Thank you devs for your hard work!

  48. T Tre.Kronor April 11, 2021

    Wählt weise, »Vibrant Cities Pack« mit alternativen Skins für die Gebäude hat einen viel größeren Einfluss auf die Stadt als dekorative Elemente für Fußgänger, die ohnehin nicht frei platziert werden können, weil jedes Gebäude direkt mit der Straße verbunden sein muss.

  49. K Kroll2727 April 11, 2021

    Dear Dev’s, will freaking awesome if you connect Both Leaders;
    Vibrant Cities Pack + Pedestrian Zone Pack

    it is mainly about City decoration^^

  50. t technorav89 April 11, 2021

    Tolle Idee die Spieler so miteinzubeziehen.

  51. C Crow977 April 11, 2021

    Finde es überhaupt sehr Spielerfreundlich die Spieler mal zu fragen was sie haben möchten! 😀

  52. A A.M.Walter2014 April 11, 2021

    Fast alles hört sich gut an. Was ich nicht brauche ist das Zirkus Paket.

  53. N NaejNolliug April 11, 2021

    Can’t wait for the Star Wars Pack.

  54. s steeltalon4 April 11, 2021

    I vote for Vibrant Cities pack! cant wait!! Love Anno 1800!!!!

  55. F FreshPrince9-25 April 11, 2021

    I really think that Vibrant Cities, New World, and Pedestrian Packs should be added as one. If you are charging people for this content, it really isn’t a good look to just do 2 of these. This game is great and devs should keep improving and listening to the community.

  56. T Thomas_Black April 11, 2021

    Am liebsten Alle, aber wenn ich mich für einen entscheiden muss dann für lebendige Städte.

    Neue Skins für Wirtshaus, Marktplatz und Kirche wären nicht schlecht, vielleicht führt man ja noch eine Chapel ein, eine kleine Kirche die den Radius der großen erweitert.

  57. T TiamatBR April 10, 2021

    Pedestrian Pack please. To my understanding, this package suits the design style of the game more than others. If it were to choose a second and third place, these would be the Vibrant Cities and New World package. The Eldritch package is interesting due to the influence of Lovecraft and Poe, however, they deviate considerably from the game’s aesthetics.

  58. v von_Kalkenstein April 10, 2021

    Eldritch pack – what would be our Victorian and Edwardian worlds in Anno 1800 without proper mysterious atmosphere in night streets of industrial suburbs in style of Stoker, Doyle or Machen? Must vote!

  59. T Tarkhax April 10, 2021

    As a Lovecraft fan I had no choice but to vote for the Eldritch Pack. Really like the idea of the vibrant cities as well though.

  60. H Hoobertoo April 10, 2021

    Fingers crossed for the pedestrian pack!:)

  61. P Paroni95 April 10, 2021

    Hope the Eldritch pack wins the idea is absolutely awesome and legendary!!!

  62. B Battletroll66 April 10, 2021

    Ganz ehrlich ???, würde mich über alle sehr freuen !!!.

  63. A Alister-MIV April 10, 2021

    The Eldritch Pack will be a worthy cosmetic addition, revealing the variety of the ANNO1800. Eldritch Pack for me is a reference to ANNO 1404, with its medieval and romanticism. When I saw that the Eldritch Pack was not gaining so many votes, I was saddened, because it can create a unique feature in the perception of cities, even if it is gloomy. I hope that the Eldritch Pack will still be released. Thanks to the developers, you can immediately see that the guys are passionate and work with the soul.

  64. S SpawnDieRepeat April 10, 2021

    I would be happy with any of these, except for the New World pack. It could be good, but I think the beauty of the natural environment suffices for now.
    I voted for the Pedestrian Zone pack so there can be bridges or tunnels to cross train tracks safely. It would also be nice having more variation in the details of the inner city. It could enhance the upcoming tourism DLC too.
    The Eldritch pack sounds like a fun idea but doesn’t seem like it would integrate into the city overall. Unless you make a spooky district. If that’s the case, a magic shop ornament might be good.

  65. G GlitzaFlitzer April 10, 2021

    Der Zoo scheint sehr interessant zu sein

  66. S Sakermazov April 10, 2021

    Eldritch pack ^^ ce serait génial.

  67. m mistik191 April 10, 2021

    Why people always choosing most basic stuff? I think that Eldrich Pack or Big Top Pack is most interesting in term of impact on the game. It’s something fresh, that will add a lot of joy to look at in close range. New World Pack is nice, but only because New World lacks of decoration compared to base game stuff. Maybe it’s Ubisoft devs voting for the first pack because it is much easier to do another decoration then tons of animations for circus or to create totally new style things with horror theme pack, i think so. Cmon Ubisoft, i believe in you Anno devs, you already shown that you can do incredible things with this game!

  68. D D3rBar0n April 10, 2021

    Belebte Städte Paket hört sich gut an!

  69. D DZG_KnechtRup April 10, 2021

    wird bestimmt wuselig 🙂

  70. O OyBoyo April 10, 2021

    Vibrant Cities, New World and Pedestrian packs should be one pack since they are similar in concept, improving visuals of your cities.

  71. S Sachmet1 April 10, 2021

    Die Alte Welt hat erstmal genug Deko.. Nun muss endlich mal die neue Welt dran sein…

    • D DeinHausarzt April 10, 2021

      Bei der neuen Welt lohnt es sich einfach nicht. Lieber Abwechslung in der Alten statt 3 neue Ornamente in der neuen Welt.

  72. A Anno1800_Fan April 10, 2021

    477 are voted for building skins? BUILDING SKINS? Are you serious?
    There is at least two mods I know that do this and they are for free.

    Yet some good stuff as New World Pack is on the 3 place.
    I hope that at least Pedestrian Zone Pack will be at 1 place.

    Although why Dev’s can’t combine all in one. Or could released this packs trough all year.
    At least there are some great mods that adds a LOT of ornaments and decorations.

  73. m mrmajkl April 10, 2021

    While all of them are again amazing this is message for players – guys boost the New World pack please – New World with so much potential is being ignored and forgotten and really needs some addition! I love all the 5 packs but let’s think before voting – old world has tones of decorations possibilities already. I was surprised that another monument is coming to old world Eiffel Tower in one of the next DLCs and while it’s nice I was rather hoping for some cathedral as monument in new world instead! So at least deco pack for new world would be welcomed 🙂

  74. K KingJacky137 April 10, 2021

    also mir würden alle gefallen
    bis auf das gothic paket weil das für mich nicht so rein passt
    aber das kann ja für andere cool sein

  75. H Humblef0x April 10, 2021

    How can one only pick one T_T while they are all so awesome.

    The new world desperately needs more ornaments, pathways and attractions …OBVIOUSLY
    b-but pedestrians also need safe crossings and pathways in a city with tracks and speedy vehicles ..

    b-but what a time this is for Vampiric tales of theatres and bloody murder, ghosts sightings, seances, gipsy caravans, palm readers and underground occult sects, gothic churches and graveyards! Count Draculia me in!

    • H Humblef0x April 10, 2021

      Also: Tesla, Illusionists, Magicians, Frankenstein, Time travel, discoveries of ancient Egyptian mummies and Gods or Mayan temples and sacrifices, True Horrors of the deep, Undead Pirates, ….

  76. k klabauter1969 April 10, 2021

    Ich würde mich über alle freuen

  77. A ArhangelMKA April 10, 2021

    Pedestrian Zone Pack want want WANT!!!!!

  78. u ufris April 10, 2021

    개재밌게 하고 있음 빨리 DLC 내주세요

  79. m mariojuettner April 10, 2021

    Mehr Platz für die Fußgänger ,die von den Radfahrer genötigt werden ! ^^, aber Neue Schiffe mit mehr Laderaum wäre auch mal schön, oder mal eine Abdeckung für die Lehmgruben wo in der Stadt sind !,,,,

  80. D Drkvn. April 10, 2021

    Vibrant Cities Pack is better, waited so long for it, also need Commuter Pier for new World

  81. K Kobblairz April 10, 2021

    All the packs seem great and it is difficult to choose one, but overall the new world pack has my vote.

  82. C CoRtEx-89 April 10, 2021

    thanks for the chance to let us vote

  83. c cb49b970893149c2ab7fd361ea362b8b April 10, 2021

    Anno 1800 <3

  84. A Asger2016 April 9, 2021

    I love this beautyfull game so much!!! Love to decorate my city. Anno1800 is just a pleasure to play. GJ to the poeple working on this game 🙂

  85. r robhold April 9, 2021

    Anything but that gothic nonsense gee that would be way to screw a perfectly nice game
    Also, can we get the other 4 :3 I dont mind paying any price xD

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      Frankenstein, gargoyles, dragons, graveyards, vampires, werewolves, you know classic European fantastical and gothic horror things.

  86. d dadammal19 April 9, 2021

    Ich währe für Eldritch Paket da die Gothic das schönste an der Architektur ist, sonst finde ich Fußgängerzonen auch ganz interessant oder auch Belebte Städte.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      mit google translate. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir gotische Architektur bekommen werden. wie das Rudel sagt fantastisch und gruselig und spielt im Jahr 1800 statt zwischen dem 12. und 16. Jahrhundert

  87. s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

    “Eldritch Pack”: Introduce fantastical and gothic horror elements to your city with some spooky ornaments. Now this game has plenty of Decoration options for your cities already with the same aesthetic over and over again. This pack would add some much need variety to the game much like the Christmas and Botanica decorations did(especially the botanica decorations). Now i know some of you may be thinking “Oh this is spooky they will just release this at Halloween even if we do not vote for it” which yes that is a possibility but if it doesn’t even place third its probably never going to happen. additionally this pack brings to mind one NPC that was lost to us. a Lady of the Dark the one and only Florence Morel – The Occultist


    Florence Morel began her fascination with the occult as a morbid little girl, when she claimed to have found a mirror between worlds. Inheriting a vast fortune, her gothic search for truth now unfolds on a grander scale. Her army of acolytes seem bewitched, letting no one and no thing obstruct their leader. They say it is Morel’s destiny to set loose universal mysteries – for good or ill – and in doing so, change humankind forever.

    The Eldritch pack would help realize her dream which was stolen away from her and left on the cutting floor by the Foul Anarchist Dr. Hugo Mercier. Do not let her dream die bring forth the Decorative Eldritch Gods and change Anno forever!

    • r robhold April 9, 2021

      ew, no, please no. You have a ton of Emo and demonic games out there, no need to screw this one with gothic nonsense

      • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

        thats rude, also you miss out on the classic European gothic horror and fantasy. such as gargoyles, vampires, werewolves, dragons alongside astrology . you know the classic things. your think of satanic and demonic which is entirely different then gothic horror.

  88. S Sgt.GizmoO April 9, 2021

    Vibrant Cities and Pedestrian Zone Pack = MUST HAVE !!! 🙂

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      Vibrant cities yes. Pedestrian zone. no. get Eldritch Pack and Vibrant cities! best combo

  89. T T1MR April 9, 2021

    Vibrant Cities!! we have already enough mods for Ornaments why should i want a pack for it?

  90. t thomas81-24 April 9, 2021

    Nic tak dawniej nie cieszyło jak przyjazd cyrku do miasta. I występy klaunów rozśmieszających publiczność.

  91. H Humility925 April 9, 2021

    I think it’s still affect gameplay, space, radius of town hall, ect, eat up those space for cosmetic.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      Aesthetics or Function. decisions need to be made.

  92. c cHabu_032 April 9, 2021

    Voted for the New World pack. The only one that makes sence IMHO and the only one i will probably buy.

  93. D Disthea April 9, 2021

    Voted for Eldritch because I was sure the Vibrant City Pack would already get enough votes. I’m a little disappointed that both Vibrant City AND Pedestrian Zone are so far ahead, because I think we need something different and special.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      Fully agree with you. honestly i think half the people voting Pedestrian are voting out of belief it will add gameplay changes. *Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay. most people dont read the fine print

  94. G Guan_Gong April 9, 2021

    Eldritch pack!

    This age is also associated with various tropes like bringing back the dead with electricity. Also Frankenstein and his monster.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      I didn’t even think of that! that is an excellent point!

  95. c catafalca April 9, 2021

    la opcion circo lleva desde el comienzo del juego haciendo referencias solicitando materiales para el, excelente lo vais haciendo cada vez mejor

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      Yes , forever and always . spread the word of the eldritch pack. go to reddit,discord, the forums, all places anno and spread the word

  96. c chop_sui April 9, 2021

    Ich würde am liebsten alle Variationen nehmen und auch ein DLC Asien. Darin wirklich lang dauernde Warentransporte, mit denen die Luxusbedürfnisse befriedigt werden können, ohne dass aber die Einwohner richtig sauer werden. Ich sehe Anno 1800 – vor allem unter Berücksichtigung manch genialer Mods – noch lange nicht End of Live. Bitte weiterentwickeln 🙂

  97. F Fatalpro_59 April 9, 2021

    je pence que mettre des pont , viaduc , métro sous terrain bien sur avec des décoration pour donner le style news York aurait son intérer dans le jeux du moins pour moi 😉

  98. r racussa April 9, 2021

    Gerade für die Neue Welt würden mir kosmetische Erweiterungen gut gefallen, weil dort ja auch das zweite große Standbein der Siedlung ist (viel mehr als in Arktis und Afrika). Danke insgesamt aber für das wunderbare Spiel!

  99. L Lysanderxxx April 9, 2021

    You created a lot of amazing ornaments for the “old” world.
    Now its time to decorate the new world.

  100. s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

    Never forget Florence. go for the Eldritch Pack. do not let the dream die. also for those voting pedestrian pack a reminder *Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay. so no super underground road travel.

  101. F Florawind April 9, 2021

    Steampunk Gothic all the way!!!
    Eldritch Please ^^

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      a definite one for all to stand in awe of

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      *Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay

  102. A Ajorai April 9, 2021

    I second everyone here, I would like to see all of it, me along with all the other Annoholics will definitely buy it.

    Can I also recommend for a future cosmetic idea is to be able to replant/plant forests on your islands. Current tree options have this different color base that makes it stick out a lot and look unnatural.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      Eldritch Pack for you and me and you and you.

  103. T The-Noober April 9, 2021

    New World Pack, Pedestrian Zone Pack, and Vibrant Cities Pack are interesting cosmetics.

  104. B Breadom April 9, 2021

    Pedestrian Zone Pack sounds good. However, that means I have to remove nearly all my cities to pave wider street,which is so terrible. As u can see, I have spent hundreds of hours to build my cities and I think I can’t afford another hundreds of hours ⊙﹏⊙|||

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      this is a true concern and part of why i would not pick it. aside from bias towards eldritch pack

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      *Please note that as before, all content will be cosmetic and will not change Anno 1800’s gameplay . if it added gameplay then that would be a good pack to pick but since it doesnt its meh

  105. h hpf091059 April 9, 2021

    Ihr solltet alle machen. Wir zahlen für alle.

  106. P PandoraKurczaky April 9, 2021

    You should make all of them! You know we will pay B-)

  107. C Chaos_Lyulf April 9, 2021

    Oh this is such a difficult decision. Ended up voting for Pedestrian Zone Pack and I hope it wins together with the Vibrant Cities Pack, but on the other hand i also need more decorations for the New World. Can’t you do all three Ubisoft? XD

  108. D Dravidos April 9, 2021

    Five, please!
    But if I must to choose, I’d love to have a beautiful city in the New World.
    Thanks for your excellent job!

  109. B Bulakov April 9, 2021

    I want all of them. Love Anno 1800

  110. V Vendi2003 April 9, 2021

    In my opinion, all of them are very good.
    Why can’t they all be published?
    I would buy every single one.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      sadly all 5 would take too much development time . so they have to allocate their resources. 1 and 2 will definitly get made number 3 would be a maybe . 4 and 5 would not get made

  111. j jpr0262 April 9, 2021

    les villes vibrantes seraient bien pour changer l’ apparence des maisons pour faire des quartiers. Merci

  112. H Humility925 April 9, 2021

    Why not all, but I guess I go with Vibrant cities so maybe each island’s city are not same on every island

  113. F FuzballTable April 9, 2021

    Vibrant cities or Circus. I appreciate that many people like ornaments, but I would absolutely love to have different “skins” for city buildings like the Market, residences, other service buildings etc so Vibrant cities it is!

  114. S SteamCoding April 9, 2021

    So difficult to choose 😐 just release all of them

  115. V VaIhaIla_Rising April 9, 2021

    I hope Vibrant Cities Pack will be released, because after 2 years spent in this game, an old look of residences became so boring, I even used mods to change color of roofs to diversify my districts, so that pack i believe will refresh our cities with brand new designs

  116. J Justin_One_Shot April 9, 2021

    To the Ubisoft Anno Team,

    Do you know that if you released all 5 cosmetic DLCs that I will buy all of them? In fact, you can make a Cosmetic Pass which includes all 5, I think a LOT of us will buy it! 😉

    Random Anno Player

  117. K Katje-Katrien April 9, 2021


    Now it worked and I was able to give my second vote. 😀
    I don’t know what happened.
    I will be very happy if one of those 3 wins :“Pedestrian Zone Pack”, “Eldritch Pack”: or “Vibrant Cities Pack”.


  118. N Nele1910 April 9, 2021

    Liebes Annoteam,
    ich liebe Anno 1800,
    spiele es sehr häufig.
    Und ich freue mich, wenn ihr noch weitere Inhalte schafft.
    Es fehlt noch ein Kontinent. Asien!!
    Die Menschen brauchen Reis.
    Vielen lieben Dank!

  119. K Katje-Katrien April 9, 2021

    I liked 4 out of 5. But I at to think about and so I reduced it to 3.
    But We can only choose 2.

    So I voted already for the “Pedestrian Zone Pack” and I wanted to vote as a second choice for “Eldritch Pack”
    But it didn’t work. I was only able to choose one. When I tried to make 2 choices it didn’t work. 🙁
    So I was only able to bring out 1 vote. 🙁
    So now I am not able to give my vote for the “Eldritch Pack”. 🙁



    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      yes you can only vote once. top two get picked

      • K Katje-Katrien April 9, 2021

        Hello sheogroth100,

        Thank you for clarifying this. 😀
        I didn’t know that.
        Today I am very confused. I got a lot on my mind today.



  120. v vicbeto April 9, 2021

    voted for Eldricth as it seems kind of refreshing, but Ubisoft team, just release them all, we will buy them anyway 🙂

  121. t thekingkupo April 9, 2021

    Voted for the Big Top Pack but my second choice was Vibrant Cities. If Vibrant Cities win please please please!!! make decorative manor/mansion or single looking residences for investors. Would love to see 1800 style mansions and manors on my game. I’m also joining on the hype to release them all.

  122. s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

    also for those who want the eldritch pack spread the word and campaign across discord,reddit, all that is anno. bring it to fruition!

  123. s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

    i want the Eldritch pack to win since its actually somethign different. but given the time of year sadly i believe it will not succeed . that beign said i hope it does! i want it!

  124. R Rastfarian April 9, 2021

    I agree with many others, all please!
    However The New World needs some love so for me its No.1 followed by Pedestrian zone and circus!
    Skins are nice, but I want new toys to play with!

  125. w winonae April 9, 2021

    Cities Pack à 200%, avoir des skins de bâtiments différents serait vraiment un gros plus.

  126. s screg95 April 9, 2021

    j’espère en votant pour le pack ville tous les bâtiments Auron un skin diffèrent

  127. N Neiko_K_Gaming April 9, 2021

    But… but I need ALL of them!??
    best game!!!

  128. N Neiko_K_Gaming April 9, 2021

    But… but I need ALL of them!??

    best game!!!

  129. K Koro.Funk April 9, 2021

    New farm and worker resident houses would look good, I would vote for the circus second if I could.

  130. A AilingTheo April 8, 2021

    The New World Pack is my first choice. Followed by the Pedestrians Pack and the Vibrant Cities Pack.

  131. M McSpy07 April 8, 2021

    Now I’m not saying you could package the Eldritch Pack with Florence Morel from the NPC vote and make them into a pack all on their own that people can toggle off and on if they want that gothic theme. I’m just saying you could absolutely do that and I would buy it instantly. It’d still be all cosmetic in the end but with an extra NPC and voice lines you could charge more on top of it to boot.

    • S SgtHydra April 9, 2021

      That’s actually a pretty good idea. Do another equivalent of the Anarchist pack.

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      i just looked through history and found this. missed opportunity but sadly he people have spoken. for those wondering https://anno-union.com/vote-your-favorite-npc/ 3 year old link. for those who do not want to click the link : D) Florence Morel – The Occultist
      Florence Morel began her fascination with the occult as a morbid little girl, when she claimed to have found a mirror between worlds. Inheriting a vast fortune, her gothic search for truth now unfolds on a grander scale. Her army of acolytes seem bewitched, letting no one and no thing obstruct their leader. They say it is Morel’s destiny to set loose universal mysteries – for good or ill – and in doing so, change humankind forever.

    • A ADRIEN_agentadw April 9, 2021

      thats what i meant in my post too :,( big missed opportunity 🙁

  132. b biwesty April 8, 2021

    Vibrant Cities Pack is essential, New World and Pedestrian Zone Pack are really nice. These are the clear top 3 and it would be nice to see them all. Regarding the house skins, keep them realistic. The Amazon Prime ones were fun, especially for “free”, but they aren’t as realistic as I would like! But really nice ideas, even the circus (poor one, will never succeed) is cool for some place (maybe too similar to the theme park, the only DLC I don’t own) and the gothic would be fun for Halloween, but since I’m European, no thanks.

  133. B BenDefo April 8, 2021

    1 Pedestrian Zone Pack 2 Vibrant Cities Pack, it is a pity that there is a limit, personally I would buy all five, the TEAM you created a GREAT GAME, a huge request not to stop in your brilliant work

  134. S SgtHydra April 8, 2021

    New World pack is my first choice, although I’m a little cautious about what it’s “big feature” is going to be. Make it something really grand. I went on a nice trip to Mexico and was very impressed by the zocolos and grand cathedrals. In fact, if the New World might be revisited in a hypothetical season 4, a cathedral as a monument for tourism and perhaps even unique New World mechanics (what is that “revolution” they’re always talking about? Maybe it’s time for some political reforms?) would be very nice. But for right now, some equivalent to the roller coaster or ‘Little Venice’ fountain would be desirable.

    Second choice would be Pedestrian zone, although again I’d be curious as to what it’s “big feature” might be. Third choice is Vibrant cities, although to be honest I’d hope that gets done just on its own.

    Circus isn’t that exciting, and Eldritch sounds like an idea for an Anno game all on its own.

  135. E ELGRANDENOOB April 8, 2021

    The new world pack should just be added for free since there is basicly nothing there

  136. J Janneman_2020 April 8, 2021

    Goed idee, laat die nieuwe
    wereld (New World) maar eens
    nog meer bruisen met al dat moois!

  137. H Hiro_Persephone April 8, 2021

    Vibrant, New World and Pedestrian are my favorites. Please release them all and make a Cosmetic Season pass ! Take my money !

    • S SgtHydra April 8, 2021

      Yeah, just do a Cosmetic season pass.

    • t thekingkupo April 9, 2021

      I’ll gladly give them my salary for a cosmetic season pass. I love designing cities

  138. D Darkbirt April 8, 2021

    As a fan of fantasy and horror, I needed to vote for Eldritch pack. Some spooky house or some ruins.
    My second chose is Pedestrian zone pack. I hope it will solve some of the transportation issues in my cities.
    The vibrant cities pack is also a nice option. But people want a new police station skin or something like that. the reason I didn’t chose this one is to prevent confusion (what building was this again?)

    The New world pack, no thank you my people love coffee to much.
    The big top pack, well I buy it if it comes, but with the amusement pack we don’t need it.

    • F FHackner April 8, 2021

      Cosmetic packs have no effect on gameplay, like helping with transportation

  139. C CaptainRex339 April 8, 2021

    I think the vibrant cities pack would be a great way to add variety to my city.

  140. A ADRIEN_agentadw April 8, 2021

    i think this voting system is shutting down the minority who is looking for more “magic feel” and distinct varieties

    we are amassing several “classical DLC” about all aspect of already existing objects in game (“city themed”) but we are close to have nothing more exotic / mindful / making people evading in their dreams !

    eldricht was one way to evade from army of classical life and “fantasy style” !

    this “fantasy style” was well included in anno 1701 and so we really could imagine a lot of great things !

    now votes are just melting all fantasy tries, and we have no way to get some because we are a minority…

    i hope devs are aware that there are also players who want/need a bit of fantasy or exotic things !

    anno 1800 is stuck with only 1 real playable faction and several smaller colonies, the way it is design do not allow for the moment to play “another faction”

    => but at least, can we get more exotic/fantasy styles ? to customize ourself into new factions ?

    i feel ironically muzzled by this vote system, anno is in my heart since 1503 was out and i still hope for a bit more fantasy as we had in the past (im glad we have our kraken in zoo and a lot of fantasy museum elements, but eldricht was a new chance to get more different things i would have loved :/ )

    have a nice reading and day everyone !

  141. P P0PPYTAT April 8, 2021

    cycling through skins on hundreds of houses isn’t my idea of fun.
    New World rarely gets a visit once its set up.
    horror isn’t my thing, but the graveyard is.
    big top? i’ve no interest in visiting a real circus let along have one in my game.

    pedestrian path is the obvious choice for me, especially if it gives us more choices of roads, it would suck if those roads turn out to be the same ones in the mods though ?

    already loving the possible new artwork we might see on the loading page?

  142. A AgentTED78 April 8, 2021

    All 5 please :_)
    Pedestrian and then Vibrant Cities

  143. A ADRIEN_agentadw April 8, 2021

    best scenario:
    => vibrant city
    => eldricht

    it would be nice to bring NPC proposed from the first vote too ! it would fit damn great and be pretty unique for eldricht pack !

    • s sheogroth100 April 9, 2021

      for those wondering he refers to : D) Florence Morel – The Occultist
      Florence Morel began her fascination with the occult as a morbid little girl, when she claimed to have found a mirror between worlds. Inheriting a vast fortune, her gothic search for truth now unfolds on a grander scale. Her army of acolytes seem bewitched, letting no one and no thing obstruct their leader. They say it is Morel’s destiny to set loose universal mysteries – for good or ill – and in doing so, change humankind forever.

  144. M Misiek_1991 April 8, 2021

    FINALLY something for the NEW WORLD!

  145. B Brayus-Maulnus April 8, 2021

    Moi aussi, je les veux tous :heart eyes: ; “Big Top Pack” était déjà sur la liste de l’année dernière , j’espère qu’il sera développer cette année … Voiçi mes choix > 1 : “Big Top Pack” > 2 : “New World Pack” > 3 : “Pedestrian Zone Pack” > 4 : “Vibrant Cities Pack” > 5 : “Eldritch Pack” … Pour le cirque , est-ce que je pourrais mettre les animaux que je ne peux pas mettre dans le zoo où il aurait des cages avec animaux dedans ? Sinon pour le “bus station”, on aura des Bus ou des Trams . Si c’est des Tramway , il faudra peut-être des rails ; j’ai trop hâte d’avoir le “DLC 2 : Tourist Saison” …

  146. L Lord_Bramha April 8, 2021

    We area Very happy if you provide theme for diff. tires of residents houses, its change the feeling of the game to new level.

  147. L Lord_Bramha April 8, 2021

    We area Very happy if you provide theme for diff. tyres of residents houses, its change the feeling of the game to new level.

  148. b banan1996.1996 April 8, 2021

    My opinions:
    – Vibrant Cities Pack – A decent suggestion, could be nice if at least there are cool skins for all residential tiers and they all look good in combination with each other. But also it would require a tool which would let us apply the skins to a selection of residences, with hundreds of residences it would be annoying if we had to go manually through every single building.
    – New World Pack – New World could definitely use more ornaments fitting its climate, mood etc. I like this suggestion, although I am mostly focused on Old World cities
    – Pedestrian Zone Pack – My favourite suggestion, something fitting for a big bustling city, which is exactly what I aim for, a big, prospering, bustling and beautiful and diverse city.
    – Eldritch Pack – My least favourite suggestion, I don’t want any horror elements in my cities, I want my cities to be pleasant, to look pleasant and inviting, not scary.
    – Big Top Pack – An old contender for the cosmetic pack, circus is not my cup of tea so I am not fond of this suggestion.

    Immediately I crossed out Eldritch Pack and Big Top Pack as packs which I definitely wouldn’t vote for. At first I was torn between first 3. New World Pack however, is about New World which isn’t my main focus, and since all DLC ornaments are now also available in New World, I don’t feel that big need anymore for dedicated New World ornaments. Vibrant Cities is something that could definitely make cities more diverse and beautiful, however, it can also turn out to be a mess of completely differently looking buildings and in the end it could not fit together.

    In the end Pedestrian Zone Pack seems to suit me the best, it matches what I want my cities to look like, how I want their mood and feel to be. And that’s why I decided to vote for Pedestrian Zone Pack.

    I will be disappointed if either Eldritch Pack or Big Top Pack wins, I wouldn’t buy neither of them. I definitely hope the Pedestrian Zone Pack would win. As a second winner I would be ok with either Vibrant Cities or New World Pack. If Vibrant Cities wins, I just hope all the skins you make will fit well to each other and to already existing models of buildings.

    Your Ubisoft Companion,

  149. W WillieTheSlug April 8, 2021

    inb4 all of them will be made 😉

  150. r ruzen_qures April 8, 2021

    Guys cmon
    Pedestrian Zone Pack

  151. m mate.kertai April 8, 2021

    My favorite is “Vibrant Cities Pack” and “Pedestrian Zone Pack”.
    I also really like the “New World Pack”, but let’s keep something for season 4 too;)

  152. A Altmaerker13 April 8, 2021

    Also ich würde auch die gesamten fünf Erweiterungen kaufen.

  153. m mattyschwarz April 8, 2021

    i would easily buy all if i could lol.

  154. Y Yuri6392 April 8, 2021

    « villes vibrantes » et « zone piétonne ».

    Les deux que je préfère, a voir le résultat final.

  155. Z Zarastro06 April 8, 2021

    But how can we possibly chose? They are ALL amazing ! Keep up the great work.

  156. M Misiek_1991 April 8, 2021

    “Vibrant Cities Pack” and “New World Pack” are my favs. Finally no more the same looking utility buildings! And I love to build New World cities 😀

  157. D D0senwerfer April 8, 2021

    I’d love to see the “Vibrant Cities Pack” and the “Pedestrian Zone Pack”.

  158. I Illuvater777 April 8, 2021

    Loving the “Vibrant Cities” and “Pedestrian Zone”.
    Now is it just me or is there nowhere to click?

    • I Illuvater777 April 8, 2021

      Wait, page load was sloooooow, Found the voting buttons

    • S SatelliteLM April 8, 2021

      yeah, hope in future all them avaible to take….

      • V Vanticus1 April 8, 2021

        “Big Top Pack” was on the list from last year, so if this happens next year I expect the ‘losers’ will reappear!


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