• Anno 1800
  • Cosmetic DLC
  • Union Update

Union Update: “Industrial Zone” Pack CDLC teaser and more

Hey Anno community,

Now that we reached early June, we think it’s a good opportunity to update you on a few things Anno: The two remaining Cosmetic and DLC 11.

Cosmetic DLC 8

As revealed in May, Cosmetic DLC 8 is called the “Industrial Zone Pack” and will release at the end of this month – more precisely: June 28th!

True to its name, you can expect ornaments focusing on construction and industry, the dirtier but nevertheless necessary parts of a city. The CDLC is split into two themes, the first is construction and adding things like scaffolding ornaments.

The second is focusing on your railroad system, one of the lifelines for any advanced city in Anno 1800. Fans of miniature railroads will certainly enjoy beautifying their islands with ornaments like a railway guard hut with its own little platform.


As usual, you can expect more details and a DevBlog with further insights and the full list of all ornaments in the coming weeks.

Cosmetic DLC 9

About a month ago, the community vote for this year’s third Cosmetic DLC was in full swing and in the end, it was the “Old Town Pack” that won the race. Going by the comments (and you left a lot of them), there’s also quite a bit of nostalgia connected to the theme of the CDLC.

After the end of the vote, our Art team started exploring the topic, incorporating both their own ideas as well as the feedback we received from our community. It is still a bit too early to talk about details, but we should have a first glimpse for you in July regarding what you can expect for this Cosmetic DLC.

DLC: Empire of the Skies

Lastly, there’s of course DLC 11 – Empire of the Skies.

The release of the second DLC of Season 4 is still further in the future (late summer) and will then allow you not only to expand your trading and war fleet with new airship variants but also profit from the advantages of the new mail system as well as other features to make your New World as well as your empire overall grow closer together.

Right now, we’re still in the production phase of the DLC, meaning assets are still being worked on, features (like the behaviour of the new airships) are finalized, and UI elements created. Soon, we will enter the polishing and fixing phase during which we can show you some first teasers of the new content – so keep an eye on our social channels!

Goodbye, Marcel

So much for the news on the upcoming content, however, there’s also a change in the team we want to inform you about:

At the end of June, we’re saying “goodbye for now” to one of our Anno veterans, our dear Senior International Brand Manager Marcel Hatam – also known as Com_Raven. Having joined in 2017 during the early production of Anno 1800, he has since steered the Anno ship on the Brand side successfully through the game’s release and till now 4 years of post-launch content.

You could also see him in many of our live streams and trailers – most famously playing the role of the architect in the “The High Life” trailer (however, we can confirm he’s not starting an acting career).

“One last time: Hey Anno Community! When I bought 1602 24 years ago, I would not have dared dream that I could one day help to develop a new Anno game myself. I am eternally grateful for the past 5 years, and proud how all of us together – you in the community and us on the Anno-Team – made 1800 not only the most successful, but also the best Anno ever. I know this incredibly talented team has a very bright future ahead, and I cannot wait to cheer them on as a fan myself.”

– Marcel

And while Marcel is sailing towards new adventures, his brand-sceptre has been handed to Lisa, our Junior International Product Manager, who you surely already know from previous live streams. 

Please give him a round of applause for his role in making Anno 1800 the success it is! We wish him all the best for his surely magical new adventures. 




  1. J Justin_One_Shot June 17, 2022

    You’ll be missed! A casket of rum in the air to you sir for a job greatly done!

    You leaving makes me almost like the Eldrich Pack enough to vote for it! hehe

    Cheers and good luck! 🙂

  2. K Katje-Katrien June 13, 2022


    Always sad when a member of the Anno team leaves.
    But this happens when you don’t vote for the Eldritch Pack.

    I have great memories from the Anno Streams.
    Marcel you are going to be missed.
    “Marcel all the best with your new adventure!”

    Lisa best of luck.

    Looking forward to the Old town Pack and the Industrial Zone Pack.


  3. A AORUS2017 June 10, 2022

    Goodbye Marcel, one of the best Anno veterans. So now Ubisoft is moving on Senior Brand Manager and replace it with a Junior Product Manager! Are going backwards!! You wouldn’t move on the Senior over a Junior in business but you have what disappointed as a fan

  4. a anvish_kp June 10, 2022

    HI , I have the vehicle liveries pack , but there is no additional skin for extravaganza steamer, great eastern, world class reefer and oil tanker. Please provide skins for empire of the sky ships for this CDLC. And if possible skin for the above mentioned ships too. Also special items which affects the all production chain does not support the tourist DLC and high life DLC factories. Which effects the optimization. Please include them as well.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof June 13, 2022

      Heyho, thank you for your comment.
      The “Empires of the Skies” DLC is focusing on airships, so I’m afraid there are no plans to add any skins for regular ships.
      The Cosmetic DLC (Industry) does not contain any skins but focuses on the mentioned types of ornaments.

      The multifactories have their own items for balancing reasons. The regular ones do not affect them – this is working as intended 🙂

  5. R Rastfarian June 10, 2022

    Yay! Looking forward to the new Industrial Zone pack – looks good. Can’t wait for Old Town – that’s MY BAG BABY!
    Very sad to see Marcel go – the hottest thing at Ubisoft since Bastian! Will miss his input greatly.
    Can we have Bastian back please!

  6. F Fablewynd June 10, 2022

    The CDLC preview looks great. The above screenshot, however, seems like the perfect opportunity to reignite the request to give railroads the option to have a concrete version, as it looks so out of place having grass either side of the track in a built-up industrial area, as you can see in that screenshot.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof June 13, 2022

      Have to disappoint here, there are currently no plans to add an alternative groundplate for railroad tracks. Due to the nature of the system, this would a rather high effort topic.

  7. A Annoholics June 10, 2022

    I hate to see Marcel leave but at the same time I have all the confidence in Lisa. Marcel, you will be missed and I hope to see you still once in a while on discord as an Anno fan.

    • U Ubi_MarcelH June 15, 2022

      Thank you, and I cannot stress enough what an awesome job the team will keep doing on Anno. I am very excited to follow them along as a fan and friend in the future, and so should you 🙂

  8. B Bogoethe June 10, 2022

    Could you work out the moment with a base on which the rails are located?

    It looks unnatural when the railway is located on the grass, and there is concrete on both sides of it.
    It would be more logical if the railway was also located on concrete (or other surface).

  9. V Via4Uplay June 9, 2022

    A pity and happy. Nowadays, there are many bad goodby in game industry. It’s great that Marcel leaves 1800 with positive emotions

    Also I’m glad to see the new cosmetic screenshot. The game is already full of beauty but we want more more visual assets that make our world lively

    • U Ubi_MarcelH June 15, 2022

      Agreed, I think it is very cool that Ubisoft allowed me to say goodbye to the community in this way- many other companies would not have done so. And of course a huge thank you to Oli for his very kind words.

  10. A Acidello June 9, 2022

    So sorry to see you go, Marcel! For how experienced Oli and Lisa are <3 I know I'll miss your poker face during teasers ? Good luck with your future opportunities!
    Thanks for putting your love into Anno and gifting us with wonderful moments, like the "One more thing…" during the reveal of the very first S4 teaser, to mention one XD
    or your memorable acting performance during S4 trailer!

    • A Acidello June 9, 2022

      not sure why one of my emojis was converted into question mark, but I meant to smile xd

    • U Ubi_MarcelH June 15, 2022

      The “one more thing” was definitely a moment I will cherish 🙂

  11. P Pinepyi June 9, 2022

    Very sad to see Marcel leave- massive respect for the years of support Anno has been treated with and the interaction you guys brought to social media!


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