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Union Update: 2 million players and lots of news

Hello Anno Community,

Yesterday has been a day packed with news during our End of the Year stream: a new game mode, the upcoming Cosmetic DLC… and, wait a second, the Season 4 announcement? Let’s go with order.

The GGJ Scenario – Eden Burning

As you might know already, back in June we announced our participation in this year’s Green Game Jam. Our plan was to create a new, alternative game mode to raise awareness for environmental issues and to support the “Play 4 Forest” campaign.

Yesterday we published a DevBlog dedicated to the Green Game Jam mode that, during development, turned into a scenario called Eden Burning. This overview will provide you with all the information you need to be prepared for this new challenge which will release together with GU 13 on December 14th.

If you cannot wait until then and would like to have a first look at the early game, check out the VOD of our livestream.

Also part of this green initiative is the “Plant a Tree” Cosmetic DLC. The proceeds from this Cosmetic DLC will go to Ecologi – you can find more info here at the end of the linked DevBlog.

Game Update 13 & CDLC06 

On December 14th we will also release our latest Cosmetic DLC, “Vibrant Cities Pack”. Want to know more about it? Check this dedicated DevBlog for all the info you need. 

What about GU13 you might ask. This Game Update will contain as per usual some bug fixes and improvements based on Community feedback. Keep an eye on the Anno Union for the Release Notes, which will be published by the end of the week. 

Ubi35 and Anno 1404 Giveaway

Earlier in November Ubisoft started their celebration for their 35th anniversary, with various giveaways and contests. As part of this celebration, you can now redeem a copy of Anno 1404 History Edition for free, until December 14th! Click here to get your copy – and tell your friends!

2M players

We’re not done with celebrations: We are proud to announce that there are now more than 2 million Anno 1800 players around the world! To celebrate this very special occasion, we will release two resplendent ship skins, one for the Ship of the Line and one for the Battle Cruiser. Both ship skins will be released on December 14th, with GU13.

Here is an overview of some your achievements – thank you for your constant and amazing support, Annoholics!

Season 4 Announcement

Last but not least, the moment we were all waiting for. Yesterday we announced that Season 4 is coming to Anno 1800 in 2022! The new Season will consist of three new DLCs and focus on the New World. At the moment there are only a few things we can share with you, and you can find everything in this blog.

This is all for today’s Union Update. We hope you are as excited as we are for the year ahead of us. Today, more than any other day, happy city-building!




  1. B BadPenguinDev December 13, 2021

    Can we expect custom Scenario tool?
    – On/off Session
    – Production Chain Edit
    – Place Islands in session
    – Scenario only contents

    I can’t wait for Update 13 patch. Hope scenario editor support.

  2. A AemaethNorrhart December 9, 2021

    Hello Ubi-Thorlof and the entire Anno Team.

    Few years ago, I have made a request regarding delivering artworks of the game you gave us in some news and during ingame loading…
    Your predecessor and the entire Anno team had accepted the past request and gave us wonderful packages.
    I am just questionning, maybe, the possibility to the team to deliver a some of best Artworks of the Year for players whom want to have new wallpaper for the christmas holidays ???

    Just asking… 😉

    Love your work and your dedication ! Stay safe and enjoy incoming christmas holidays !!


    •   Ubi-Thorlof December 10, 2021

      Let’s see what Santa will bring this year, right? 😉


  3. f frasoucos December 8, 2021

    Wow! Impressive numbers! I am among the players who played the game for more than 2.000 hours. Actually way way more than that!
    So, just wondering: what happens if I select the Variety Theater after building the Skyline Tower? Or am I missing something else here?
    By the way, I just want to point out something that you might find useful to improve the game even further. I play the game with the camera in the ground level mode (CTRL+ SHIFT+ R) very often just to have the feeling of walking on the streets of the city I am building. So I noticed that, on the ground level, most buildings have gaps on their structure. In some buildings the gaps are very visible, in some of them less so. It does not happen with all buildings. The Skyline Tower, the Iron Tower, the Cathedral of Commerce (mod), the alternative Town Halls (mod) are examples of flawless buildings even from the ground perspective.
    So I am wondering if that issue could be fixed. I noticed this problem a while ago but I did not report it because I was under the impression that the game would reach its final phase by the end of this year. However, since you already announced plans for another year of game improvement, I believe you´ll have plenty time to address the issue.
    Playing the game with the normal camera mode is fun. But playing it with the ground camera level mode is even more fun. By improving the visuals of the building from the ground perspective you´ll have a chance to make a promotional video even more enticing to city builders. In this type of game, different camera perspectives and visuals counts a lot, don´t you think so?

    •   Ubi-Thorlof December 9, 2021

      Hey frasoucos – that is an impressive playtime number! Wow!
      Clicking the Theater afterwards triggers a little easter egg for the Skyline Tower (SPOILER: a king kong reference), but only with a certain percentage, so it doesn’t happen 100% of the time.

      Regarding the buildings:
      While we are happy to see how many players love the fact we included the first-person mode easter egg, it’s not a main feature of the game. All buildings are designed to be looked at from a top view, the normal angle, and not a close-up or even from the ground. So, we won’t be fixing things like this for an easter egg mode, I’m afraid.
      (not even talking about the amount of work this would involve, which would keep our Art Team from plenty of other tasks for weeks)

      • f frasoucos December 10, 2021

        I see… It is interesting to know how people see the same thing so differently. In my opinion the ground camera mode is the most attractive game feature. : (
        Thank you for your honest response. Happy Christmas and happy new year!

  4. D Dravidos December 8, 2021

    ESP: ¡Enhorabuena a todo el equipo de Anno por alcanzar los 2 millones de jugadores! ¡Sois los mejores!

    Ya estoy deseando que llegue la cuarta temporada. Si no puede ser una nueva región en Asia, el Nuevo Mundo es una buena alternativa.

    ENG: Congratulations to the entire Anno team for reaching 2 million players! You are the best!

    I’m already looking forward to season four. If it cannot be a new region in Asia, the New World is a good alternative.

  5. H HelloPenguin December 8, 2021

    Hello, I have played through the game so many times. By not being able to skip the intro is the BIG thing keep stopping me to play the new DLCs because it’s super boring.
    I have tried to continue from the old save but I just can’t, I cannot remember what I have done through the game or what I was going to do, everything is blurry and each island is super messy. It would be nice if the dev team take my problem into consideration for the future update.

    •   Ubi-Thorlof December 9, 2021

      Hey there, which intro are you referring to? From the campaign? You can simply start a sandbox game instead.
      If you’re talking about something else, feel free to specify 🙂

  6. N Nele1910 December 8, 2021

    Hallo, ich freue mich riesig auf den Season Pass 4, und den Umbau in der neuen Welt.
    Ich habe nur keinen Platz mehr. Es ist alles bis auf den letzten Zentimeter verbaut.
    Wenn keine weiteren Inseln kommen, kann ich leider nichts machen. Ich hoffe, es kommen auch weitere Inseln, ich würde mich riesig freuen.
    Und ich freue mich auf den 14. Dezember und schon riesig auf den Februar, und den versprochenen Kosmetik-DLC.
    Mit lieben Grüßen und schöne Weihnachtsfeiertage – Nele

  7. p paulraff101 December 8, 2021

    I always enjoyed the challenge of the New World. As long as you own all of islands and use a lot of Trade Unions, and use the space wisely, it’s not so bad.

    One thing I think the game is missing is a manor house, whether functional or just aesthetic. It would be cool to build a nice big private house in the Old World with a huge estate with gardens, apple trees, orchards etc. Or build something similar on my own private island in the New World.

    This would definitely add some more fun to the game when battling the issues of supply and demand, which tends to dominate the game.

    However still best game ever! Thanks.


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