• Anno 1800
  • Live Stream
  • Season 3
  • Twitch Drops

Union Update: Twitch Drops & Vehicle Liveries Pack

Hey Anno Community,

the release of “Tourist Season” is drawing closer – but not just “Tourist Season”.

Next Tuesday also marks the day when the “Vehicle Liveries Pack” Cosmetic DLC will be released in the Ubisoft Store, Epic Store and on Steam (for owners of the Steam version of Anno 1800) for the price of 4,99€ or your regional equivalent. You can find details about the Cosmetic DLC here.

This is the first of three Cosmetic DLC we plan to release this year, the others being the two winners of the Community Vote. Expect some early details on the first of them in summer.

Twitch Drops

Over the coming days, we will give you the opportunity to already take a closer look at the contents of Season 3’s second DLC – “Tourist Season” –  by watching some of your favourite streamers during another Twitch Drops Event.

The whole event takes place from Friday, 21.05.2021 until Sunday, 30.05.2021.

During the event, you will be able to watch how a variety of selected Twitch streamers turning their cities into massive tourist attraction spots. Oh, and don’t forget about all the new ornaments!
Anyone watching them construct Restaurants, Hotels, Orchards and the Chemical Factory while planning their bus network can grab two brand new ornaments, the “Tourist Season” Flag  and the “Tourist Season” Lamppost. The only thing you need to do is to first link your Ubisoft account to your Twitch account and then watch the streamers during the event for up to 3 hours to receive your loot. You don’t have to watch these hours consecutively to receive your drop; watching them accumulated on participating streamers will also grant you the ornaments.

After receiving a drop, you need to claim it via the Twitch inventory.
Please be aware that all rewards will only be delivered to you after the end of the Twitch Drop Event.

If you haven’t already done so in the past, make sure to first link your Ubisoft- and Twitch-account by following the steps outlined on this website.

You can find the full list of all participating Streamer below:









  1. J Janneman_2020 May 22, 2021

    With happiness Im watching The Tourist Drops Event on Twitch!
    Got both rewards, but indeed, have to wait ’till the event is over 2 claim it
    Lets hope that goes well…

    Ubisoft, thanks for putting so mutch effort 2 the GAME!


    One “picky point” :
    HOTELS are 2 small in the game 🙁
    -That looks funny and ofline should I say :-l
    It is because you guys are sp amazing that this one is pinching my eye !
    Ofcourse the looks of The Hotels, Restaurants and ornament are once again: Fantastic looking good!

  2. c corinthius_c May 21, 2021

    Heads Up peoples just remember to activate your first reward for the second to accumulate time or you’ll not get both rewards, DUMB yeah I know (wasn’t like this last Anno 1800 Drop) but that’s what Twitch though be a great idea

      • T Tberganno May 22, 2021

        Had a stream open yesterday (about 5-6 hours) nothing was registered….
        Will keep an eye on your tip, thanks.

        • T Tberganno May 22, 2021

          I watched in the morning, seems Ubisoft does not know when the campaign runs:

          “The whole event takes place from Friday, 21.05.2021 until Sunday, 30.05.2021.”

          But twitch states it is from 4pm onwards 😀

  3. F Fati7 May 21, 2021

    Tiene que generar el idioma Español !!!

  4. T Tberganno May 20, 2021

    My favourite player that plays Anno is Nivarias ( https://www.twitch.tv/nivariasgaming ), too bad he is not in the list. Will turn on one of the other streams to have the clock tick to three hours.

    Not a big fan of forced things to pay or watch such as this drop or the twitch prime pack recently, why can’t I just buy it when it is released?

  5. D Dravidos May 20, 2021

    ¿Podríais decirme dónde puedo ver streamers en español?

    Could you tell me where I can see streamers in Spanish?

    • U Ubi_MarcelH May 20, 2021

      We do not have any Spanish streamers participating in this Twitch Drops campaign, but any interested Spanish-speaking content creators can of course reach out to us about future campaigns.


      • F FidoPlay May 22, 2021

        Hello, I am a small Spanish streamer from Anno 1800 and I would like to know if there is any way to participate in any upcoming Twitch Drops campaign. Who should I contact? Thanks

  6. s screg95 May 20, 2021

    Ces biens d’accorder les droits sur anno 1800 à des streamers français qui stream jamais Anno juste 2 personnes sur 8 nice choix tandis qu’un streamer stream pratiquement tous les soirs Anno 1800 Maoui Tv

  7. K KingxOfxVoids May 19, 2021

    People have gotten all twitch drops without watching twitch time after time
    Why would anyone watch for the drops if you give them to everyone anyway

    • U Ubi_MarcelH May 20, 2021

      To be honest, I don’t think that “single instance for the game’s first anniversary” counts as “time after time” 🙂

  8. S SiddiusBlack78 May 19, 2021

    Ziemlich uninspiriert findet ihr nicht auch? Das ist exakt das selbe wie beim letzten Drop, lediglich das Logo ist ein anderes. Effektive Arbeitszeit: 2min.

    Da hätte ich mir ein wenig mehr Kreativität und Einfallsreichtum gewünscht. z.b. mal einen schicken neuen 1 Feld Brunnen oder eben eine andere Laterne oder zumindest einen Mülleimer daneben oder einen kleinen Blumentopf.

    Die Möglichkeiten wären doch grenzenlos und ihr verliert euch in Copy&Paste.

  9. F Furthermore. May 19, 2021

    Danke dass ich dabei sein darf. War für mich eine riesenüberraschung! ich bin wirklich glücklich teil dieser Liste sein zu dürfen!

  10. D Dravidos May 18, 2021

    Dear Anno 1800 team,
    Why are there never any Spanish streamers? Am I the only Spanish speaker who plays Anno?

    • X XCockneyX May 18, 2021

      Don’t feel alone Dravidos, I’m also a Spaniard playing Anno 1800, but you are right never saw any Spaniard streaming on Twitch this game

      • D Dravidos May 18, 2021

        Thanks, XCockneyX. Perhaps in the next event.

    • F FidoPlay May 19, 2021

      Yo soy streamer español de Anno 1800 pero no les interesan los canales pequeños

  11. S Swabia May 18, 2021

    Also eins habe ich noch nicht begriffen beim letzten tiwtch drop event war FReiraumreh auch dabei. Allerdings hat die in fraglichem Zeitraum alles gestreamt aber kein 1800.

    Die haben noch weitere Kanäle aber die heissen dann anders. Vllt. wars da , ich habe es versucht aber dort ging damals nix. Will niemand was böses aber wundern tut es mich.

    In ihrer Kanalbeschreibung stand auch nix.

    Egal die Talks die sie gemacht hat waren durchaus auch interessant für mich.


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