• Anno 1800
  • Union Update

Union Update: Closed Beta Information

Keeping it short and sweet today, as we’re in the middle of preparations for the Closed Beta! And we got a few details that could be of interest to you. Plus a small tease at the coming DevBlog! 

Get ready for the Anno 1800 Closed Beta
The Closed Beta will be a bit bigger than last years Technical Test. And if you were one of the lucky selectees, then you won’t have to wait too long. Invitations will be sent out in the coming days, so check your inbox (and spam folders 😉 ).

A few things to note:

  • As with the Technical Test, this Beta is not representative for the finished game, which we’re currently finishing and polish so it’s ready for the big launch in April. Some things won’t work occasionally or outright break. This is intentional, as the Beta gives us important insights into topics such as Balance and Performance of the game. So please use the Closed Beta Forums (which will be opened on the english Ubisoft Forums soon) to provide us with Feedback and Bug Reports.
  • No NDA: This Closed Beta won’t have an NDA. That means you can stream, record and share videos and discuss your experiences in public. And we urge you to do so! If you’re on Social Media, make use of Hashtags such as #Anno1800, #AnnoUnion, #AnnoUnionCB und #Anno1800CB, so other Annoholics and ourselves can find your messages.
  • The Closed Beta won’t encompass the full game. The campaign won’t be playable and you can only reach the third residential tier in Endless Mode. Additionally, you’ll be able to challenge or cooperate with other players in Multiplayer, as well as explore and build in the New World.
  • The Closed Beta will run from 31. January 2019 to the 4th of February 2019.

Registering for the Closed Beta
If you’re still wondering how to get a chance to participate in the Beta: Log into the Anno Union with your Uplay Account or register a new Uplay Account if you don’t have one. You can do that using the buttons in the upper right corner of this website.

So if you haven’t yet logged into the Union for whichever reason, now’s the time to get that sorted. 🙂

System Requirements for the Closed Beta
There are only minimal changes from the specs since the Technical Test, but please keep in mind that these still aren’t final, as we’re still optimizing the game.

Current Minimum Specs:

  • CPU: Intel i5 3470 oder AMD FX 6350
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 670 GTX oder AMD Radeon R9 285
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (jeweils 64-bit)
  • Hard Drive: 60 GB

Current Recommended Specs:

  • CPU: Intel i5 4690k oder AMD Ryzen 5 1400
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 970 GTX oder AMD Radeon RX 480
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (jeweils 64-bit)
  • Hard Drive: 60 GB

DISCLAIMER: THERE ARE NOT THE FINAL REQUIREMENTS! As Anno 1800 is still in the middle of development and performance optimization, you should not consider these specs to be representative of the final game. This test specifically should help us to find some areas where we can further improve the game’s performance.

We are still in the middle of localisation of texts and recording voiceovers. Therefore we’ll only be able to offer this Closed Beta in English only. Sorry about that!

When we release in April, the following languages will be available:

Fully localised Text and Audio

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Russian

Fully localised Text

  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Chinese (traditional and simplified)

Livestreams and Videos
If you have no opportunity to play yourself or need to take a break from being at your computer, then you can still get some impression from the Anno 1800 Closed Beta. You can check out what other players show from the game on Youtube, Twitch and Mixer.

Last but not least, we’ll want to show off the Closed Beta Trailer here. It was first revealed during last weeks AnnoCast and gives you an idea about the Feature we’ll showcase in this weeks DevBlog.


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And that’s it for this weeks Union Update. We wish you all good luck to get a Beta invite!




  1. C ChromicChris February 5, 2019

    Never played an Anno game before, so didn’t know what to expect.
    I really enjoyed the Beta and would definitely be interested in more in the future!

  2. D DuckyDuck88 February 5, 2019

    I loved the Beta! I hope that some work on optimisation is done and all bugs are fixed, because there were some problems with the game. Good Luck, Devs, and thanks for the Beta!

  3. F FRIEDL0r February 5, 2019

    I really liked the game this time, big improvement compared to the technical test!

  4. B BLITZKRIEG2587 February 4, 2019

    Is it still possible to get the registration key? Or is it just for the lucky ones to get it

  5. t tezvid February 2, 2019

    My 2 best friends got closed beta access and we want to play multiplayer and test this. Uplay Name: tezvid

    • t tezvid February 2, 2019

      It would be very nice, if i get a key 🙁

  6. T Thordell February 2, 2019

    are key still available? I have been enjoying the vids of the game play and would love to give it a try.

  7. t thexplayer18 February 2, 2019

    Could i still have a key please?

    i would be so happy !!!! i have 100k Internet, 16gb ram, i5, SSD, 960 GTX

    best regards

    • B BraennR February 2, 2019

      omg i love you. i wish i found your comment sooner

  8. n nuk4r February 1, 2019

    anyone out there with a spare invite? would love to play this game! it looks absolutly stunnig!

  9. J JustThugxD February 1, 2019

    I would really like to get the key 🙁 But I dont have it. So please Anno Developers, Im steel waiting :D, Or if anyone have a key – write me please.

  10. i inviss85 February 1, 2019

    i would love to join the beta….anyone got a key for me?

    just ended my workingweek and realized that there alreay is a Anno Beta running 🙁

    my Uplay Nick: inviss85

  11. m minidak03 February 1, 2019

    Anyone have a spare beta key? Always loved the anno series. Prepurchased this new edition almost immediately via steam was a bit sad to see the release date pushed back but im sure it’ll be worth the wait

  12. M MoKnowzTV February 1, 2019

    Would really love to check this out if anyone is feeling generous and has an extra beta key , username is MoKnowzTV , Thanks!

  13. H HowManyChars February 1, 2019

    I guess I am a bit late for the beta…-_-

  14. C Carian211 January 31, 2019

    I’d Love a beta key if anyone has any left – Carian211 :3

  15. f fredlangva January 31, 2019

    I got to play the Technical Test and enjoyed the game. It was pretty bug free on my playthrough. I didn’t get another invite though 🙁 – Guess I’ll have to wait until April 🙁

  16. G G0thmor January 31, 2019

    would be nice to get a key?


    The first o is a zero

  17. F Fatalfury87 January 31, 2019

    If anyone has an extra key for me, I would love to try it out. Please and thank you
    Uplay Name : Fatalfury87

  18. i iceman0I January 31, 2019

    Need beta key or invitation…thanks

  19. F FalconX05 January 31, 2019

    Any new friends with a spare key? lol

  20. T Thordell January 31, 2019

    I am looking for a Beta code, if you have any left.
    Id is Thordell

  21. B Belinik January 31, 2019

    Might be bit late to ask but anyone got a spare key for me ? Belinik on uplay

  22. N Nadervader22 January 31, 2019

    Darn, I was looking forward to the beta but didn’t get the invite 🙁 I stayed up all night

  23. T Tony2401_ January 31, 2019

    Suche auch noch einen Key!
    Invite bitte an uplay: Tony2401_

  24. Q Quofeous January 31, 2019

    🙁 does anybody have a spare beta key pls if you do my user name is Quofeous, love 1404 and 2070 but could not get into 2205 but do love the look of 1800 :(, so if any one does have a spare key ty very much

  25. Z Zolgo55 January 31, 2019

    Anyone have a spare key, I didn’t get an invite. 🙁

    Username is: Zolgo55

  26. N Nadervader22 January 31, 2019

    Hi, have not got the key yet 🙁 any one have a extra or an invite? Nadervader22

  27. c compmomnc January 31, 2019

    I know it might be a long shot, but if someone has a spare key that they will not be using, would you consider sharing it with me?

    My uplay id is: compmomnc


  28. d drea_kre January 31, 2019

    I didn’t get an invite 🙁 does anyone still have a key?

  29. d donkeyshot86 January 30, 2019

    i also would appreciate if some had a key left und could invite me. Username is donkeyshot86


  30. h harry1987143 January 30, 2019

    Someone has a key left over? harry1987143 is my username

  31. J Josua31 January 30, 2019

    würde mich auch sehr über eine Einladung freuen. Name : Josua31

    • J Josua31 January 30, 2019

      pls send me one . Name Josua31

    • m matt.9305 January 30, 2019

      Please give me one!
      I’m big fan of Guardians of the Galaxy xoxo

  32. B BlueBreath January 30, 2019

    Ok guys 2 more invites left reply to this message with your true username if you want me to add you. I will do the adding. OK?

  33. T Taurus.90 January 30, 2019

    Taurus.90 if anyone has a spare invite! TIA

    • B BlueBreath January 30, 2019

      I sent you a friend request

  34. B BlueBreath January 30, 2019

    I asked 3 people to be my friends @13:42 GMT, if they don’t answer in two hours, I will invite others from the comments. We are going to be friends just for this important occasion. If that is ok with BlueByte if not they should tell me quick by replying to this comment.

    I will send the friend requests, don’t send me yours please, I will just ignore them.

    • p pancakepanda6 January 30, 2019

      If you happen to have an extra invite, I’ll just drop this here – pancakepanda6


    • S SlGGEN January 31, 2019

      Thats wwith a small “L”, not a big “I”.

      I love this series and would love a key.

  35. B Barracuda1955 January 30, 2019

    Looks like am sitting on the sidelines again. No invite . 🙁

  36. f felipe.alberto January 30, 2019

    hope I can get one invite 😉

    • B BlueBreath January 30, 2019

      give me your real user name and I will add you to my friends and invite you.

  37. T Tyriszero January 30, 2019

    Am I to late to receive an invitation ? T_T

  38. V Visor1961 January 29, 2019

    Thank you for the invite 🙂 but there seems to be a ‘time problem’. On the world map picture in this post it says: LONDON 7AM GMT 31 January. In the email I got it says (copy/paste from the mail): You have been selected to test Anno 1800! You’ll be able to play the Closed Beta from January 31st (7PM GMT), until February 4th (6PM GMT). So, when does the Beta start? 7AM or 7PM?

    • B BlueBreath January 29, 2019

      7AM should be the correct one at least the other test in Dec started in the morning.

  39. B BlueBreath January 29, 2019

    For everybody who has gmail. Check your promotion tab.
    For me that’s where the invite arrived.
    If no success try the spam folder also.

  40. l luckymichu January 29, 2019

    Thank you for the Beta key. I am waiting for 31.01 🙂

  41. B Barracuda1955 January 29, 2019

    Nothing for me yet :(. Hope they are still sending.

  42. s sahfaree January 29, 2019

    I own 4 games, 500 hours, technical tester and nothing. I’m angry.

    • T Twidlledee January 31, 2019

      same. very upset that I wasn’t selected when I put in many hours every day the technical test was up and wrote a very extensive forum detailing my pros and cons and balance stuff. I put in effort. Been in the anno union since it was a thing. No code.

  43. K Khrizto January 29, 2019

    Wil technical tester get an invite?

  44. F FreeDerta January 29, 2019

    I sent invitation to my friend. Where can he find it? On mail? Or somewhere in anno-union.com, or uplay.ubisoft.com, or ubisoft.com? Too many sites

    • E ELGRANDENOOB January 29, 2019

      my friends could redeem it with the same link you invited them trough.

  45. K Katje-Katrien January 29, 2019

    I am selected. Looking forward to start with testing. 😀
    Thank you very much. I am so happy.
    Best regards

  46. p pilek01 January 29, 2019

    Thanks just got invited. And its amazing that i can invite 3 friends to participate in beta as well !! 🙂

  47. b blastofficial January 29, 2019

    I’m so excited! I got in!

  48. t thomas.william January 28, 2019

    Alle meine WG mitglieder sind schon dabei…ich hab noch keine Email bekommen. 🙁
    Eigentlich total ok, weil sie extra keys bekommen haben 😀 Aber ich bin trotzdem enttäuscht noch keine Email selbst erhalten zu haben! 😀 😀

  49. C CLUB-RiotMode January 28, 2019

    Ich hab das “Anfrage”-Formular schon lange an Euch geschickt, ich würde mich rießig freuen – bitte bitte bitte

    • D DieHun1988 January 28, 2019

      Das Anfrage Formular ist für die closed beta garnicht nötig. Die Anfrage war nur für die erste, wahrscheinlich viel kleinere testgruppe, die schon Anfang/Mitte 2018 testen durften. Check mal deine E-Mails… ich habe mit einer Stunde Verspätung noch eine Einladung bekommen. Und bei bei Reddit sieht es so aus als hätten wirklich viele eine bekommen… dazu kommt noch das jeder der eine bekommen hat noch 3(!) weitere Freunde einladen darf! Meine sind leider schon weg aber vllt hast du ja Glück! Ich drück dir die Daumen!

      • C CLUB-RiotMode January 28, 2019

        Danke für deine Antwort DieHun!

        Ich habe kurz nach meinem Kommentare eine E-Mail bekommen und springe im Kreis vor Freude 🙂 Daumendrücken dürfte geholfen haben! DAAAAANKE

  50. S SardaHD January 28, 2019

    Can we actually save this time?

  51. A Abdul-Atheem January 28, 2019

    When I click on the play button for the Youtube video a warning pops up that says “The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”

    I’m in the USA. Can you guys update that so we can see it?


  52. Z Zmarti January 28, 2019

    “…you can only reach the third residential tier in Endless Mode.”
    Oof, I was hoping for the commuting harbour to transfert workforces :/

  53. d diddle783 January 28, 2019

    gonna cross my fingers ;), the trailer looks awesome

  54. O O_oKongo_O January 28, 2019

    I already check mail and spam also. But can’t find the invite email. Can you guys check again w my account?

    • Y YpsilonEule January 28, 2019

      “Invitations will be sent out in the coming days”

  55. S SKG-Stahlfaust January 28, 2019

    Danke für die Info=) ich gucke jeden Tag immer ganz gespannt auf diese Seite.


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