• Anno 1800
  • DevBlog

DevBlog: Scoring the industrial revolution

A cityscape of smoking chimneys. Streets brimming with life, as the upper classes take to the zoo for a day out with the family. None of these evocative scenes could unfold their full impact on the player without the proper musical accompaniment. Orchestral soundtracks have always been a key part of the Anno experience, and this is no different for Anno 1800. So join us on a journey intot he creation of Anno 1800’s grand soundscapes.

Let us raise the curtain for veteran composer Tilman Sillescu (who has been working on the music for Anno games since 1701) and his team at Dynamedion, as they carry you away into the world of the industrial revolution:


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And while we focused on Tilman in the video, we would be remiss to forget all the other talented composers who contributed to the game, as seen here:

If all of the above has put you into the right mood to light candles and to dust off your old record player, we have some great news for you! We have created a limited vinyl edition of the Anno 1800 soundtrack in partnership with Black Screen Records! If you want to call one of these precious records your own, you get still get them here.

Alternatively, you can also enjoy the full digital soundtrack on spotify!




  1. o olblf April 18, 2019

    I’ve been looking forward to this blog for so long!! The music in Anno is one of the things that for me really defines the series. Anno 1800 did not disappoint! I just love the “main theme” and how it is resumed in different styles during other parts of the soundtrack. Like how it’s played during the in-game festivals in the style of a happy march. Those are the kind of details I just love with the game’s soundtrack

  2. K Katje-Katrien April 18, 2019

    The music is so beautiful that I did a pre-order. With a bit of luck the limited vinyl edition will arrive tomorrow. 😀
    The music creates a wonderful atmosphere in every Anno game.
    And I love it. 😀

  3. y ylamarch April 17, 2019

    Music is one of the main reason that I followed and played this serie to death since 1701.


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