• Anno 1800
  • Announcement

Announcement: Closed Beta and 1602 for free!

The release of Anno 1800 is almost at our doorstep and a before we go into our final sprint for the big finale on February 26th, our team will take a short but well-deserved holiday break.
But before we recharge our batteries during our short winter break, we decided to go all in and pack the final Anno Union week of 2018 full of exciting content:

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Get your free copy of Anno 1602 until December 22nd
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the famous City-Building video game series, you can play Anno 1602: Creation of a New World, originally released in 1998, for free. The game is set in the Early Modern period of history and invites players to discover an island world, to colonize and expand it and to trade with other islands – along with protecting it against potential enemies. As the first game in a long series of successful city-building video games, Anno 1602 was a true pioneer in its genre 20 years ago. Starting today and running until December 22nd, you can claim a free copy of the classic game on your Uplay account. All you have to do is to click here:
Claim your free copy of Anno 1602

Announcing the Anno 1800 Closed Beta
But that is not all! Today we are also very happy to announce the Closed Beta of Anno 1800, which will begin on January 31st and allow an even larger number of Anno Union members to help us test the game in the lead-up to its release. So if you haven’t signed up yet for our testing, make sure to do so straight away.If you have previously signed up or participated in our Technical Test, you are all set and can enjoy the time until invitations go out in late January by rediscovering Anno 1602!

AnnoCast: Annoversary Special
If last week’s Naval Combat stream wasn’t enough, we will bring you two more AnnoCast livestreams to celebrate our anniversary this week.

We will start tomorrow with our first-ever German episode of the AnnoCast, guest-starring popular German YouTuber and certified Annoholic, Vallegaming. Tune in for some Anno 1800, our favorite stories of 2018 and perhaps even cookies (for us. Not you. Sorry!).

On Wednesday, the party keeps rolling with yet another AnnoCast, this one in English and featuring big-time strategy fan and part-time Viking Belannaer from beautiful Finland. To make things more interesting, he will have to keep playing from the save game that Valle starts the day before, so let’s see how that goes.

We are looking forward to you guys joining us (and bringing some party spirit with you):
AnnoCast: Annoversary Special with Vallegaming (German) – Tuesday 4pm CET
AnnoCast: Annoversary Special EN with Belannaer – Wednesday 4pm CET

But that’s not all, as this Thursday, our Anno 1800 community team will host the last AnnoAfternoon episode for the year! Join Chris and John in their Anniversary celebration when both do a serious trip down to memory lane with the one legendary game that started it all: Anno 1602
AnnoAfternoon: 20th Annoversary Special – Thursday 5pm CET
And to finish of that crazy Anno week, we have another throwback for our long-time fans on Friday! What could it be? You will have to find out for yourself, I am afraid…

We hope that this week’s Anno marathon gets you excited for the holiday season and of course, for the upcoming launch of Anno 1800. It has been a while since we announced the game at gamescom 2017 and with the Anno Union still going strong, what was your most memorable Anno Union momen
t or anecdote from 2018?




  1. L LeprechaunBRA December 28, 2018

    Hope i have some lucky on 31th January and get a Beta to try one of my beloved games ever! Anno franchise is amazing! <3 GJ guys! \o/

  2. R Rawex December 25, 2018

    Sadly i missed it. 🙁 Really sad.

    Will this be possible to buy in future? (I hope, fingers crossed.)

    Would have been cool if it lasted through christmas as well, but i guess the spirit left early this year. ^^

  3. t thomas.william December 20, 2018

    I never heard of the 1602 add-on…I was so surprised to see the water mill etc. My whole life is a lie.
    Thanks for the free nostalgic trip down memory lane though! Anno 1602 was the first game I ever owned. The music gave me a warm feeling again. 🙂 I played it way too much back in the day…
    Hope you all have a great holiday break! Frohe Weihnachten an euch allen in Mainz from a huge fan in Berlin!

  4. R Rfeuk December 19, 2018

    Damn, the beta starts right at the day when my vacation actually ends :\

  5. M MinneIceCube December 18, 2018

    Nice. I assume more details about the closed Beta with come soon?

    • B BB_CR December 18, 2018

      We will have more details on the Closed Beta was we get closer, so don’t expect that before mid-January or so.


      • M MinneIceCube December 19, 2018

        Thanks. Best of luck with those streams!

  6. K Katje-Katrien December 18, 2018

    Thank you so much for the “Anno 1602”.
    I am looking forward to all the steams 🙂 and of course the Closed Beta.
    My German isn’t very good but I think i will be able to follow the stream.

    One question about the login name on your twitch channel.
    Is it a problem that instead of Katje-Katrien it is katjekatrien for the !raffle?
    They did’t accept the “-” .

    • B BB_CR December 19, 2018

      No, that shouldn’t be an issue as we will usually try to contact winners on Twitch itself!


      • K Katje-Katrien December 19, 2018

        Thank you for the answer.

  7. B Barracuda1955 December 17, 2018

    Thank You for the 1602 surprise. Played that many times back in the day and look forward to playing it again. Am also looking forward to 1800 closed beta test. Had the pleasure of doing the techinal test a few weeks ago. Game is looking fun and a challenge. Hope I am chosen again for the closed beta. Thank You BlueByte 🙂

  8. U Ubi-O5 December 17, 2018

    Hey folks,
    we’re working to get the video running.
    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    EDIT: Should work now. Thanks for your patience!

  9. d diddle783 December 17, 2018

    let the week begin 😉 my most memorabel moment was ofcourse the test week 😉

    • d diddle783 December 17, 2018

      and the best memory about anno 1602 was try to figure out when the game will be released, the internet was not that huge as the days now so finding that info was not easy..when the original day of the release was in there i went to a game shop that was half an hour from where i lived…i arrived and the news game the game will be in store 2 days laters..so you can imgaine my feelings then but yeah 2 days later it was there and i played a lot of hours..even now i love to play it just because the good memories

    • d diddle783 December 17, 2018

      and the best memory about anno 1602 was try to figure out when the game will be released, the internet was not that huge as the days now so finding that info was not easy..when the original day of the release was in there i went to a game shop that was half an hour from where i lived…i arrived and the news game the game will be in store 2 days laters..so you can imgaine my feelings then but yeah 2 days later it was there and i played a lot of hours..even now i love to play it just because the good memories


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